雅思口语 九月新题 答案




What are your career goals in the field of software engineering?

What sparked your interest in software engineering?


1. Are robots important?

2. Would robots affect people's lives?

3.Have you ever watched a movie about robots?

4. Should we let a robot drive for us for long journeys?

5.What can robots do for you at home?


I practice programming almost every day. If there is a day when I can solve four or five questions on LeetCode, I will be very happy that day.


        I chose software engineering as my major because I have always been passionate about technology and computers. From a young age, I enjoyed tinkering with computers and writing code, and I found it fascinating how software can solve real-world problems. Additionally, I see software engineering as a field with excellent career prospects and opportunities for innovation. It allows me to combine my love for technology with my desire to make a positive impact on the world through innovative software solutions.

this really makes me enjoy

What are your career goals in the field of software engineering?

My career goals in software engineering are twofold. Firstly, I aim to become an expert software developer, continually enhancing my coding skills and staying updated with industry trends. I plan to work on diverse projects to gain practical experience.

What sparked your interest in software engineering?

Because when I was young, I was curious about how computers worked, why they could solve so many problems and allow me to obtain so much information. I always think that maybe I can add more functions to the computer to benefit mankind


1. Are robots important?

Model Answer: Yes, robots are extremely important. With the advancement of technology, robots have the potential to take over mundane and hazardous tasks. This will free up humans to focus on more creative and engaging work. Robots play a crucial role in the liberation of human labor.

Difficult words and idiomatic phrases:
1. mundane /mʌnˈdeɪn/ 平凡的
2. hazardous /ˈhæzərdəs/ 危险的
3. free up /friː ʌp/ 释放

Chinese translation: 是的,机器人非常重要。随着科技的进步,机器人有可能取代乏味和危险的工作。这将使人们能够专注于更具创造力和吸引力的工作。机器人在解放人类劳动中起着至关重要的作用。

Robots are very important. With the development of science and technology in the future, robots will replace boring jobs and dangerous jobs. People should engage in more creative and interesting jobs. Robots are critical to the liberation of human work.

2. Would robots affect people's lives?

I believe that robots will indeed have a significant impact on people's lives. In the future, there will be many jobs that can be replaced by robots, such as cleaning services and even delivery services. Instead of humans, we might see more robots taking over these tasks.

Difficult words or idiomatic phrases:
1. Impact /ˈɪmpækt/ 影响
2. Replace /rɪˈpleɪs/ 取代
3. Delivery services /dɪˈlɪvəri ˈsɜːrvɪs/ 送货服务

Chinese translation:


3.Have you ever watched a movie about robots?

I saw a movie called "Wall-E" many years ago. He collects garbage every day and lives on this forgotten earth. His big cute eyes are still fresh in my memory.

4. Should we let a robot drive for us for long journeys?

My programming teacher told me that the machine cannot be wrong. The only reason for the error is that you have not written the program well.

With the improvement of the program, the probability of robots making mistakes is much lower than that of humans.

5.What can robots do for you at home?

 Well, in the future, robots will be able to handle a wide range of tasks at home. They can take care of the cleaning, whip up delicious meals in the kitchen, engage in conversations with us, and pretty much handle any household chore you can imagine.

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I often see dishwashers in American TV series. I think this kind of machine is very common in a relatively large house, and I think this kind of machine is very convenient.





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  • 校友薪酬(20%):校友入学以及毕业后6年、10年的收入中位数。

  • 债务(15%):申请助学贷款的学生百分比指数、每所大学的五年还款率。

  • 毕业率(15%):本次榜单使用的是六年毕业率。

  • 福布斯名人榜(15%):该指标用以衡量一所大学毕业生的领导能力和创业成就,参考榜单包括:30 Under 30、Forbes 400、获得奥斯卡、普利策奖、诺贝尔奖等奖项的校友数量。

  • 投资回报率(15%):数据来源为Third Way。

  • 新生保留率(10%):在这一项中,《福布斯》通常使用的是近三年新生保留率的平均值。不过今年,考虑到2020年,疫情最严重时,很多学生选择了延期或休学,导致许多大学的保留率下降,所以使用的是2021年、2019年和2018年的数据。

  • 学术成就(10%):每所大学最近获得富布赖特、杜鲁门、戈德华特和罗兹奖学金的毕业生人数,以及过去三年中获得博士学位的校友的平均人数。


值得一提的是,该排名所使用的数据来源于美国联邦教育数据库、PayScale、Third Way、美国国家科学和工程统计中心、以及《福布斯》自己的数据库,相对参考价值很高。


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福布斯最佳美国大学Top 30里,有多所公立大学上榜。其中,4所UC热门校全部榜上有名,2所进入前10名。在2023年排名前100的学校中,有44所是公立学校,有12所来自加州,没有一所公立大学系统能像加州大学那样占据主导地位。加州公立大学系统是全美当之无愧的第一公立大学系统!

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