大语言模型(Large Language Model,LLM) 是指使用大量文本数据训练的深度学习模型,可以生成自然语言文本或理解语言文本的含义。大语言模型可以处理多种自然语言任务,如文本分类、问答、对话等,是通向人工智能的一条重要途径。下图是艾瑞咨询研究院绘制的大语言模型改变数字产业生态路线图,非常好地展示了大语言模型相关的技术及应用。
生成式人工智能(Artificial Intelligence Generated Content,AIGC) 是指基于生成对抗网络、大型预训练模型等人工智能的技术方法,通过已有数据的学习和识别,以适当的泛化能力生成相关内容的技术。AIGC技术的核心思想是利用人工智能算法生成具有一定创意和质量的内容。通过训练模型和大量数据的学习,AIGC可以根据输入的条件或指导,生成与之相关的内容。
最后,给出ChatGPT的发展历史及基本思路。下图展示RLHF的(论文 TAMER:Training an Agent Manually via Evaluative Reinforcement )基本步骤:
ChaptGPT会结合提示学习(Prompt Learning)实现,通过问题、Prompts、数据集来生成回答,整个过程通过Fine Tuning和Prompt Tuning实现对预训练模型的权重微调(GPT3.5),从而提升性能。
传统APT攻击检测主要通过构建规则,利用安全人员逆向分析提取特征来实现同源分析及检测,典型技术包括特征值检测技术、校验和检测技术、启发式检测技术和主动防御技术[8-9]。然而,先前的方法过度依赖安全专家经验,规则和知识库匹配较难准确识别APT攻击的行为,其自动化和智能化程度较低,并且在面对具有混淆、加壳、逃逸和欺骗技 术的恶意软件时,会进一步降低检测的准确率。
(1) 有道翻译
Traditional APT attack detection mainly realizes homology analysis and detection by constructing rules and using reverse analysis of security personnel to extract features. Typical technologies include eigenvalue detection technology, checksum detection technology, heuristic detection technology and active defense technology [8-9]. However, previous methods rely too much on the experience of security experts, rules and knowledge base matching is difficult to accurately identify APT attack behavior, its degree of automation and intelligence is low, and in the face of malware with confusion, shell, escape and deception techniques, will further reduce the detection accuracy.
(2) Google翻译
Traditional APT attack detection mainly identifies malicious attacks or analyzes attack behaviors by constructing rules, or security personnel use reverse analysis to extract features. Typical detection techniques include characteristic value detection, checksum detection, heuristic detection and active defense technology [8-9]. However, previous methods rely too much on security expert experience, rules, and knowledge bases, making it difficult to accurately identify the behavior of APT attacks, and the degree of automation and intelligence of existing methods is low. Existing methods will further reduce the accuracy of detection in the face of malware with obfuscation, packing, evasion and deception techniques.
(3) DeepL翻译
总结: 由上图可知,在翻译过程中,某些专有名词、语序及表述均存在不准确的地方。
Traditional APT attack detection identifies malicious attacks or analyzes attack behaviors by constructing rules, or security analysts utilize reverse analysis to extract features. Typical detection techniques include characteristic value detection, checksum detection, heuristic detection, and active defense technology [8-9]. However, the previous methods rely too much on the experience of security experts, rules, and knowledge bases, making it difficult to accurately identify APT attacks’ behavior. In addition, the existing methods lack automatic and intelligent detection capabilities, and they further reduce detection accuracy when facing malware with obfuscation, packing, evasion, and deception techniques.
总结: 尽管相比于翻译软件,其描述取得一定改进。然而,整个描述仍然存在一些问题,比如“特征值检测技术、校验和检测技术、启发式检测技术”可以修改为“signature-based detection, checksum-based detection, heuristic detection”,再比如英文通常会说“However, these traditional methods have some limitations…”,甚至是“state-of-the-art”来表现现有先进方法。
(1) 首先我们对其进行简单提问。
请给出一段Python语言的代码,实现对[9, 5, 2, 6, 1, 4]的快速排序。
def quick_sort(arr):
if len(arr) <= 1:
return arr
pivot = arr[len(arr) // 2]
left = [x for x in arr if x < pivot]
middle = [x for x in arr if x == pivot]
right = [x for x in arr if x > pivot]
return quick_sort(left) + middle + quick_sort(right)
numbers = [9, 5, 2, 6, 1, 4]
sorted_numbers = quick_sort(numbers)
本人是一个简体中文windows10的用户,现需要一个bat格式的批量重命名脚本,我希望以如下格式来命名: 项目名称-创建日期-文件编号,其中创建日期只要月和日就好,不要年份,文件编号只需两位数编号,如01或15。这个脚本,我希望可以直接双击打开运行,打开之后先让我输入文件夹路径,我输入之后回车,再问我项目名称,然后我输入完,回车,就帮我执行重命名操作,并自动退出脚本。
@echo off
set /p folder_path=请输入文件夹路径:
set /p project_name=请输入项目名称:
set "counter=0"
for %%F in ("%folder_path%*") do (
set /a "counter+=1"
set "file_name=%%~nxF"
set "extension=%%~xF"
set "new_file_name=%project_name%-%%~tF-!counter:~-2!!extension!"
ren "%%F" "!new_file_name!"
echo 重命名完成。
总结: 文心一言尽管能实现一定程度的智能问答,但也存在一些问题。比如“反向工程”应修改为更加准确的“逆向工程”,再如恶意代码分析的这几个步骤不能简单的罗列,其描述也存在不准确的问题,动态分析和静态分析可归为一类。在代码方面效果还不错,能够生成直接运行的快速排序代码,但仍然存在需要提升的地方,比如复杂逻辑的代码。
请给出一段Python语言的代码,实现对[9, 5, 2, 6, 1, 4]的快速排序。
总结: 讯飞回答相对简洁,同样能实现各种功能。比如,在论文润色方面,文心一言润色后相对啰嗦,而讯飞回答会直接给出答案,当然前者会告诉你为什么这样,适用于初学者理解;后者更方便解决实际问题,见人见面。
当然还有两个非常重要的应用推荐,即——New bing和ChatGPT。
有人说,Prompt(提示词)是AI 2.0时代打开大模型能力的金钥匙,它能够大大的提高现有工作的小珞,在百度内部沟通会中,李彦宏预测“十年后全世界所有工作当中50%的内容恐怕都是写Prompt”。随后,衍生出提示学习(Prompt Learning)。
I need you to act as a professional English paper teacher, please help me to improve my expression in the style of academic writing. Here is my expression:
Traditional APT attack detection identifies malicious attacks or analyzes attack behaviors by constructing rules, or security analysts utilize reverse analysis to extract features. Typical detection techniques include characteristic value detection, checksum detection, heuristic detection, and active defense technology [8-9]. However, the previous methods rely too much on the experience of security experts, rules, and knowledge bases, making it difficult to accurately identify APT attacks’ behavior. In addition, the existing methods lack automatic and intelligent detection capabilities, and they further reduce detection accuracy when facing malware with obfuscation, packing, evasion, and deception techniques.
Traditional methods for detecting APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) attacks involve the use of rules-based systems or security analysts who reverse engineer the malicious software to extract features. Common techniques include signature-based detection, checksum-based detection, heuristic detection, and proactive defense measures [8-9]. However, these traditional methods have significant limitations, as they rely heavily on the experience of security experts, rules-based knowledge bases, and manual analysis processes. They often struggle to accurately identify the behavior of advanced persistent threats, particularly when facing advanced obfuscation, packing, evasion, and deception techniques used by attackers.
Traditional Automatic Patching (APT) attack detection relies on constructing rules or employing reverse analysis to identify malicious attacks and analyze their behavior. Common detection techniques include characteristic value detection, checksum detection, heuristic detection, and active defense technology [8-9]. However, these methods heavily rely on the experiences of security experts, rules, and knowledge bases, making it challenging to accurately recognize APT attacks’ patterns. Furthermore, these existing approaches lack automatic and intelligent detection capabilities, which can further decrease detection accuracy when confronted with malware employing obfuscation, packing, evasion, and deception techniques.
Traditional APT attack detection aims to identify malicious attacks and analyze attack behaviors through the construction of rules or the utilization of reverse analysis by security analysts. Commonly used detection techniques involve characteristic value detection, checksum detection, heuristic detection, and active defense technology [8-9]. However, these conventional methods heavily rely on the expertise of security professionals, predefined rules, and knowledge bases, thus posing challenges in accurately identifying the behavior of APT attacks. Moreover, existing approaches lack automatic and intelligent detection capabilities, which further compromises their effectiveness in detecting malware with obfuscation, packing, evasion, and deception techniques.
总结: 上述润色有一定提升,但还是存在不准确的地方,建议大家在撰写英文论文时,还是以自身为主,多阅读顶会顶刊论文,学习别人更地道的句子和专有名词。此外,撰写的时候就采用英文语气会更佳,按照每个段落来描述会更好。他山之石可以攻玉,ChatGPT尽管给大家带了众多便利,但仍然存在很多问题,如版权、安全等,切勿直接用ChatGPT来撰写论文、作业、文稿等,知识产权还需要大家共同维护,并且学术问题也是底线问题。
(By:Eastmount 2023-09-18 夜于贵阳 http://blog.csdn.net/eastmount/ )