
Title: CFP: Cybersecurity Workshop, Guilin, China Oct. 17-19

Web: http://cyberc.org/Program/Security

Submissions: Submit your manuscript to [email protected] with a title of “Cybersecurity 2019 Submission”

2019 Cybersecurity workshop solicits previously unpublished research papers in any aspect of cybersecurity, such as vulnerability analysis, cryptographic, risk assessment, network security, data security, blockchain, and computer security or privacy in the theory, design, implementation, prototype, analysis, evaluation, testing, verification, or empirical results of secure systems. Authors are invited to submit original technical papers covering, but not limited to the topics of interest listed below:

• Infrastructure Security

• Network monitoring, risk assessment

• AI for intrusion detection and intelligence

• Access control, Authorization, identification & authentication

• Accountability and anonymity

• Biometric authentication

• Censorship and censorship-resistance

• Cloud security

• Cryptography and key algorithms

• Data-at-rest and Data-on-the-Fly Security

• Distributed systems security

• Embedded systems security and forensics

• Encryption algorithms and analysis

• Hardware, application, and system security

• Information integrity, assurance and trustworthy

• Intrusion detection, traffic analysis and decision making of security

• Language-based security

• Location Privacy and Exposure

• Machine Learning and Security

• Malware analysis and protection​

• Mobile security

• Network security and malware

• Networking protocols and security trace back

• Privacy in pervasive sensing

• Privacy in social media

• Secure distributed data outsourcing (e.g., database as a service)

• Security and privacy policies

• Security architectures, policies, and regulations

• Security and privacy in database systems​

• Security modeling and vulnerability analysis

• Security protocols and strategies in sensor, cognitive, ad hoc, mesh, and satellite networks 

• Usability/energy/cost/efficiency of security in the network

Important Dates​

Conference Paper Submission Deadline: July 15, 2019

Notification of Acceptance & Registration Starts: August 1, 2019

Camera-Ready Paper Submission & Registration Due: August 20, 2019


Hongwei Li - University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

Yujue Wang - Guilin University of Electronic Technology, China


Hua Deng, Hunan University

Yanbin Zheng, Guilin University of Electronic Technology

Wanqing Wu, Hebei University

Yang Yang, Fuzhou University

Zhen Liu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Pinghai Yuan, National University of Singapore

Yilei Wang, Qufu Normal University

Anjia Yang, Jinan University

Letian Sha, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Lin Zhong, Beihang University

Manuscript Template


Paper Publication​

Papers will be accepted with Regular Papers and Short Papers with maximal 10 pages and 4 pages in the final version respectively.  All papers will be published in CyberC 2019 Proceeding by IEEE CPS and collected in IEEE Xplore, EI, and other databases.

Special Issue

Excellent papers with minimal 30% extension will be recommended for a Digital Communications and Networks CyberC 2019 Special Issue (SCI-E) - http://www.keaipublishing.com/en/journals/digital-communications-and-networks/


For more information about the conference, please visit www.CyberC.org, contact us at [email protected]
