centos7安装安装Home Assistant,异常问题解决

1、 Python版本不受支持,升级新版python到3.10以上

Support for running Home Assistant in the current used Python version 3.9.9 is deprecated and will be removed in Home Assistant 2023.2. Please upgrade Python to 3.10 to prevent your Home Assistant instance from breaking.

centos7安装安装Home Assistant,异常问题解决_第1张图片

2、2023-08-02 09:13:22.722 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Error occurred loading flow for integration google_translate: No module named 'mutagen'

2023-08-02 09:13:22.722 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Error occurred loading flow for integration google_translate: No module named 'mutagen'


         pip3 install django-tinymce

3、ERROR: Cannot install hass-nabucasa==0.69.0

2023-08-02 09:26:19.608 ERROR (SyncWorker_1) [homeassistant.util.package] Unable to install package hass-nabucasa==0.69.0: ERROR: Cannot install hass-nabucasa==0.69.0 because these package versions have conflicting dependencies.

解决: 手动安装, pip3 install hass-nabucasa

4、Version 3.7.17 of SQLite is not supported;

2023-08-02 10:12:59.674 ERROR (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder.util] Version 3.7.17 of SQLite is not supported; minimum supported version is 3.31.0. Starting with Home Assistant 2022.6 this prevents the recorder from starting. Please upgrade your database software


        更新SQLite,从官网下载:SQLite Download Page

# 下载
curl -O https://www.sqlite.org/2023/sqlite-autoconf-3420000.tar.gz

# 解压
tar zxvf sqlite-autoconf-3420000.tar.gz

# 配置编译
cd sqlite-autoconf-3420000/

./configure --prefix=/usr/local

make && make install

# 把系统预装的旧版sqlite3移走:
mv /usr/bin/sqlite3 /usr/bin/sqlite3_old

# 为新版的sqlite3建立软链接:
ln -s /usr/local/bin/sqlite3 /usr/bin/sqlite3

# 配置运行环境库
echo "/usr/local/lib" > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/sqlite3.conf


# 创建venv 环境
cd ~
python3.11 -m venv esphome
cd esphome
source bin/activate

# 安装
pip3 install esphome

# 启动打开浏览器工具
esphome config/ dashboard

# 之后,您将能够通过浏览器localhost:6052访问仪表板
