Evaluation of the Mittag-Leffler (ML) function with 1, 2 or 3 parameters by means of the OPC algorithm [1]. The routine evaluates an approximation Et of the ML function E such that |E-Et|/(1+|E|) approx 1.0e-15
E = ML(z,alpha) evaluates the ML function with one parameter alpha for the corresponding elements of z; alpha must be a real and positive scalar. The one parameter ML function is defined as
E = sum_{k=0}^{infty} z^k/Gamma(alpha*k+1)
with Gamma the Euler’s gamma function.
E = ML(z,alpha,beta) evaluates the ML function with two parameters alpha and beta for the corresponding elements of z; alpha must be a real and positive scalar and beta a real scalar. The two parameters ML function is defined as
E = sum_{k=0}^{infty} z^k/Gamma(alpha*k+beta)
E = ML(z,alpha,beta,gama) evaluates the ML function with three parameters alpha, beta and gama for the corresponding elements of z; alpha must be a real scalar such that 0
E = sum_{k=0}^{infty} Gamma(gama+k)z^k/Gamma(gama)/k!/Gamma(alphak+beta)
NOTE: This routine implements the optimal parabolic contour (OPC) algorithm described in [1] and based on the inversion of the Laplace transform on a parabolic contour suitably choosen in one of the regions of analyticity of the Laplace transform.
[1] R. Garrappa, Numerical evaluation of two and three parameter Mittag-Leffler functions, SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis, 2015, 53(3), 1350-1369
Please, report any problem or comment to : roberto dot garrappa at uniba dot it
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Roberto Garrappa (2023). The Mittag-Leffler function (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/48154-the-mittag-leffler-function), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved September 17, 2023.
See https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/48154-the-mittag-leffler-function