



基本原理就是encoder-decoder架构,然后加上一些GAN training技巧,可以使得生成的图片更加真实。代码可见https://github.com/jantic/DeOldify​github.com

值得一提的是,这里用的不是传统的GAN,传统GAN会把Generator和Discriminator放到一起end2end train,这里用了一种称之为"NoGAN"的技巧,这种技巧能使得生成的图片更少的局部瑕疵。具体步骤如下

The steps are as follows: First train the generator in a conventional way by itself with just the feature loss. Next, generate images from that, and train the critic on distinguishing between those outputs and real images as a basic binary classifier. Finally, train the generator and critic together in a GAN setting (starting right at the target size of 192px in this case). Now for the weird part: All the useful GAN training here only takes place within a very small window of time. There's an inflection point where it appears the critic has transferred everything it can that is useful to the generator. Past this point, image quality oscillates between the best that you can get at the inflection point, or bad in a predictable way (orangish skin, overly red lips, etc). There appears to be no productive training after the inflection point. And this point lies within training on just 1% to 3% of the Imagenet Data! That amounts to about 30-60 minutes of training at 192px.

1. 训练Generator
2. 用Generator生成图片
3. 训练Discriminator区分生成图片和实际图片
4. Generator和Discriminator一起e2e finetune
5. 当Discriminator已经把Generator所有的信息都迁移过来了(达到了所谓的inflection point,过了这个点效果反而下降),就停止,然后回到第一步重复迭代


Keep in mind- I haven't been entirely rigorous in figuring out what all is going on in NoGAN- I'll save that for a paper. That means there's a good chance I'm wrong about something. But I think it's definitely worth putting out there now because I'm finding it very useful- it's solving basically much of my remaining problems I had in DeOldify.

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