英语流利说-懂你英语 Level 2 - Unit 3 - Part 4

英语流利说-懂你英语 Level 2 - Unit 3 - Part 4



2018-06-12 08:25 · 字数 1427 · 阅读 764 ·  懂你英语


Here are four

people. Two of them aretall.

The man on the top left is very tall.

He is 6 feet 3 inchestall, which is about 1.9 meters.The woman on the topright is 5 feet 11 inchestall. She is tall but not as tallas the man on theleft.

-How much taller is the man than the woman? –He is 4inches taller than she is.

The girl on the bottom left is short. She is less than 5 feettall.

She is 4 feet 10 inches,which is about147 centimeters.Theboy on the bottomright is tallerthan the girl.

Heis 5 feet 1 inches tall,which is about155 centimeters. He is 3 inches taller than she is.

-How tallis the boy? –He is 5 feet1 inches tall. The man on the top left is the tallest.

Now let’s look at their weight.

The man on the top left is the heaviest.

He weighs 220 pounds,which is 100kilograms.The womanweighs less thanhe does.

She weighs 130 pounds, which is 59 kilograms.

-How much lessdoes the womanweigh than the man? –Sheweighs 90 poundsless than he does.The man on the top left weighs the most.

Thegirl on theleft is very thin.She doesn’t weighvery much.Her weightis just 70 pounds.The boy is much heavier.

He weighs 90 pounds, which is about 41 kilograms.

-How much heavier is the boy than the girl? –He is 20pounds heavier than she is.

This is what Kathy did yesterday.

She got up at 6:00and cooked breakfast for her family.At 7:30 she drove her two childrento school.

It took about 45 minutes to take them toschool.

-When did she get up? –She got up at 6:30.

-How long did it take them to go to school? –It tookabout 45 minutes.

After driving them to schoolshe returned home. For the next hour she cleanedthe house.

Then she talked to a friendon the phone.They decidedto meet at a shopping mall.

-What did she do after driving her children to school?–She returned home.

-What did she do after she returned home? –For thenext hour, she cleaned the house.

She arrived at the mall at 11:45. She mether friend in a coffee shop.

They ate lunchtogether and then they wentto shopping. There was a big sale at one of the stores.

There were discounts of up to 50% so they brought clothes for theirkids.

-Why did they buy clothes for their kids? –There was abig sale at one of the stores.

-Where did she and her friend meet? –They met in a coffee shop.

At 1:30 her friend wanted to go to a fitnesscenter.

They usually workedout 3 times a week.Yesterday Kathy hada headache.

She decided not to work out.Instead, she decidedto go home.

-What did her friend want to do at 1:30? –She wantedto go to a fitness center.

-Why didn’t Kathy work out yesterday? –She hadheadache.

When she gothome her headachewas worse. She took some medicineand had a short nap.After her nap she felt a bit better.

Her headache was gone.

-How was her headache when she got home? –It wasworse.

-What did she do after taking some medicine? -She took some medicine andhad a short nap.

Her kids came home at 5:00.

They were all hungrybut she didn’tfeel like cooking.Instead, she decided to order somefood.

She ordered some Chinese food.

-What did she order for her kids? –She ordered someChinese food.

45 minutes later the delivery man came.

She paid him for the food andthen they ate dinner.The food was good and not veryexpensive.

It was a nice change.

Her husband didn’t come home until late.

That was good because he doesn’t like Chinesefood.

-What did they do after she paid for the food? –Theyate dinner.

-What did they think of the food? –The food was goodand not very expensive.


Here are some things to listen to.Most people enjoy listening to music.

There are many typesof music, including classical and jazz.Listening to the radio.

We can listen to the music,news and conversation on the radio. Listening to the sounds of the city.

The sounds of the city are oftenloud and noisy.Listening to the sound of nature.

Early in themorning we can often hearthe sound of birds singing.Listening to other people.

Sometimes listening to others is interesting.

Many taxi drivers listen to the radio while they drive.

Some people arevery interesting, so we enjoylistening to them.Somepeople talk toomuch so we want themto stop talking.

Some drivers honk their horns too much and the noise is awful.

Here are some school subjects.

n science class we learn about our world.

Science is where we learnabout forces, suchas gravity. In math class we learn aboutnumbers and shapes.

We learn how to count and how to find the area of differentshapes. In history class we learn about the past.

We learn about how our country began and how ithas changed.

In geography classwe learn aboutour land and people of our planetEarth.We learn about oceans, mountains and rivers.

In literature class we read and study greatbooks and poems.

We learn to write down our ideas and we learnhow other think and feel.

If we don’t know math, we can’t do business or build things.We learn why it is important to take care of the Earth.


Lisa’s mother: Lisa, don’t forget to take your thingsto school today.Lisa: I won’t,mother. I’m sorry about yesterday.

Lisa’s mother: And remember to pay back themoney you owe.Do you have enoughmoney?Lisa: I won’t forget and I have enoughmoney.

Lisa’s mother: How muchis that?Lisa: I have 15 dollars.

Lisa’s mother: Do you need anything else?Lisa: No, I don’t think so.

Lisa’s mother: Are you ready for your historytest?Lisa: Yes, I’mready. I did all the homework.

Lisa’s mother: What aboutyour iPhone? Do you have it?Lisa: Oh, thanks,it’s in my room.Could you get it for me?

Lisa’s mother: No, you’ll have to get it for yourself. Then maybe youwon’t forgetit again. Lisa: Hey, I can’t find it. It’s not in my bed. Could you call me?

Lisa’s mother: OK, I’m calling you now. Do you hear it?Lisa: No, I don’t. I don’t hear it.

Lisa’s mother: Why don’tyou look in the bathroom? Maybeyou left it there.Lisa: OK, I’ll look in the bathroom.

Lisa’s mother: it’s getting late, so hurry, oryou’ll miss your bus.

Lisa: Yes, I hear it. It’s in the bathroom. Iput it there when I brushed my teeth.

Lisa’s mother: Good. Now hopefully you have everything you need for today. Lisa: Thanks, mum. I think I have everything.

Lisa’s mother: Good luck withyour test. I won’t be here whenyou come homethis afternoon. Lisa: OK, have a good day.

Doctor:Good morning, doctor’s office.

Lisa’s mother: Hello, my little girlhas a bad sore throat.We’d like to see thedoctor as soonas possible. Doctor: Can’t it wait until tomorrow?

Lisa’s mother: No, it can’twait until tomorrow. If the doctorcan’t see her today,could we see someone else?

Doctor: Let me checkhis schedule. Yes, he has timeat 11:00. She may has to wait.Lisa’s mother: That’s OK. We can wait.

Doctor: OK,your last name,please.Lisa’s mother: Jackson.

Doctor: OK,Mrs. Jackson. Doesyour little girlhave a fever?Lisa’s mother: Yes, she does. It’saround 39.

Doctor: Please have stay in bed and drinkplenty of liquids.Some tea may help with the painLisa’s mother:Thank you. We’ll be there at 11:00.





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