基于OO思想,对 ixudra curl 链式的分析与理解

Environment :

1、PHP 7.1

2、Lumen 5.5


Process :

1、Lumen 自动加载 bootstrap/app.php ,服务容器初始化,将服务提供器注册到服务容器。



2、将这个 Ixudra\Curl 添加到静态调用。


3、在每次使用 Ixudra\Curl ,即实例化一个单例。这里采用单例模式,确保只返回同一个实例。


* @return void


public function register()


$this->app->singleton('Curl', function () {

return new CurlService();







* Set the URL to which the request is to be sent


* @param $url string The URL to which the request is to be sent

* @return Builder


public function to($url)


return $this->withCurlOption( 'URL', $url );



* Set any specific cURL option


* @param string $key The name of the cURL option

* @param string $value The value to which the option is to be set

* @return Builder


protected function withCurlOption($key, $value)


$this->curlOptions[ $key ] = $value;

return $this;



* Set any specific package option


* @param string $key The name of the cURL option

* @param string $value The value to which the option is to be set

* @return Builder


protected function withPackageOption($key, $value)


$this->packageOptions[ $key ] = $value;

return $this;



* Add a HTTP header to the request


* @param string $header The HTTP header that is to be added to the request

* @return Builder


public function withHeader($header)


$this->curlOptions[ 'HTTPHEADER' ][] = $header;

return $this;





* Send a DELETE request to a URL using the specified cURL options


* @return mixed


public function delete()



return $this->withOption('CUSTOMREQUEST', 'DELETE')




* Send the request


* @return mixed


protected function send()


// Add JSON header if necessary

if( $this->packageOptions[ 'asJsonRequest' ] ) {

$this->withHeader( 'Content-Type: application/json' );


if( $this->packageOptions[ 'enableDebug' ] ) {

$debugFile = fopen( $this->packageOptions[ 'debugFile' ], 'w');

$this->withOption('STDERR', $debugFile);


// Create the request with all specified options

$this->curlObject = curl_init();

$options = $this->forgeOptions();

curl_setopt_array( $this->curlObject, $options );

// Send the request

$response = curl_exec( $this->curlObject );

$responseHeader = null;

if( $this->curlOptions[ 'HEADER' ] ) {

$headerSize = curl_getinfo( $this->curlObject, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE );

$responseHeader = substr( $response, 0, $headerSize );

$response = substr( $response, $headerSize );


// Capture additional request information if needed

$responseData = array();

if( $this->packageOptions[ 'responseObject' ] || $this->packageOptions[ 'responseArray' ] ) {

$responseData = curl_getinfo( $this->curlObject );

if( curl_errno($this->curlObject) ) {

$responseData[ 'errorMessage' ] = curl_error($this->curlObject);



curl_close( $this->curlObject );

if( $this->packageOptions[ 'saveFile' ] ) {

// Save to file if a filename was specified

$file = fopen($this->packageOptions[ 'saveFile' ], 'w');

fwrite($file, $response);


} else if( $this->packageOptions[ 'asJsonResponse' ] ) {

// Decode the request if necessary

$response = json_decode($response, $this->packageOptions[ 'returnAsArray' ]);


if( $this->packageOptions[ 'enableDebug' ] ) {

fclose( $debugFile );


// Return the result

return $this->returnResponse( $response, $responseData, $responseHeader );



* @param mixed $content Content of the request

* @param array $responseData Additional response information

* @param string $header Response header string

* @return mixed


protected function returnResponse($content, array $responseData = array(), $header = null)


if( !$this->packageOptions[ 'responseObject' ] && !$this->packageOptions[ 'responseArray' ] ) {

return $content;


$object = new stdClass();

$object->content = $content;

$object->status = $responseData[ 'http_code' ];

$object->contentType = $responseData[ 'content_type' ];

if( array_key_exists('errorMessage', $responseData) ) {

$object->error = $responseData[ 'errorMessage' ];


if( $this->curlOptions[ 'HEADER' ] ) {

$object->headers = $this->parseHeaders( $header );


if( $this->packageOptions[ 'responseObject' ] ) {

return $object;


if( $this->packageOptions[ 'responseArray' ] ) {

return (array) $object;


return $content;





$response = Curl::to('http://www.foo.com/bar')
        ->withData( array( 'foz' => 'baz' ) )
        ->asJson( true )


