

Adam Grant is the perfect person to write Originals because he is one.


He is a brilliant researcher who passionately pursues the science of what motivates people, busting myths and revealing truths. He is an informed optimist who offers insights and advice about how anyone—at home, at work, in the community—can make the world a better place. He is a dedicated friend who inspires me to believe in myself and has helped me understand how I can advocate effectively for my ideas.


Adam is one of the most important influences in my life. Through the pages of this magnificent book, he will enlighten, inspire, and support you as well.


Myth buster


Conventional wisdom holds that some people are innately creative, while most have few original thoughts. Some people are born to be leaders, and the rest are followers. Some people can have real impact, but the majority can’t.


In Originals Adam shatters all of these assumptions.


He demonstrates that any of us can enhance our creativity. He reveals how we can identify ideas that are truly original and predict which ones will work. He tells us when to trust our gut and when to rely on others. He shows how we can become better parents by nurturing originality in our children and better managers by fostering diversity of thought instead of conformity.

读完这本书,我认识到伟大的创新者并不一定得有最深厚的专业知识,却需要有心去倾听各种各样的观点。我看到,获得成功通常并不是因为先人一步,而是耐心地等待合适的行动时机。令我震惊的是,拖延也会带来好处。任何和我共事过的人都知道,我非常讨厌做事拖拉,我总是认为应该今日事今日毕,不要有任何拖延。如果我能够摆脱一心想要尽早完成每件事带来的巨大压力,想必马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)和许多同事会感到非常高兴。正如亚当指出的,不事事抢先也许恰好会帮助我及我的团队获得更佳的业绩。

In these pages, I learned that great creators don’t necessarily have the deepest expertise but rather seek out the broadest perspectives. I saw how success is not usually attained by being ahead of everyone else but by waiting patiently for the right time to act. And to my utter shock, I learned that procrastinating can be good. Anyone who has ever worked with me knows how much I hate leaving things to the last minute, how I always think that anything that can be done should be done right away. Mark Zuckerberg, along with many others, will be pleased if I can let go of the relentless pressure I feel to finish everything early—and, as Adam points out, it might just help me and my teams achieve better results.




Every day, we all encounter things we love and things that need to change. The former give us joy. The latter fuel our desire to make the world different—ideally better than the way we found it. But trying to change deep-seated beliefs and behaviors is daunting. We accept the status quo because effecting real change seems impossible. Still, we dare to ask: Can one individual make a difference? And, in our bravest moments: Could that one individual be me?


Adam’s answer is a resounding yes. This book proves that any one of us can champion ideas that improve the world around us.



我遇到亚当正是他的第一本书《沃顿商学院最受欢迎的成功课》(Give and Take)在硅谷传得火热的时候。我读了这本书,并且立即开始引用其中的话给任何愿意倾听的人。亚当不仅是一位极富天分的研究者,还是一位优秀的老师、一个非常会讲故事的人,他可以用深入浅出的语言来解释十分复杂的观点。

I met Adam just as his first book, Give and Take, was generating buzz in Silicon Valley. I read it and immediately started quoting it to anyone who would listen. Adam was not only a talented researcher but also a gifted teacher and storyteller who was able to explain complicated ideas simply and clearly.

之后,我丈夫大卫·古德伯格(David Goldberg,Survey Monkey前首席执行官)邀请亚当给他的团队做演讲,并邀请他一起共进晚餐。生活中的亚当同书中的他一样杰出。他知识渊博,散发的能量会感染四周的人。他和我开始谈论他所做的研究可以如何丰富关于性别的话题。在这之后,我们开始一道工作。我们一起研究,写了一系列关于女性与工作的专栏评论。他严密的分析和对平等精神的执着,使LeanIn.Org获益匪浅。(LeanIn.Org是一个致力于帮助所有女性实现理想的非营利组织和在线社区)

Then my husband invited Adam to speak to his team at work and brought him over for dinner. Adam was every bit as extraordinary in person as he was on paper. His knowledge was encyclopedic and his energy was contagious. He and I started talking about how his research could inform the debate on gender and began working together. We have done so ever since, conducting research and writing a series of op-eds about women and work. LeanIn.Org has benefited immensely from his rigorous analysis and commitment to equality.


Once a year, Facebook brings its global teams together, and in 2015 I invited Adam to give a keynote speech. Everyone was blown away by his wisdom and humor. Months later, the teams are still talking about his insights and putting his advice into action.


Along the way, Adam and I became friends. When tragedy hit and I lost my husband suddenly, Adam stepped up and stepped in as only a true friend would. He approached the worst time of my life as he approaches everything, combining his unique understanding of psychology with his unparalleled generosity. When I thought I would never feel better, he flew across the country to explain what I could do to build my resilience. When I could not figure out how to handle a particularly gut-wrenching situation, he helped me find answers where I thought there were none. When I needed a shoulder to cry on, his was always there.


In the deepest sense of the word, a friend is someone who sees more potential in you than you see in yourself, someone who helps you become the best version of yourself. The magic of this book is that Adam becomes that kind of friend to everyone who reads it. He offers a wealth of advice for overcoming doubt and fear, speaking up and pitching ideas, and finding allies in the least likely of places. He gives practical guidance on how to manage anxiety, channel anger, find the strength in our weaknesses, overcome obstacles, and give hope to others.


Originals is one of the most important and captivating books I have ever read, full of surprising and powerful ideas. It will not only change the way you see the world; it might just change the way you live your life. And it could very well inspire you to change your world.
