Bitcoin Consensus Mechanism——SYSU SSE Blockchain 5th lecture(English Version)


Part 1: What is Consensus?


Distributed Consensus

Consensus in Bitcoin

CAP Theorem


Trade-offs ("Pick Two" Dilemma)

Part 2: Why Bitcoin needs Consensus

Types of Consensus Mechanisms

Why Bitcoin Needs Consensus

Byzantine Generals Problem

Sybil Attack

Bitcoin's Consensus Mechanism: Proof of Work (PoW)

What is Proof of Work?

PoW Mining Principle

Longest Chain Rule & 51% Attack

Summary of PoW Features


Transaction model

UTXO Model



Part 1: What is Consensus?


  • Consensus: A process of agreement between distrusted nodes on the final state of specified data.

Distributed Consensus

  • Objective: To attain a common state/value among multiple nodes despite the presence of some failing nodes.

Consensus in Bitcoin

  • Bitcoin aims to reach an agreement on the state of its blockchain, which includes transaction history, account balances, etc.

CAP Theorem


  • Consistency: All changes are seen by all nodes at the same time.
  • Availability: Systems return a response within an acceptable time frame.
  • Partition Tolerance: The system continues to function when network segments fail to communicate. Systems can be partitioned into sub-networks that continue to function independently.

Trade-offs ("Pick Two" Dilemma)

  • Availability ≠ Correctness: You can only achieve two out of the three CAP properties in a distributed system.
  • CA/P: Focuses on consistency and availability but lacks partition tolerance.

    • Implementation: All data is stored on a single node, and other nodes read from this main node.
    • Note: Not considered a distributed system.
  • CP/A: Focuses on consistency and partition tolerance at the cost of availability.

    • Implementation: Each node stores data, with the primary focus on ensuring consistency.
  • AP/C: Focuses on availability and partition tolerance at the cost of consistency.

    • Implementation: Each node stores data, with the primary focus on ensuring availability.

Note: Since distributed systems must have Partition Tolerance (P), they must choose between Consistency (C) and Availability (A).

Part 2: Why Bitcoin needs Consensus

Types of Consensus Mechanisms

  1. BFT-based (Byzantine Fault Tolerance)

    • Feature: Low computational requirements
    • Participants: Permissioned, limited trust
    • Applicability: Alliance/Private Chains
  2. Leader Election-based

    • Example: Proof of Work (PoW)
    • Feature: Computationally intense
    • Participants: Permissionless, anonymous, no trust
    • Applicability: Public Chains

Why Bitcoin Needs Consensus

Byzantine Generals Problem

  • Problem: Uncertain transmission of information due to possible traitors
  • Goal: To maintain consistency in a distributed system
  • Solution:
    • Simplified to a Generals and Lieutenants model
    • Loyal Lieutenants follow the same command, traitors may disrupt
  • Fault Tolerance: Malicious nodes must be less than 1/3 of the total nodes

Sybil Attack

  • Consequence: Makes Byzantine Fault Tolerance unsuitable for Bitcoin
  • Method: Creating multiple identities to cast multiple votes
  • Why Feasible:
    • Bitcoin is a decentralized, anonymous service
    • Low cost to create multiple identities
  • Example: Double-spending attack
  • Defense: Resource-based voting through Proof of Work (PoW)

Bitcoin's Consensus Mechanism: Proof of Work (PoW)

What is Proof of Work?

  • Goal: To solve the Byzantine Generals Problem
  • Voting Eligibility: Granted through computational work

PoW Mining Principle

  • Mining Process: Combines previous block's hash, Merkle root of new transactions, a nonce, and a timestamp.
  • Success Criterion: SHA(Merkle Root + Previous Block Hash + Timestamp + Nonce) < target
    • Number of leading zeros indicates difficulty level

Longest Chain Rule & 51% Attack

  • 51% Attack: Control over more than half of the computational power can result in a fake chain being accepted.
  • Prevention: Wait for 6 block confirmations before proceeding with transactions.

Summary of PoW Features

  • Challenging: Difficult to solve but easy to verify
  • Fairness: No shortcuts
  • Randomness: Ensures a decentralized and unpredictable process
  • Stability: Enables the stable operation of the blockchain with multiple-party participation


Transaction model

Bitcoin Consensus Mechanism——SYSU SSE Blockchain 5th lecture(English Version)_第1张图片


每一个转出方的Hash Pointer都指向之前所有的收入来源,这样做可以避免双花攻击。


UTXO Model

Bitcoin Consensus Mechanism——SYSU SSE Blockchain 5th lecture(English Version)_第2张图片

  1. Alice 转给bob ,第一个PubkeyHash是谁的?
  2. 第二个,PubkeyHash是谁的?
  3. 中的内容是什么?



  2. 解锁脚本(ScriptSig):

这里的 是不同脚本中的占位符,它们在实际的交易中会被实际的数据替换。


OP_DUP OP_HASH160 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG 中的 是Bob的公钥哈希。Alice想要将比特币发送给Bob,所以这个脚本锁住了属于Bob的输出。


在解锁脚本 中:

  • 是Bob用他的私钥对此交易进行签名的结果。
  • 是Bob的公钥。
  • 仍然是Bob的公钥哈希。

这样,当这两个脚本合并和执行时,它们会首先用 计算一个公钥哈希,然后检查这个计算出来的公钥哈希是否与锁定脚本中的 相等。如果相等,并且 是一个有效的对于该交易的签名,那么这个输出就被认为是有效的,从而被解锁,可以被花费。
