

年轻时还不明理,遇到障碍、感到痛苦不得解脱时,我也喜欢 去寺庙跪拜佛像。那时觉得只要虔诚发愿,神明和佛祖就会保佑我遇到困难迎刃而解,心想事成。现在看来,这当然是不可能的。

一切唯心所造、唯识所变。追名逐利之人,必然离不开处处计 较、念念算计,由此引发的委屈、嫉妒、嗔恨、争斗、伤害等恶念 就会不停地跳过来跳过去。面对这样的烦恼、痛苦、失败,不改变心念和行为,哪怕跪下磕头的举动再虔诚,又有何用呢?







I have been asked the following question more than once: “If belief in things makes things happen, why does Buddha never grant what I ask?”When I was young and lacked common sense, I used to go to temples whenever I experienced suffering. I thought that the Buddha would help me with my troubles if I prayed devoutly enough. Looking back now, it all seems ridiculous. If fame and fortune is the intention, people will weigh every decision at every turn in terms of how it benefifi ts their career. In their personal lives, people hope for love and happiness. added to that, things constantly change according to our perceptions at any given moment. When things go badly, we reflect on how we can change the result instead of  changing the cause.

Religion becomes a kind of last resort after everything else fails. But it won’t help anybody escape the cycle of cause and effect. Only a change in thinking can do that. How can kneeling and bowing be of any help? In most cases, our own thoughts and deeds have created the problem. That is why I say: “What you wanted didn’t happen. Find the cause in you.” Because the problem came from you. If you drop something on the dark side of the street, will you search on the other side just because it has a streetlamp? You get a flfl ashlight. You search in the place you lost it. Look inside and locate the reason why you have failed.

In an issue of Harvard Health Publishing, a doctor observes how “our mind can be a powerful healing tool when given the chance”. The placebo effect [which stimulates healing] has been acknowledged in medical history. It is a benefifi cial effect produced by a substance, but not a result of the substance itself. “It’s about creating a stronger connection between the brain and body and how they work together,” according to a professor at a Harvard-affifi liated  medical center. In other words, belief has an effect. Attitude, determination,  focus—they all make a difference in how the future unfolds. Does a belief in things make them happen? Yes. Does this work by asking the Buddha? No.
