Couchbase Server Editions

    Each edition offers different features and levels of support.

Enterprise Edition

    The Enterprise edition (EE) represents the latest, most stable, production-ready release of Couchbase Server. We recommend the enterprise edition binaries for commercial production systems running Couchbase Server. The enterprise edition contains some unique features that make it the best fit for production deployments running in data centers or a public cloud infrastructure. Use of EE in development and test environments is free. EE requires a paid subscription for production use. Our paid annual subscriptionsfor EE include a commercial license, better availability capabilities, enhanced security features, advanced tooling and higher performance and scale. It also includes technical support with service level commitments via our 24x7 support organization and hot fixes for releases. One important principle for CE and EE is to ensure full portability of applications between two editions. The capabilities ensure that an application running on EE should simply transition to CE without code changes and visa versa.

    企业版(EE)代表了Couchbase Server最新的、最稳定的、可生产的发行版。我们推荐运行Couchbase Server的商业生产系统使用enterprise edition二进制文件。enterprise edition包含一些独特的特性,最适合在数据中心或公共云基础设施中运行的生产部署。在开发和测试环境中使用EE是免费的。EE需要为生产使用付费订阅。我们每年为EE付费订阅的服务包括商业许可、更好的可用性、增强的安全特性、先进的工具以及更高的性能和规模。它还包括通过我们的24x7支持组织提供的技术支持和服务级别承诺,以及版本的热补丁。CE和EE的一个重要原则是确保两个版本之间的应用程序具有完全的可移植性。这些功能确保在EE上运行的应用程序应该简单地转换到CE,而无需更改代码,反之亦然。

Community Edition

    The Community Edition (CE) is best for noncommercial developers where basic availability, performance, scale, tooling, security capabilities and community support is sufficient. CE comes free and there are no constraints on using these binaries in production systems. However, CE is not subjected to the iterative "test, fix, and verify" quality assurance cycle that is a part of the enterprise edition release process. The release version of CE is several months behind EE. CE also do not include the latest bug fixes. Documentation, mailing lists, and forums provide support for the Couchbase user community to help troubleshoot issues and answer questions.

    社区版(Community Edition, CE)最适合非商业开发人员,因为基本的可用性、性能、规模、工具、安全功能和社区支持已经足够。CE是免费的,在生产系统中使用这些二进制文件没有限制。然而,CE不受作为企业版本发布过程一部分的迭代的“测试、修复和验证”质量保证周期的约束。CE的发布版本比EE晚了几个月。CE也不包括最新的bug修复。文档、邮件列表和论坛为Couchbase用户社区提供支持,帮助排除问题并回答问题。

Open source project 开源项目

    The Couchbase Server open source project is a platform for innovation. Couchbase is committed to open source development and the open source project continues to serve as the foundation for both the community edition and the enterprise edition. There are many ways to contribute to the open source project: You can contribute code to our core engine, to our SDKs, connectors and other integration components that help us connect to other products through, you can report issues on our tracking system: JIRA and contribute to documentation either through or by simply clicking the "Feedback" link in our online documentation. The full details on contributing to open source can be found on the open source page


For a feature comparison between the editions, take a look at

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