Machine Learning(study notes)

There is no studying without going crazy

Studying alwats drives us crazy


  • Define
    • Machine Learning
    • Supervised Learning(监督学习)
      • Regression problem
      • Classidication
    • Unspervised Learning
      • Clustering
  • Study
    • Model representation(模型概述)
      • const function
      • How to use and t
      • solve problem
    • gradient descent


Machine Learning

A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some task T and some performance measure P , if its performance on T, as measued

realy rhyme

Supervised Learning(监督学习)

right answers given

Regression problem

tring to predict continuios valued ouput


in that problem , you should give its some right valued with different classic and machine learning will learn to predict it

Machine Learning(study notes)_第1张图片


discrete valued output (zero or one)


in that problem, you should give some valued . Different with regression , maybe the type of data
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Unspervised Learning


maybe using clustring algorithm to break that data into two separate clusters


do not know what data mean and data features and so on(just about data information),and you know ,machine learning should classification those data into different clusters

the classic problem of that maybe Cocktail party problem algorithm



Model representation(模型概述)

using this example
Machine Learning(study notes)_第3张图片

And we will give some training set
Machine Learning(study notes)_第4张图片
As you can see , we put
m as number of training examples,
x’s as “input” variable / features ,
y’s as “output” variable / “target” variable ,
(x,y) as one training example ,
(x(i),y(i)) refer to the ith training example.(this superscript i over here , this is not exponentiation.The superscript i in parenthess that’s just an index into my training set)

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We saw that with the training set like our training set of housing prices and we feed that to our learning algorithm.Is the job of a learning algorithm to then output a function which by convention is usually denoted lowercase h

const function

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In this chart , we want the difference between h(x) and y to be small .And one thing I’m gonna do is try to minimize the square difference between the output of the hypoth

How to use and t

solve problem

gradient descent

It turns out gradient descent is a more general algorithm, and is used not only in linear regression. It’s actually used all over the place in machine learning.

Machine Learning(study notes)_第7张图片
Here is the problem setup.
We are going to see that we have some function J of (θ01). Maybe it is a cost function from linear regression.And we want to come up with an algorithm for minimizing that as a function of J of (θ01).

For the sake of brevity , for the sake of your succinctness of notation , so we just goingn to pretend that have only two parameters through the rest of this video.

The idea for gradient descent :

What we’re going to do is we are going to strat off with some initial guesses for θ0 and θ1.
What we are going to do in gradient descent is we’ll keep changing θ0 and θ1 a little bit to try to reduce J of (θ01)
