冰与火之歌Ⅴ:魔龙的狂舞 中英文双语同步对照版 第69篇 JON下

外面的雪下的很大。“刮的是南风。” Yarwyck注意到。“风正带着雪花攻击长城,看到了吗?”

The snow was falling heavily outside. “Wind’s from the south,” Yarwyck observed. “It’s blowing the snow right up against the Wall. See?”


He was right. The switchback stair was buried almost to the first landing, Jon saw, and the wooden doors of the ice cells and storerooms had vanished behind a wall of white. “How many men do we have in ice cells?” he asked Bowen Marsh.


“Four living men. Two dead ones.”


The corpses. Jon had almost forgotten them. He had hoped to learn something from the bodies they’d brought back from the weirwood grove, but the dead men had stubbornly remained dead. “We need to dig those cells out.”


“Ten stewards and ten spades should do it,” said Marsh.


“Use Wun Wun too.”


“As you command.”


Ten stewards and one giant made short work of the drifts, but even when the doors were clear again, Jon was not satisfied. “Those cells will be buried again by morning. We’d best move the prisoners before they smother.”

“也包括卡史塔克吗?大人?” Fulk the Flea问道。“我们不能把他留在这等春天再来救他?”

“Karstark too, m’lord?” asked Fulk the Flea. “Can’t we just leave that one shivering till spring?”


“Would that we could.” Cregan Karstark had taken to howling in the night of late, and throwing frozen feces at whoever came to feed him. That had not made him beloved of his guards. “Take him to the Lord Commander’s Tower. The undervault should hold him.” Though partly collapsed, the Old Bear’s former seat would be warmer than the ice cells. Its subcellars were largely intact.


Cregan kicked at the guards when they came through the door, twisted and shoved when they grabbed him, even tried to bite them. But the cold had weakened him, and Jon’s men were bigger, younger, and stronger. They hauled him out, still struggling, and dragged him through thigh-high snow to his new home.


“What would the lord commander like us to do with his corpses?” asked Marsh when the living men had been moved.


“Leave them.” If the storm entombed them, well and good. He would need to burn them eventually, no doubt, but for the nonce they were bound with iron chains inside their cells. That, and being dead, should suffice to hold them harmless.


Tormund Giantsbane timed his arrival perfectly, thundering up with his warriors when all the shoveling was done. Only fifty seemed to have turned up, not the eighty Toregg promised Leathers, but Tormund was not called Tall-Talker for naught. The wildling arrived red-faced, shouting for a horn of ale and something hot to eat. He had ice in his beard and more crusting his mustache.

有人已经告诉拖蒙德关于Gerrick Kingsblood和他的新身份的事情。“野人之王?”他咆哮道。“哈!更像是长毛之王。”

Someone had already told the Thunderfist about Gerrick Kingsblood and his new style. “King o’ the Wildlings?” Tormund roared. “Har! King o’ My Hairy Butt Crack, more like.”


“He has a regal look to him,” Jon said.

“就像他又一头红发一样,他也有一个红色的小鸡鸡,就是这样。Raymund Redbeard和他的儿子们在长湖边战死,感谢你们血腥的史塔克家和喝醉的巨人。不是那个小儿子,我曾怀疑他们为什么要叫他’血鸦’?”拖蒙德露出满口参差不齐的牙齿笑了起来。“他总是第一个从战场上逃跑,然后再为之谱曲一首。歌手们得为懦夫找一个韵脚,所以…”他擦了擦鼻子。“如果你们皇后的骑士们想要他的女儿们,那欢迎他们。”

“He has a little red cock to go with all that red hair, that’s what he has. Raymund Redbeard and his sons died at Long Lake, thanks to your bloody Starks and the Drunken Giant. Not the little brother. Ever wonder why they called him the Red Raven?” Tormund’s mouth split in a gap-toothed grin. “First to fly the battle, he was. ’Twas a song about it, after. The singer had to find a rhyme for craven, so …” He wiped his nose. “If your queen’s knights want those girls o’ his, they’re welcome to them.”


“Girls,” squawked Mormont’s raven. “Girls, girls.”


That set Tormund to laughing all over again. “Now there’s a bird with sense. How much do you want for him, Snow? I gave you a son, the least you could do is give me the bloody bird.”


“I would,” said Jon, “but like as not you’d eat him.”


Tormund roared at that as well. “Eat,” the raven said darkly, flapping its black wings. “Corn? Corn? Corn?”


“We need to talk about the ranging,” said Jon. “I want us to be of one mind at the Shieldhall, we must—” He broke off when Mully poked his nose inside the door, grim-faced, to announce that Clydas had brought a letter.


“Tell him to leave it with you. I will read it later.”


“As you say, m’lord, only … Clydas don’t look his proper self … he’s more white than pink, if you get my meaning … and he’s shaking.”


“Dark wings, dark words,” muttered Tormund. “Isn’t that what you kneelers say?”

“我们还说,Bleed a cold but feast a fever too 。”琼恩告诉他说。“还有月圆之夜不要和多恩人喝酒。我们说过很多这类的话。”

“We say, Bleed a cold but feast a fever too,” Jon told him. “We say, Never drink with Dornishmen when the moon is full. We say a lot of things.”


Mully added his two groats. “My old grandmother always used to say, Summer friends will melt away like summer snows, but winter friends are friends forever.”


“I think that’s sufficient wisdom for the moment,” said Jon Snow. “Show Clydas in if you would be so good.”


Mully had not been wrong; the old steward was trembling, his face as pale as the snows outside. “I am being foolish, Lord Commander, but … this letter frightens me. See here?”


Bastard, was the only word written outside the scroll. No Lord Snow or Jon Snow or Lord Commander. Simply Bastard. And the letter was sealed with a smear of hard pink wax. “You were right to come at once,” Jon said. You were right to be afraid. He cracked the seal, flattened the parchment, and read.


Your false king is dead, bastard. He and all his host were smashed in seven days of battle. I have his magic sword. Tell his red whore.

国王的朋友们也都死了。他们的头被挂在临冬城的城墙上。来看看他们吧,私生子。你的那个虚假的国王和你一样都在扯谎。你们告诉全世界说已经烧死了 塞外之王。但是你们现在却派他来临冬城偷走了我的新娘。

Your false king’s friends are dead. Their heads upon the walls of Winterfell. Come see them, bastard. Your false king lied, and so did you. You told the world you burned the King-Beyond-the-Wall. Instead you sent him to Winterfell to steal my bride from me.


I will have my bride back. If you want Mance Rayder back, come and get him. I have him in a cage for all the north to see, proof of your lies. The cage is cold, but I have made him a warm cloak from the skins of the six whores who came with him to Winterfell.


I want my bride back. I want the false king’s queen. I want his daughter and his red witch. I want his wildling princess. I want his little prince, the wildling babe. And I want my Reek. Send them to me, bastard, and I will not trouble you or your black crows. Keep them from me, and I will cut out your bastard’s heart and eat it.

拉姆斯。波顿 临冬城的亲王

Ramsay Bolton,Trueborn Lord of Winterfell.


“Snow?” said Tormund Giantsbane. “You look like your father’s bloody head just rolled out o’ that paper.”


Jon Snow did not answer at once. “Mully, help Clydas back to his chambers. The night is dark, and the paths will be slippery with snow. Satin, go with them.” He handed Tormund Giantsbane the letter. “Here, see for yourself.”


The wildling gave the letter a dubious look and handed it right back. “Feels nasty … but Tormund Thunderfist had better things to do than learn to make papers talk at him. They never have any good to say, now do they?”


“Not often,” Jon Snow admitted. Dark wings, dark words. Perhaps there was more truth to those wise old sayings than he’d known. “It was sent by Ramsay Snow. I’ll read you what he wrote.”


When he was done, Tormund whistled. “Har. That’s buggered, and no mistake. What was that about Mance? Has him in a cage, does he? How, when hundreds saw your red witch burn the man?”

那是叮当衫。琼恩差点说,那是魔法,一种巫术。她如此称呼它。 梅丽珊卓…尽力去寻找,她说过过。他放下信。“就像风暴中的乌鸦。红袍女预言了这个结局。”当你找到答案时,告诉我。(注:尽力去寻找,当你找到答案,告诉我。  这一句话是上一个章节里梅姐对囧说过的一句话,这里应该为黑体+斜体,表示心理活动。)

That was Rattleshirt, Jon almost said. That was sorcery. A glamor, she called it. “Melisandre … look to the skies, she said.” He set the letter down. “A raven in a storm. She saw this coming.” When you have your answers, send to me.


“Might be all a skin o’ lies.” Tormund scratched under his beard. “If I had me a nice goose quill and a pot o’ maester’s ink, I could write down that me member was long and thick as me arm, wouldn’t make it so.”


“He has Lightbringer. He talks of heads upon the walls of Winterfell. He knows about the spearwives and their number.” He knows about Mance Rayder. “No. There is truth in there.”


“I won’t say you’re wrong. What do you mean to do, crow?”

琼恩握剑的手指开开合合。守夜人永远保持中立。他紧握着拳头,然后又再度松开。你的计划只会带来叛国的罪名。他想到了罗柏和他发际的雪花。杀了男孩,长大成人。他想到了布兰和他敏捷的身影。还有瑞肯那喘不过气的大笑,还有珊莎洗衣时的哼唱…你什么也不懂,琼恩。雪诺。他想到了艾丽娅,她的头发总是乱的像鸟窝。 我用他带到临冬城的六个婊子的皮给他做了一件很暖和的衣服…我要把我的新娘回来…我要我的新娘回来…我要我的新娘回来…

Jon flexed the fingers of his sword hand. The Night’s Watch takes no part. He closed his fist and opened it again. What you propose is nothing less than treason. He thought of Robb, with snowflakes melting in his hair. Kill the boy and let the man be born. He thought of Bran, clambering up a tower wall, agile as a monkey. Of Rickon’s breathless laughter. Of Sansa, brushing out Lady’s coat and singing to herself. You know nothing, Jon Snow. He thought of Arya, her hair as tangled as a bird’s nest. I made him a warm cloak from the skins of the six whores who came with him to Winterfell … I want my bride back … I want my bride back … I want my bride back …


“I think we had best change the plan,” Jon Snow said.


They talked for the best part of two hours.

Horse和 Rory 接替了 Fulk 和 Mully在军械库前站岗。“跟着我。”琼恩出来时告诉他们。白灵本应该跟在他后面的,但是在白灵出来前,他就把把冰原狼重新扔回房间。异形者和他的野猪也会在他要去的地方,他要做的最后一件事就是让他的狼远离那只野猪。

Horse and Rory had replaced Fulk and Mully at the armory door with the change of watch. “With me,” Jon told them, when the time came. Ghost would have followed as well, but as the wolf came padding after them, Jon grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and wrestled him back inside. Borroq might be amongst those gathering at the Shieldhall. The last thing he needed just now was his wolf savaging the skinchanger’s boar.


The Shieldhall was one of the older parts of Castle Black, a long drafty feast hall of dark stone, its oaken rafters black with the smoke of centuries. Back when the Night’s Watch had been much larger, its walls had been hung with rows of brightly colored wooden shields. Then as now, when a knight took the black, tradition decreed that he set aside his former arms and take up the plain black shield of the brotherhood. The shields thus discarded would hang in the Shieldhall.


Hundreds of knights meant hundreds of shields. Hawks and eagles, dragons and griffins, suns and stags, wolves and wyverns, manticores, bulls, trees and flowers, harps, spears, crabs and krakens, red lions and golden lions and chequy lions, owls, lambs, maids and mermen, stallions, stars, buckets and buckles, flayed men and hanged men and burning men, axes, longswords, turtles, unicorns, bears, quills, spiders and snakes and scorpions, and a hundred other heraldic charges had adorned the Shieldhall walls, blazoned in more colors than any rainbow ever dreamed of.


But when a knight died, his shield was taken down, that it might go with him to his pyre or his tomb, and over the years and centuries fewer and fewer knights had taken the black. A day came when it no longer made sense for the knights of Castle Black to dine apart. The Shieldhall was abandoned. In the last hundred years, it had been used only infrequently. As a dining hall, it left much to be desired—it was dark, dirty, drafty, and hard to heat in winter, its cellars infested with rats, its massive wooden rafters worm-eaten and festooned with cobwebs.


But it was large and long enough to seat two hundred, and half again that many if they crowded close. When Jon and Tormund entered, a sound went through the hall, like wasps stirring in a nest. The wildlings outnumbered the crows by five to one, judging by how little black he saw. Fewer than a dozen shields remained, sad grey things with faded paint and long cracks in the wood. But fresh torches burned in the iron sconces along the walls, and Jon had ordered benches and tables brought in. Men with comfortable seats were more inclined to listen, Maester Aemon had once told him; standing men were more inclined to shout.


At the top of the hall a sagging platform stood. Jon mounted it, with Tormund Giantsbane at his side, and raised his hands for quiet. The wasps only buzzed the louder. Then Tormund put his warhorn to his lips and blew a blast. The sound filled the hall, echoing off the rafters overhead. Silence fell.

“我召唤大家来是要去解救Hardhome。”琼恩开始说道。“上千个自由民聚集在那里,陷入困境,忍饥挨饿。我们收到报告说那边的森林里有尸鬼出没。”在他的左边他看到了马锡尔和Yarwyck。 Yarwyck 和他的工匠们在一起,  马锡尔 穿着灯芯绒衬衫, 左手边是 Lew, 和 Alf of Runnymudd. 在他的右边, Soren Shieldbreaker 双手抱胸坐在那里。 再后面一些 琼恩看到Gavin the Trader 和 Harle the Handsome 在窃窃私语。 Ygon Oldfather 和他的妻子们坐在一起, Howd Wanderer独自一人。 Borroq 坐在靠墙的黑暗的角落里。 他的野猪不见踪影。“我派去营救Mother Mole和他的子民的船队遇到了风暴。我们必须尽一切可能去帮助他们,或是看着他们死去。”两个皇后的骑士也来了,琼恩看到了。Ser Narbert 和Ser Benethon站在靠近门的地方。但是其他的皇后的人马就显得不那么明显。“我曾计划亲自带队去尽可能多的营救那些被困的自由民。”一个鲜红的身影出现在大厅的后方。梅丽珊卓女士也出现了。“但是现在我发现我不能亲自去Hardhome了。这支队伍现在改由拖蒙德带领。大家都熟悉他。我会如他要求的一样尽可能多的调拨给他人手。”

“I summoned you to make plans for the relief of Hardhome,” Jon Snow began. “Thousands of the free folk are gathered there, trapped and starving, and we have had reports of dead things in the wood.” To his left he saw Marsh and Yarwyck. Othell was surrounded by his builders, whilst Bowen had Wick Whittlestick, Left Hand Lew, and Alf of Runnymudd beside him. To his right, Soren Shieldbreaker sat with his arms crossed against his chest. Farther back, Jon saw Gavin the Trader and Harle the Handsome whispering together. Ygon Oldfather sat amongst his wives, Howd Wanderer alone. Borroq leaned against a wall in a dark corner. Mercifully, his boar was nowhere in evidence. “The ships I sent to take off Mother Mole and her people have been wracked by storms. We must send what help we can by land or let them die.” Two of Queen Selyse’s knights had come as well, Jon saw. Ser Narbert and Ser Benethon stood near the door at the foot of the hall. But the rest of the queen’s men were conspicuous in their absence. “I had hoped to lead the ranging myself and bring back as many of the free folk as could survive the journey.” A flash of red in the back of the hall caught Jon’s eye. Lady Melisandre had arrived. “But now I find I cannot go to Hardhome. The ranging will be led by Tormund Giantsbane, known to you all. I have promised him as many men as he requires.”

“那么你要去哪呢?乌鸦?” Borroq问道。“和你的白色大狗一起藏在黑城堡里?”

“And where will you be, crow?” Borroq thundered. “Hiding here in Castle Black with your white dog?”


“No. I ride south.” Then Jon read them the letter Ramsay Snow had written.


The Shieldhall went mad.


Every man began to shout at once. They leapt to their feet, shaking fists. So much for the calming power of comfortable benches. Swords were brandished, axes smashed against shields. Jon Snow looked to Tormund. The Giantsbane sounded his horn once more, twice as long and twice as loud as the first time.


“The Night’s Watch takes no part in the wars of the Seven Kingdoms,” Jon reminded them when some semblance of quiet had returned. “It is not for us to oppose the Bastard of Bolton, to avenge Stannis Baratheon, to defend his widow and his daughter. This creature who makes cloaks from the skins of women has sworn to cut my heart out, and I mean to make him answer for those words … but I will not ask my brothers to forswear their vows.


“The Night’s Watch will make for Hardhome. I ride to Winterfell alone, unless …” Jon paused. “… is there any man here who will come stand with me?”

怒吼,正是他所期望的。巨大的骚动甚至震掉了挂在墙上的两面盾牌。Soren Shieldbreaker 跺着脚, the Wanderer 同样如此。 Toregg the Tall, Brogg, Harle the Huntsman and Harle the Handsome 都加入了进来, Ygon Oldfather, Blind Doss, 甚至 the Great Walrus. 我找到了自己的大军,琼恩。雪诺想,我们来一决雌雄吧,小剥皮。(注:这里这些鸟语都是野人部落的名字)

The roar was all he could have hoped for, the tumult so loud that the two old shields tumbled from the walls. Soren Shieldbreaker was on his feet, the Wanderer as well. Toregg the Tall, Brogg, Harle the Huntsman and Harle the Handsome both, Ygon Oldfather, Blind Doss, even the Great Walrus. I have my swords, thought Jon Snow, and we are coming for you, Bastard.

Yarwyck 和 马锡尔悄悄地溜了出去,他注意到了,他们带来的所有人都走了。这不重要。他现在不需要他们,也不想要他们。没人愿意让自己的兄弟们打破誓言。如果非要这么做,那就让我独自承担这个罪行吧!然后拖蒙德大吼,他所有参差不齐的牙齿都露了出来。“说的好,乌鸦。现在让我们拿出蜂蜜酒!让他们畅饮美酒,成为你的人马,当这一切都完成时,我们就组成了一只野人大军,哈!”

Yarwyck and Marsh were slipping out, he saw, and all their men behind them. It made no matter. He did not need them now. He did not want them. No man can ever say I made my brothers break their vows. If this is oathbreaking, the crime is mine and mine alone. Then Tormund was pounding him on the back, all gap-toothed grin from ear to ear. “Well spoken, crow. Now bring out the mead! Make them yours and get them drunk, that’s how it’s done. We’ll make a wildling o’ you yet, boy. Har!”


“I will send for ale,” Jon said, distracted. Melisandre was gone, he realized, and so were the queen’s knights. I should have gone to Selyse first. She has the right to know her lord is dead. “You must excuse me. I’ll leave you to get them drunk.”


“Har! A task I’m well suited for, crow. On your way!”

琼恩从大厅出来时Horse 和Rory马上来到他身边。我可以在会见皇后之后和梅丽珊卓谈谈,他想道。如果她能看到风暴中的乌鸦,那她也能为我找到拉姆斯。雪诺。然后他听到了一声惨叫…和一声大的足以震撼长城的怒吼。“是从Hardin’s Tower那边传来的,大人。”Horse报告道。他本可以说的更多,但是又一声惨叫打断了他。

Horse and Rory fell in beside Jon as he left the Shieldhall. I should talk with Melisandre after I see the queen, he thought. If she could see a raven in a storm, she can find Ramsay Snow for me. Then he heard the shouting … and a roar so loud it seemed to shake the Wall. “That come from Hardin’s Tower, m’lord,” Horse reported. He might have said more, but the scream cut him off.


Val, was Jon’s first thought. But that was no woman’s scream. That is a man in mortal agony. He broke into a run. Horse and Rory raced after him. “Is it wights?” asked Rory. Jon wondered. Could his corpses have escaped their chains?

当他们赶到Hardin’s Tower时,叫喊声停止了。但是巨人乌戈仍然在大声咆哮。巨人举着血淋淋的尸体的一条腿,就像艾莉娅小时候经常对她的洋娃娃做的那样,她每次被强迫吃蔬菜时总会这样。但是艾莉娅不会把洋娃娃扯成碎片。死人握着剑的那只胳膊在数码之外,附近的雪被染的鲜红。

The screaming had stopped by the time they came to Hardin’s Tower, but Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun was still roaring. The giant was dangling a bloody corpse by one leg, the same way Arya used to dangle her doll when she was small, swinging it like a morningstar when menaced by vegetables. Arya never tore her dolls to pieces, though. The dead man’s sword arm was yards away, the snow beneath it turning red.


“Let him go,” Jon shouted. “Wun Wun, let him go.”

乌戈没有听或者说听不懂他在说什么。巨人自己也在流血,剑砍伤了他的腹部和胳膊。他愤怒的把已经死去的骑士一次又一次的摔向塔楼灰白的石墙,直到人头被摔的粉碎,就像一直破碎的甜瓜。骑士的斗篷在寒风中飘荡。看起来是白羊毛品质的,镶着银边,上面绘着蓝色的星星图案。 骨头和鲜血四处飞扬。

Wun Wun did not hear or did not understand. The giant was bleeding himself, with sword cuts on his belly and his arm. He swung the dead knight against the grey stone of the tower, again and again and again, until the man’s head was red and pulpy as a summer melon. The knight’s cloak flapped in the cold air. Of white wool it had been, bordered in cloth-of-silver and patterned with blue stars. Blood and bone were flying everywhere.

人们从四面八方不断涌来。北方人,自由民,后党…“保持距离!”琼恩命令道。“远离他们,特别是后党的人。”死去的骑士是Ser Patrek。他的脑袋已经破碎的无法辨认。但是他的文章倒是很好认。琼恩可不想让后党的其他骑士冲上来为他复仇。

Men poured from the surrounding keeps and towers. Northmen, free folk, queen’s men … “Form a line,” Jon Snow commanded them. “Keep them back. Everyone, but especially the queen’s men.” The dead man was Ser Patrek of King’s Mountain; his head was largely gone, but his heraldry was as distinctive as his face. Jon did not want to risk Ser Malegorn or Ser Brus or any of the queen’s other knights trying to avenge him.


Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun howled again and gave Ser Patrek’s other arm a twist and pull. It tore loose from his shoulder with a spray of bright red blood. Like a child pulling petals off a daisy, thought Jon. “Leathers, talk to him, calm him. The Old Tongue, he understands the Old Tongue. Keep back, the rest of you. Put away your steel, we’re scaring him.” Couldn’t they see the giant had been cut? Jon had to put an end to this or more men would die. They had no idea of Wun Wun’s strength. A horn, I need a horn. He saw the glint of steel, turned toward it. “No blades!” he screamed. “Wick, put that knife …”


… away, he meant to say. When Wick Whittlestick slashed at his throat, the word turned into a grunt. Jon twisted from the knife, just enough so it barely grazed his skin. He cut me. When he put his hand to the side of his neck, blood welled between his fingers. “Why?”


“For the Watch.” Wick slashed at him again. This time Jon caught his wrist and bent his arm back until he dropped the dagger. The gangling steward backed away, his hands upraised as if to say, Not me, it was not me. Men were screaming. Jon reached for Longclaw, but his fingers had grown stiff and clumsy. Somehow he could not seem to get the sword free of its scabbard.


Then Bowen Marsh stood there before him, tears running down his cheeks. “For the Watch.” He punched Jon in the belly. When he pulled his hand away, the dagger stayed where he had buried it.

琼恩跪在了地上。他摸索着找到了刀把,试图拔出。在这个寒冷的夜晚,每吸一口气都使他感到痛苦。“白灵。”他低声呼唤着。 痛苦侵袭着他。第三刀刺向肩胛骨,他哼了一声倒在了皑皑白雪中。他没有感觉到第四刀,只有寒冷…

Jon fell to his knees. He found the dagger’s hilt and wrenched it free. In the cold night air the wound was smoking. “Ghost,” he whispered. Pain washed over him. Stick them with the pointy end. When the third dagger took him between the shoulder blades, he gave a grunt and fell face-first into the snow. He never felt the fourth knife. Only the cold …

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