

关键词:SpringBoot;idea;MySQLWith the rapid development of Internet technology, whether it is people's life or work, Internet technology has brought a lot of convenience. People can not only improve work efficiency, but also reduce the probability of making mistakes through Internet technology. At present, many weather management systems are not mature and there are many problems in management. Therefore, setting up a more mature weather management system can facilitate users and improve the efficiency of administrator management.
The weather management system uses the open source framework springboot to develop and implement the weather management system, and uses the development tool idea and database mysql. Before the development and implementation of the weather management system, it is necessary to conduct demand analysis and Research on the system, so as to analyze what functions the weather management system needs to have, design the corresponding overall architecture, and test the system after the development and implementation of the weather management system. The functions of the weather management system include: user: home page, weather forecast, temperature change, news and information, personal center. Administrator: home page, personal center, user management, weather forecast management, temperature change management, administrator management, system management.

目  录

1 绪  论    1
1.1 课题背景与研究意义    1
1.2 课题研究现状    1
1.3 论文结构    2
2 相关技术分析    3
2.1 Apache服务器概述    3
2.2 MySQL数据库    3
2.3 Vue框架    3
2.4 MVC模式    4
2.5 SpringBoot框架    4
3 需求分析    5
3.1 系统目标    5
3.2 系统可行性分析    5
3.3 功能需求分析    6
3.4 非功能需求分析    7
4 概要设计    8
4.1 设计目标    8
4.2 功能流程    8
4.3 数据库设计    12
4.3.1 概念性数据模型    12
4.3.2 数据库表设计    13
5 系统实现    16
5.1 用户管理    16
5.2 天气预报管理    16
5.3 温度变化管理    17
5.4 新闻资讯管理    18
5.5 天气预报展示    18
5.6 天气预报详细信息    19
5.7 温度变化展示    20
5.8 温度变化详细信息    20
6 系统测试    22
6.1 软件测试的定义    22
6.2 黑盒测试    22
6.3 动态测试    22
6.4 测试用例    22
6.4.1 登录测试    22
6.4.2用户管理测试    23
6.4.3 温度变化管理测试    24
6.4.4 天气预报管理测试    25
7 结论与展望    26
7.1 结论    26
7.2 展望    26
参  考  文  献    27
致    谢    28
