转载自:https://www.codenong.com/35518763/ (该文章明显来自stackoverflow的一篇问答,存在一些翻译上的问题,我们能理解即可)
window.history.pushState('obj', 'newtitle', '/bookmarks/list/');
- "这是来自iframe的可能性吗?" 您是否尝试过这种方法?
- @ guest271314我已经尝试过,它更新了iframe的网址,因此我的iframe加载了新页面并拥有了新网址,但父网址从未更改
- 我想我将尝试使用iframe onmessage事件从iframe发送新网址给父级,并在父页面中,从父级调用window.history.pushState,看看是否能起到魔力
- 见stackoverflow.com/questions/33645685/
- @ guest271314那个帖子是要更改页面的内容。 我需要更新URL而不重新加载页面。 上面发布的想法可行。 我的父母使用发布消息接收URL,然后发送pushState更新父母URL
当父级收到子级iframe postMessage事件时,它将使用该消息中传递的URL使用pushSTate更新URL。
// Detect if this page is loaded inside an Iframe window
function inIframe() {
try {
return window.self !== window.top;
} catch (e) {
return true;
// Detect if the CTRL key is pressed to be used when CTRL+Clicking a link
cntrlIsPressed = true;
cntrlIsPressed = false;
var cntrlIsPressed = false;
// check if page is loaded inside an Iframe?
// is the CTRL key pressed?
// CTRL key is pressed, so link will open in a new tab/window so no need to append the URL of the link
// click even on links that are clicked without the CTRL key pressed
$('a').on('click', function() {
// is this link local on the same domain as this page is?
if( window.location.hostname === this.hostname ) {
// new URL with ?sidebar=no appended to the URL of local links that are clicked on inside of an iframe
var linkUrl = $(this).attr('href');
var noSidebarUrl = $(this).attr('href')+'?sidebar=no';
// send URL to parent window
parent.window.postMessage('message-for-parent=' +linkUrl , '*');
alert('load URL with no sidebar: '+noSidebarUrl+' and update URL in arent window to: '+linkUrl);
// load Iframe with clicked on URL content
//document.location.href = url;
//return false;
// parent_on_message(e) will handle the reception of postMessages (a.k.a. cross-document messaging or XDM).
function parent_on_message(e) {
// You really should check origin for security reasons
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/window.postMessage#Security_concerns
//if (e.origin.search(/^http[s]?:\\/\\/.*\\.localhost/) != -1
// && !($.browser.msie && $.browser.version <= 7)) {
var returned_pair = e.data.split('=');
if (returned_pair.length != 2){
if (returned_pair[0] === 'message-for-parent') {
window.history.pushState('obj', 'newtitle', returned_pair[1]);
console.log("Parent received invalid message");
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
// Setup XDM listener (except for IE < 8)
if (!($.browser.msie && $.browser.version <= 7)) {
// Connect the parent_on_message(e) handler function to the receive postMessage event
if (window.addEventListener){
window.addEventListener("message", parent_on_message, false);
window.attachEvent("onmessage", parent_on_message);
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('a')).forEach(el => {
el.addEventListener('click', event => {
window.parent.postMessage(this.href, '*');
Current URL:
const $currentUrl = document.querySelector('#current-url');
$currentUrl.textContent = location.href;
window.addEventListener('message', event => {
history.pushState(null, null, event.data);
$currentUrl.textContent = event.data;
参见JS Fiddle上的演示。
无论是否使用History API,都可以使用这种方法来检测iframe的网址更改。
setInterval(function() {
var iframeUrl = document.getElementById("the-iframe").contentWindow.location.href;
if (window.lastIframeUrl !== iframeUrl) {
console.log("iframe url changed", iframeUrl);
window.lastIframeUrl = iframeUrl
}, 100)