On Writing Well -Week3 (Ch15-19)

Words review:

1. layman 外行;门外汉 (可数名词)

2. tenet (理论、信仰的)基本原则,根本信条(可数名词)

3. chimpanzee 黑猩猩(可数名词)

4. ferment 骚乱; 发酵 (动词)

5. capricious 反复无常的

6.Sludge 烂泥;淤泥;工业废料 (名词)

7. epigram 诙谐短诗;警句;隽语(名词)

8. squander 浪费,挥霍(金钱、资源、机遇等) (动词)

9. ailment 疾病;病痛;(尤指)微恙(名词)

10. flunk 在(考试)中不及格;未通过(某一课程) (动词)

11. sulk 生闷气;面有愠色;闷闷不乐 (动词)

12. steep 浸泡(食物)

13.maverick (团体中)自行其是的人,特立独行的人,标新立异的人

14.brawl 打架;斗殴

15.choleric 脾气火爆的;暴躁易怒的

16.Poignancy 心酸;惨痛

17. lunacy 荒诞;愚蠢

18. sermon 布道;讲道

19. satire 讽刺;讥讽

20.jumbo 巨大的,巨型的,特大的




作者写作前都会"presuppose certain shared areas of knowledge with readers",但当国家不同时,这个shared areas of knowledge可能也会大相径庭。比如zinser提到的棒球运动,以及在美国耳熟能详的作家、评论家,这些恐怕是我们这些中国读者在日常生活中不太能涉猎的。倘若换作乒乓球羽毛球,或者鲁迅,或许理解起来就会更容易很多。



Science is just another nonfiction subject, while writing is another way for scientists to transmit what they know. Writing of science and technology could be achieved by writers' clear thinking, in a structure of upside-down pyramid, with only a few technical words, and help readers to visualize.

For business writing, clarity, simplicity, brevity and humanity are also enssential. Whatever your job, whatever your level, make plain talks to the readers and be yourself when you write.

Sportswriters should write about the humanity of sports, other than achievements. The purpose of the writing about sports is to show the readers a clear picture of what happened, and convey the value of people and places, time and transition.

Writing about the arts is to appraise a new work, to evaluate a performance, to recognize what’s good and what’s bad.Being a critic calls for a special set of skills and a special body of knowledge. But good critics are those who dare to share their personality as well as their opinions, and take their stand with conviction.

Humor is the secret weapon of the nonfiction writer, but it is interwinded with truths. Writing humor is to surprise the readers with your fresh eye at something they previously took for granted and convey enjoyment eventually.

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