


  • hit : 电影很火很成功
    The first movie was a hit. 第一步电影很火。
  • sequel : 续集;bombed : adj. 烂醉如泥
    But the sequel bombed. 但是第二部不行。
  • on the edge of my seat : 坐立不安,坐不住
    I was on the edge of my seat the whole time! 电影太棒了,我都坐不住了
  • special effects : 特效; breathtaking : 超级棒
    The special effects were breathtaking. 电影特效特别棒
  • left something to be desired : 差强人意的(勉强令人满意),还有进步的空间
    But the acting left something to be desired. 但是演员演技还有进步的空间
  • trailer : 预告片
    Have you seen the trailer?
  • trilogy : 三部曲
    A trilogy is a series of three movies. trilogy是三部曲
  • Chick flick : 浪漫爱情剧
    chick 小鸡,雏,少妇,少女;flick 轻拍,轻打 ;少女的小打小闹即浪漫爱情剧
  • bromance : 讲述兄弟情的电影
    bro- : brother ; -mance : 联想romantic,浪漫的;即兄弟之间的浪漫,兄弟情
  • romcom : 浪漫喜剧
    rom- : romantic 浪漫的 ; -com : comedy 喜剧的;即为浪漫喜剧。这里和中文语言组词规则相似,红色的星星即为红星,中文中取代表性的词组成一个新词。英文中取单词的代表性的部分做前缀,后缀,组成新词。
  • A-lister :一线的明星;celebrity : 名人,名流;
    An A-lister is a very top level celebrity. A-lister是指一线明星
  • cameo : (电影,戏剧中)名演员演的配角
    A cameo is a very short appearance in a movie.
  • Sci-fi : science-fiction 指科幻电影也指科幻小说
  • box office : 售票处
    The box office is where you buy your tickets.
  • the highest grossing movies : 票房最高,最卖座的电影;the second top-grossing movie 票房第二的电影; the list of top-grossing movies 高票房电影榜
    The highest grossing movies might be the best! 最卖座的电影有可能是最好的。

The movie of Murder on the Orient Express is adapted from the novel of the same name.There are three versions, the former two were released in 1974, 2010, and the latest is about to be shown in 10th November 2017. And I'm very expect the film five days later.
And one of the TV shows of China, who is the murder, also adapted this novel on the second season. I have been obsessed with this show for so long. I love it.

Avatar 《阿凡达》;
Titanic 《泰坦尼克号》;
Star Wars《星球大战》;
The Joy Luck Club《喜福会》;
My Week With Marilyn《我与玛丽莲·梦露的一周》;
The Graduate《毕业生》;
No Country for old man《老无所依》;
Into the Wild《荒野求生》;
