从UIView里面截图 - Obtain UIImage From UIView


-only capture a screen UIView

how can i capture a scree with the use of coding..

-here is a function "drawRect" in UIView you can obtain the current CGcontextRef in use of "UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()" then use "CGBitmapContextCreateImage()" function to create CGImageRef that may be you want !

-in that i can made UIView convert into image ..?

-yes you just convert CGImageRef to UIImage 

-i dont understand you have any semple code then plz send me.....




 send [self setNeedsDisplay] to obtain UIImage


- (void) drawRect:(CGRect)clip


// obtain the UIView context

CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();

// create CGImageRef frome UIView context

CGImageRef imageref;

imageref = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(context);

// convert CGImageRef to UIImage;

UIImage *uiImage;

uiImage =[UIImage imageWithCGImage:imageref];


