Be True, Be Responsible

Be True



Remarks by Tim Cook in Stanford University:

In a few days we will mark the 50th anniversary of the riots at Stonewall.

(The Stonewall Riots, also called the Stonewall Uprising, began in the early hours of June 28, 1969 when New York City police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay club located in Greenwich Village in New York City. The raid sparked a riot among bar patrons and neighborhood residents as police roughly hauled employees and patrons out of the bar, leading to six days of protests and violent clashes with law enforcement outside the bar on Christopher Street, in neighboring streets and in nearby Christopher Park. )    

When the patrons of the Stonewall Inn showed up that night – people of all races, gay and transgender, young and old – they had no idea what history had in store for them. It would have seemed foolish to dream it.

patron:someone who uses a particular shop, restaurant, or hotel.(商店,餐馆或者酒店的顾客,主顾)

When the door was busted open by police, it was not the knock of opportunity or the call of destiny. It was just another instance of the world telling them that they ought to feel worthless for being different.

bust:to break something(打碎)

But the group gathered there felt something strengthen in them. A conviction that they deserved something better than the shadows, and better than oblivion.And if it wasn’t going to be given, then they were going to have to build it themselves.

Be Responsible

大多数人的第一次迷茫应该是在高考填报志愿。多年的应试教育已经麻木了我们的自我认知,不知道选择什么样的专业归根到底是对自我和社会的模糊认知。但是这个时期的迷茫很可能是父母帮你解决的,在父母的威严下报了他们以为优秀的志愿。当我们大学毕业,我们又开始迷茫,到底是就业还是考研?我认为这个时候的迷茫是最为痛苦的,你已经不想再做父母的木 偶,想要自己做决定但是又无从下手,既不想随波逐流,又不敢跳出自己专业的舒适圈,内心无比挣扎。

其实大多数年轻人(包括我)对于自己的未来都是有一定的期许,换句话说我们在心里大概知道自己的兴趣点在哪,大概知道自己以后想要从事什么样的工作,但是我们不肯花费时间去明晰化自己的定位,去思考自己和这个社会怎样接轨,因为这是未知的,一切都是不可想象的,所以我们不敢去做,机会来临的时候总觉得自己没有准备好。其原因就是我们花费太多时间陷入所谓的迷茫陷阱,花费太多的时间活在别人的故事中。“Don’t waste your time living someone else’s life. Don’t try to emulate the people who came before you to the exclusion of everything else, contorting into a shape that doesn’t fit.”坚持寻找适合自己的,无论工作还是生活,请对自己负责!

Remarks by Tim Cook in Stanford University:

It was the loneliest I’ve ever felt in my life. By an order of magnitude. It was one of those moments where you can be surrounded by people, yet you don’t really see, hear or even feel them. But I could sense their expectations. When the dust settled, all I knew was that I was going to have to be the best version of myself that I could be.

I knew that if you got out of bed every morning and set your watch by what other people expect or demand, it’ll drive you crazy. So what was true then is true now. Don’t waste your time living someone else’s life. Don’t try to emulate the people who came before you to the exclusion of everything else, contorting into a shape that doesn’t fit.

contort:twist; become out of the normal shape(扭曲,变形)

It takes too much mental effort – effort that should be dedicated to creating and building. You’ll waste precious time trying to rewire your every thought, and, in the mean time, you won’t be fooling anybody.But you’re not supposed to be. Find the hope in the unexpected. Find the courage in the challenge. Find your vision on the solitary road.

There are too many people who want credit without responsibility. 

  Be different. Leave something worthy. 

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