
where it is open to a foolish reader to envy the poet because so many delightful things happened to him, instead of envying that mighty power of phantasy which was capable of turning a fairly common experience into something so great and beautiful.

  • be open to sth*
    We have not decided on a price but we are open to offers .
    // open to an offer
    // open to suggestion

In the same way, a person of melancholy temperament will make a scene in a tragedy out of what appears to the sanguine man only in the light of an interesting conflict, and to a phlegmatic soul as something without any meaning;-all of which rests upon the fact that every event, in order to be realized and appreciated, requires the co-operation of two factors, namely, a subject and an object, although these are as closely and necessarily connected as oxygen and hydrogen in water.

sanguine: optimistic 乐观的
phlegmatic [flɛɡˈmatɪk]: 冷淡的,冷静的,迟钝的(本词来源于 phlegm 痰,冷淡,迟钝,冷静,镇定。来自拉丁语phlegma,痰,黏液(古医学体液理论构成人体的血液,黏液,胆汁,黑胆汁四种体液之一),来自希腊语phlegma,发热,由体热所致的多痰症,来自phlegein,燃烧,发热,来自PIE*bhel,照耀,燃烧,词源同blaze,bleach.

When therefore the objective or external factor in an experience is actually the same, but the subjective or personal appreciation of it varies, the event is just as much a different one in the eyes of different persons as if the objective factors had not been alike; for to a blunt intelligence the fairest and best object in the world presents only a poor reality, and is therefore only poorly appreciated, -like a fine landscape in dull weather, or in the reflection of a bad camera obscura.当一个事件的客观、外在因素不变时,主体或者个人理解的却往往是不一样的,所以同一个事情在不同的人眼里的解读是截然不同的。由此可知,最美、最好的客体和愚钝的智力水平互相结合只能产生出低劣的现实,这种情况就好比在恶劣天气之下观赏美丽的风景,又或者用低劣模糊的照相机来拍摄这些风景。

In plain language, every man is pent up within the limits of his
own consciousness, and cannot directly get beyond those limits any more than he can get beyond his own skin; so external aid is not of much use to him. 或者,我们用更浅显的语言来说吧:正如每个人都囿于自己的皮囊,每个人也同样囿于自己的意识。一个人只能直接伴随他的意识而生活。因此,外在世界对他帮助不大。

pent-up 被压抑,被抑制的

On the stage, one man is a prince, another a minister, a third a servant or a soldier or a general, and so on,-mere external differences: the inner reality, the kernel of all these appearances is the same - a poor player, with all the anxieties of his lot. In life it is just the same. Differences of rank and wealth give every man his part to play, but this by no means implies a difference
of inward happiness and pleasure; here, too, there is the same being in all--a poor mortal, with his hardships and troubles.
