
Unit 32 Lesson 1 MC 1 – Listening

Benny: Hey, Shen!
Shen: AHHHH!
Benny: Well, that’s not a great start of the day…
Shen: Sorry. You scared me.
Benny: No problem, mate. I wanted to clean the front of my jacket. What are you doing?
Shen: I’m cleaning the kitchen. Look at the front of the windows -- they’re spotless!
I already cleaned the rest of the apartment.
Benny: Hey, thanks!
Shen: Could you hand me some paper towels please? They’re on the top of the fridge.
Benny: Sure, mate.
Shen: Thanks. Where were you this morning?
Benny: I went for a long walk to the middle of the Brooklyn Bridge.
It was fun looking back at the city from the bridge.
Shen: That’s cool.
Benny: The edge of Manhattan is beautiful by the water.
You can see it from the roof of our building.
Shen: It sounds neat.
Benny: Ta-da!
Shen: What’s that?
Benny: It’s my special new calendar.
On it, every day shows something that brightens your day.
Shen: What do you mean by that?
Benny: It gives us something to do every day that makes us happy.
Shen: What does this mean?
Benny: “Brighten your day by juggling.”
Shen: What should I do with that?
Benny: Juggle them! Watch. It’s harder than it looks. Here, try it.
You almost broke the window!
Shen: I’m worse than you.
Benny: Our ceiling isn’t high enough anyway.
Let’s go to the roof of our building and practice!
Plus, you just cleaned the floor and I don’t want to slip on it.
Shen: I don’t think we’re allowed up on the roof.
Benny: Okay, how about the front steps?
Shen: Okay . It’s too cold in here anyway. Is the air-conditioning on?
Benny: I don’t think so.
I never turn the air-conditioning on in the winter.
Shen: I’m freezing. I really don’t feel well.
Benny: Come on, mate, let’s go!
Shen: Okay…
Benny: Let’s take the stairs!
Shen: Can we take the elevator instead? I don’t have much energy.
Benny: Come on, let’s take the stairs, mate. It’s better for you than the lift.
Shen: Fine! I hate stairs…

– Conversation

Mrs. Berry: Hi, Andy. What are you doing today?
Andy: Hi, Mrs. Berry. I am cleaning.
Mrs. Berry: Oh, what are you cleaning?
Andy: Right now, I’m cleaning the floor of my kitchen.
Mrs. Berry: Oh, good. It’s important to clean that. It gets dirty a lot.
Andy: I know. After I clean the floor, I want to clean the ceiling
Mrs. Berry: The ceiling? Is your ceiling dirty?
Andy: Yes, it is. And I need to clean the top of the fridge ,too!
Mrs. Berry: Wow, you really like cleaning. After you finish the kitchen,
can you help me to clean the building?
Andy: Yes, I can! The stairs are dirty.
Mrs. Berry: Yes, they are. Can you clean them for me?
Andy: Yes, I can. And I can clean the floor of the elevator, too!

Unit 32 Lesson 1 MC 2 – Listening

Benny: Wow, mate. Why didn’t you take the elevator?
Shen: I told you… I didn’t want to take the stairs.
You should listen to me as well as trust me.
Benny: Sorry, Shen. I forgot the balls and my phone. Will you run up and grab them?
Shen: That’s not funny.
Benny: Sorry.
Shen: Could you bring me some water and also some aspirin? Thanks.
Benny: Wow, you are sick. I can bring water and aspirin too. No problem.
Here you go, Shen. I brought you aspirin, water, and a blanket too.
I also brought you a pillow as well.
Shen: That’s not funny! I feel horrible.
Benny: Come on, man! This is supposed to be fun.
I’m going to try again. I think if I start with this hand and this ball, it might work.
Shen: What if you start with just two balls?
Leave that ball over there and just use that one and that one.
Benny: Good idea.
Shen: Nice work! Now add the third one as well. Okay, let me try.
Benny: That was fun while it lasted. Whoa, mate! You don’t look well.
Your forehead is covered in sweat.
Shen: I told you, I feel sick. I want to go lie down. I think I have a cold.
Benny: Okay, no problem, mate. Do you have a headache?
Shen: My head hurts because I’m stuffed up.
Benny: What about your stomach?
Shen: My stomach is fine. I don’t have a stomachache.
Benny: You’re losing your voice.
Shen: I know.
Benny: I’m sorry you feel bad. Is there anything I can do to help?
Shen: No, thanks. I’m just a little sick and blocked up.
Benny: You sound terrible. What are your other symptoms?
Shen: I have a runny nose and my body feels weak as well.
Benny: It might be the flu. Let me feel your head to see if you have a fever.
You’re really hot! I think you’re really sick.
Shen: I feel really sick. Hopefully it’s just a cold.
Benny: According to my new calendar, tomorrow is Vitamin C day!
Tomorrow we can eat oranges and rest all day to help you feel better.
Shen: Oranges. That sounds… nice. Let me see that calendar…
Benny: Okay, I think it’s time to go to the doctor. You need help.

– Conversation

Diego: You don’t look well, Rachel. Are you okay?
Rachel: No, I’m not. I feel sick.
Diego: Oh, yeah? What’s wrong?
Rachel: Well, I have a headache , and I’m blocked up.
Diego: I am sorry. Is there anything I can do to help?
Rachel: Well… I need some tissues for my nose.
Diego: I have some tissues, here you go!
Rachel: Thanks. I need aspirin for my headache, too.
Diego: I have aspirin too.
Rachel: Great. thanks… Oh, no! Now I’m losing my voice.
Diego: You should eat oranges. They have vitamin C. That’s good for colds.
Rachel: Thanks, but I can’t eat oranges, because now I have stomachache also.
Diego: This is terrible. You have a lot of different symptoms.
You might have a flu. You don’t have a fever?
Rachel: No! I have all the other symptoms, but I don’t have a fever!

Unit 32 Lesson 1 MC 3 – NO Listening

