

View Controller - Provides view-management functionality for toolbars, navigation bars, and application views. The UIViewController class also supports modal views and rotating views when device orientation changes.
Navigation Controller - Manages a stack of view controllers, each of which represents information about a view, such as its title and the navigation item associated with the view. When view controllers are pushed onto and popped off the stack, the navigation controller updates the navigation bar and view appropriately.
Table View Controller - Manages a UITableView, automatically creating an instance with the correct dimensions and resizing mask, and acting as the table view’s delegate and data source. The UITableViewController class also provides toggling of editing modes.
Collection View Controller - Manages a UICollectionView, automatically creating an instance with the correct dimensions and resizing mask, and acting as the collection view’s delegate and data source.
Tab Bar Controller - Manages a set of view controllers, each of which represents a tab bar item. Each view controller provides information about its tab bar item and supplies the view to be displayed when the item is selected.
Split View Controller - A composite view controller that manages left and right view controllers.
Page View Controller - Presents a sequence of view controllers as pages, via coordination with a data source and delegate. Swipe navigation between the pages is automatically handled with a page curl transition that tracks the user’s finger. The navigation orientation can be horizontal, like pages in a book, or vertical, like pages in a wall calendar.
GLKit View Controller - The GLKViewController class provides all of the standard view controller functionality, but additionally implements an OpenGL ES rendering loop. A GLKViewController object works in conjunction with a GLKView object to display frames of animation in the view.
AVKit Player View Controller - A controller that manages an AVPlayer object, which can display audiovisual content and standard playback controls.
Search Bar and Search Display Controller - The UISearchBar control provides a text field for entering text, a search button, a bookmark button, and a cancel button. The search display controller manages display of a search bar and a table view that displays the results of a search of data managed by another view controller. If the search bar is inserted into a view controller’s view, the appropriate connections to the search display controller will automatically be configured.
