WWDC 2019 Modern Swift API Design

No Prefixes in Swift0only Frameworks

C and Object-C symbols are global
Swift's module system allows disambiguation
Remember-each source file brings its imports into the same namespace

Values and references
Protocols and generics
Key path member lookup
Property wrappers


reference Type 相当于OC对象的引用


values Type 会拷贝整个


values Type 会拷贝整个

Choosing Reference or Values?

Prefer structs over classes
·Only choose classes when reference semantics are important
Classes can make a good choice when
·You need a reference counting and deinitialization
·The value is held centrally and shared
·Where is a separate notion of "identity" from "equality

RealityKit - Scenes and Entities

Values Types Make Copies of References


Value and Reference Semantics
private var _texture: Texture

public var is Sparkly: Bool {
  get { _texture.isSparkly }
  set {
    // 检查,深复制
    if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_texture) { _texture = Texture(copying: _texture) }
    _texture.isSparkly = newValue

Protocols and Generics

Don't Literally Start With a Protocol

Start with concrete use cases
Discover a need for generic code
Try to compose solutions from existing protocols first
Consider a generic type instead of a protocol

SIMD? Scalar?


Key Path Member Lookup

Property Wrappers

Capture backing storage property and access policy for re-use

public struct MyType {
  @LateInitialized public var ...

Provides similar benefits to the built-in lazy
·Eliminates boilerplate
·Document semantics at the point of definition

@property Wrapper
public struct LateInitialized {
  private var storage: Value?
  public init() {
    storage = nil

  public var value: Value {
    get {
      guard let value = storage else {
        fatalError("value has not yet been set!")
      return value
    set {
      storage = newValue

Using Property Wrappers

Use of property wrappers expand into a stored property and a computed property

public struct MyType {
  @LateInitialized public var text: String
  // Compiler-synthesized code...
  var $text: LateInitialized = LateInitialized()
  public var text: String {
    get { $text.value }
    set { $text.value = newValue }
Using the DefensiveCopying Property Wrapper

@DefensiveCopying variables can be initialized in their declaration:

public struct MyType {
  @DefensiveCopying public var path: UIBezierPath = UIBezierPath() 

// Defensive Copying


public struct DefensiveCopying {
  private var storage: Value

  public init(initialValue value: Value) {
    storage = value.copy() as! Value

  public var value: Value {
    get { storage }
    set {
      storage = newValue.copy() as! Value


extension DefensiveCopying {
  public init(withoutCopying value: Value) {
    storage = value

Initializing the backing storage property:

public struct MyType {
  @DefensiveCopying public var path: UIBezierPath
  public init() {
    $path = DefensiveCopying(withoutCopying: UIBezierPath())
API Design with Property Wrappers

Property wrappers describe the policy behind your data access Lots of API revolves around data access

@UserDefault(key: "BOOSTER_IGNITED", defaultValue: false)
static var isBoosterIgnited: Bool

@ThreadSpecific var localPool: MemoryPool //单独开一个线程存储,可以安全并且不需要考虑多线程的锁

Property Wrappers in SwiftUI

View data dependencies are expressed using property wrappers

struct SlideViewer: View { 
  @State private var isEditing = false
  @Binding var slide: Slide
  var body: some View {
    VStack {
      Text("Slide #\(slide.number)")
      if isEditing { 
      // ...


// Property Wrappers & Key Path Member Lookup
@propertyWrapper  @dynamicMemberLookup
public var value: Value {
  public struct Binding {
    get { ... }
    nonmutating set { ... }
  public subscript(dynamicMember keyPath: WritableKeyPath) ->Binding { ... } //通过这个可以获取内部变量的@Binding属性
slide // Slide instance
slide.title // String instance
$slide // Binding instance
$slide.title // Binding instance 相当于 $slide[dynamicMember: \Slide.title]


Value semantics vs. reference semantics
Use protocols for code reuse — not classification
Property wrappers reuse computed property definitions

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