using namespace std;
#if 0
* 创建一个匿名函数并执行。Objective-C采用的是上尖号^,而C++ 11采用的是配对的方括号[]
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Hello,Worldn";
* 我们也可以方便的将这个创建的匿名函数赋值出来调用:
int main()
int i = 1024;
auto func = [](int i) { // (int i) 是指传入改匿名函数的参数
cout << i;
* 捕获选项
[] Capture nothing (or, a scorched earth strategy?) // 什么都不捕获
[&] Capture any referenced variable by reference // 通过引用捕获任何引用的变量
[=] Capture any referenced variable by making a copy // 通过制作副本来捕获任何引用的变量
[=, &foo] Capture any referenced variable by making a copy, but capture variable foo by reference // 通过复制捕获任何引用的变量,但通过引用捕获变量foo
[bar] Capture bar by making a copy; don’t copy anything else // 通过复制捕获栏; 不要复制任何其他内容
[this] Capture the this pointer of the enclosing class // 捕获封闭类的this指针
* [] 不捕获任何变量
int main()
int i = 1024;
auto func = [] { cout << i; };
vs 报错
error C3493: 无法隐式捕获“i”,因为尚未指定默认捕获模式
error C2064: 项不会计算为接受 0 个参数的函数
g++ 报错:
error: ‘i’ is not captured
要直接沿用外部的变量需要在 [] 中指名捕获。
* [=] 拷贝捕获
int main()
int i = 1024;
auto func = [=]{ // [=] 表明将外部的所有变量拷贝一份到该函数内部
cout << i;
// 结果:1024
int main()
int i = 1024;
auto fun1 = [=]{
// fun1 内存在 i
cout << i; // 1024
auto fun2 = []{ // 未指名捕获, i 不存在
cout << i;
* [&] 引用捕获
int main()
int i = 1024;
cout << &i << endl;
auto fun1 = [&]{
cout << &i << endl;
// 结果:
// 0x28ff0c
// 0x28ff0c
* [=, &] 拷贝与引用混合
int main()
int i = 1024, j = 2048;
cout << "i:" << &i << endl;
cout << "j:" << &j << endl;
auto fun1 = [=, &i]{ // 默认拷贝外部所有变量,但引用变量 i
cout << "i:" << &i << endl;
cout << "j:" << &j << endl;
//outside i:0x28ff0c
//outside j:0x28ff08
//inside i:0x28ff0c
//inside j:0x28ff04
* [bar] 指定引用或拷贝
int main()
int i = 1024, j = 2048;
cout << "outside i value:" << i << " addr:" << &i << endl;
auto fun1 = [i]{
cout << "inside i value:" << i << " addr:" << &i << endl;
// cout << j << endl; // j 未捕获
//outside i value:1024 addr:0x28ff08
//inside i value:1024 addr:0x28ff04
int main()
int i = 1024, j = 2048;
cout << "outside i value:" << i << " addr:" << &i << endl;
auto fun1 = [&i]{
cout << "inside i value:" << i << " addr:" << &i << endl;
// cout << j << endl; // j 未捕获
//outside i value:1024 addr:0x28ff08
//inside i value:1024 addr:0x28ff08
int main()
int i = 1024, j = 2048, k;
cout << "outside i:" << &i << endl;
cout << "outside j:" << &j << endl;
auto fun1 = [i, &j]{
cout << "inside i:" << &i << endl;
cout << "inside j:" << &j << endl;
// cout << k; // k 未捕获
//outside i:0x28ff0c
//outside j:0x28ff08
//inside i:0x28ff00
//inside j:0x28ff08
* [this] 捕获 this 指针
class test
void hello() {
cout << "test hello!\n";
void lambda() {
auto fun = [this]{ // 捕获了 this 指针
this->hello(); // 这里 this 调用的就是 class test 的对象了
int main()
test t;