【名词解释】TPS 全称及中文意思 (10.0分)
【名词解释】EDI全称及中文含义 (10.0分)
【单选题】甲 烷分子的空间几何形状是 :
【单选题】将 CH 3 CH 2 OCH 2 CH 3 与 CH 3 (CH 2 ) 4 CH 3 区别开可选用 A.NaOH B.Na 2 CO 3 C. 稀 HCl D. 浓 H 2 SO 4
【简答题】Computer network like the Internet have several characteristics that make them ideal for the role of coordination and information dissemination. (20.0分)
【其它】第一次 项目一 课后作业2.swf
【单选题】反应物 (B)↔ 中间体 (I) ↔ 产物 (P) 的能量曲线如下图所示 , 可以认为本反应是 :
【简答题】The important difference between HTML and XML is this: HTML tags around text, image file names, and other elements instruct a Web browser how to display the elements; XML tags around an element give the browser information about the data content. (20.0分)
【名词解释】ICT全称及中文含义 (10.0分)
【判断题】烷烃 C 6 H 14 的构造异构体数目有 5 种
【名词解释】SMEs(全称及中文意思) (10.0分)
【单选题】下面化合物能以不同构象存在的有 : 1CH 3 CH 3 2 CH 4 3 CHCl 3 4 CH 2 ClCH 2 Cl
【单选题】表面粗糙度值越小,则零件的( )。
【单选题】下列哪个化合物能生成稳定的格氏试剂 ? A. CH 3 CHClCH 2 OH B.CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 Br C. HC≡CCH 2 Cl D.CH 3 CONHCH 2 CH 2 Cl
【名词解释】ISP全称及中文意思 (10.0分)
【其它】第五次 项目五.课后作业doc.doc (100.0分)
【简答题】The indicators will require qualitative and quantitative measures.(翻译) (20.0分)
【单选题】(CH 3 ) 2 CHCH 2 C(CH 3 ) 2 CH 2 CH 3 的 系统命名 称应是 :
【简答题】At the lower end, the Internet has reduced the barriers to entry in many industries. (20.0分)
【单选题】下列有 * 标志的碳原子属于 sp 2 杂化的是:
【简答题】Frito-Lay的案例可以概括为:(翻译) It reduced the time of unproductive work, and helps the company know their customers better. The Frito-Lay's MIS is the key to profitability. (20.0分)
【单选题】比较 CH 3 ─CH 2 CH 3 (I),CH 3 ─CH = CH 2 (II), CH 3 ─C≡CH(III) 三种化合物的 C─C 单键键长次序为 :
【简答题】The activities in infomation management cycle include:(in English)(30分) (20.0分)
【简答题】Firms in different context will experience different benefits from E-business, and need to, balance the cost of investment in E-business infrastructure, software and training against benefits from reduced costs, improved communications, relationships, or expanded markets. (20.0分)
【简答题】Information experts can then begin tailoring information products and services to enable managers to make decision, solve problems,think strategically, scan the environment and carry out other aspects of their work roles.(翻译) (20.0分)
【名词解释】DSS 全称及中文意思 (10.0分)
【简答题】One of the IS manager's roles is to increase the overall efficiency of the MIS by improving the integration of these subsystems.(翻译) (20.0分)
【判断题】碳原子分为 1 0 C 、 2 0 C 、 3 0 C 、 4 0 C 。同样氢原子也分为 1 0 H 、 2 0 H 、 3 0 H 、 4 0 H 。
【判断题】在光照下,异丁烷与氯气反应的氯代异丁烷占 48% ,而氯代叔丁烷占 29% 。这说明一级氢原子活泼些。
【其它】第四次 项目四 课后作业.doc
【单选题】BrCH 2 CH 2 Br 的优势构象是 :
【单选题】异戊烷在光照下与溴作用,最易被溴代的 H 原子为 :