练习 1.4
试着扩充这个程序的内容:(1)要求用户同时输入名字(first name)和姓氏(last name),
using namespace std;
int main()
string first_name, last_name;
cout << "Please enter your first name:";
cin >> first_name;
cout << "hi, " << first_name
<< "Please enter your last name:";
cin >> last_name;
cout << '\n';
cout << "Hello, "
<< first_name << ' ' << last_name
<< "... and goodbye!\n";
练习 1.5
// 使用string存储用户名,并根据名字长度做出响应
using namespace std;
int main()
string user_name;
cout << "Please enter your name:";
cin >> user_name;
switch ( user_name.size() ){
case 0:
cout << "Ah, the user with no name."
<< "Well, ok, hi, user with no name\n";
case 1:
cout << "A 1-character name? Hmm, have you read Kafka?:"
<< "hello, " << user_name << endl;
// 字符串长度超过1个字符
cout << "Hello, " << user_name
<< " -- happy to make your acquaintance!\n";
return 0;
using namespace std;
int main()
// 必须分配一个大小固定的空间
const int nm_size = 128;
char user_name[ nm_size ];
cout << "Please enter your name:";
cin >> setw( nm_size ) >> user_name;
switch ( strlen( user_name ) ){
// 这里处理case 0和case
case 127:
// 也许所得的字符串已被setw()舍弃掉部分内容
cout << "That is a very big name, indeed -- "
<< "we may have needed to shorten it!\n"
<< "In any case,\n";
// 此处不加break,往下继续执行
// 如果符合前述条件,也会执行至此处,因为先前并没有break
cout << "Hello, " << user_name
<< " -- happy to make your acquaintance!\n";
return 0;
练习 1.6
// 使用vector实现
using namespace std;
int main()
vector<int> ivec;
int ival;
while ( cin >> ival ){
// 将新输入内容添加到ivec之后
ivec.push_back( ival );
// 我们可以在数值被输入时就实时计算总和
// 这里的做法是遍历vector的元素,一一累加
for (int sum = 0, ix = 0; ix < ivec.size(); ix++)
sum += ivec[ ix ];
int average = sum / ivec.size();
// 根据C++ Standard,sum的作用范围局限于上述的for循环中。
// 此处的sum会造成Undefined symbol编译错误。作者这么写,未能符合
// C++ Standard规范(但某些编辑器,如Visual C++,会让它过关)。
// 请问你应该如何改正这个错误?
// 将sum的声明放到for循环之外,扩大其作用范围
int sum = 0;
for (int ix = 0; ix < ivec.size(); ix++){
sum += ivec[ ix ];
int average = sum / ivec.size();
cout << "Sum of " << ivec.size()
<< " elements: " << sum
<< ". Average: " << average << endl;
return 0;
// 使用array实现
using namespace std;
int main()
const int array_size = 128;
int ia[ array_size ];
int ival, icnt = 0; // ival用于暂存输入,icnt表示输入数据量
while ( cin >> ival && icnt < array_size ){
ia[ icnt++ ] = ival;
int sum = 0;
for (int ix = 0; ix < icnt; ++ix ){
sum += ia[ ix ];
int average = sum / icnt;
cout << "Sum of " << icnt
<< " elements: " << sum
<< ". Average: " << average << endl;
练习 1.7
sort( container.beginer(), container.end() );
using namespace std;
int main()
// 要读取的文件
ifstream in_file( "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\essential C++\\cpp_source\\chapter_1\\1_7.txt" );
if ( !in_file ){
cerr << "oops! unable to open input file\n";
return -1;
// 需写入的文件
ofstream out_file( "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\essential C++\\cpp_source\\chapter_1\\1_7_out.txt" );
if ( ! out_file ){
cerr << "oops! unable to open output file\n";
return -2;
// 读取文件中的内容
string word;
vector< string > text;
while ( in_file >> word ){
text.push_back( word );
int ix;
cout << "unsorted text: \n";
// 输入到cout中展示
for ( ix = 0; ix < text.size(); ++ix){
cout << text[ ix ] << ' ';
cout << endl;
// 排序
sort( text.begin(), text.end() );
// 写入到另一个文件中
out_file << "sorted text: \n";
for ( ix = 0; ix < text.size(); ++ix ){
out_file << text[ ix ] << ' ';
out_file << endl;
return 0;
练习 1.8
1.4 节的switch语句让我们得以根据用户答错的次数提供不同的安慰语句。请以array储存四种
using namespace std;
const char* msg_to_usr( int num_tries )
const int rsp_cnt = 5;
static const char* usr_msgs[ rsp_cnt ] = {
"Go on, make a guess. ",
"Oops! Nice guess but not quite it.",
"Hmm, Sorry. Wrong a second time.",
"Ah, this is harder than it looks, no?",
"It must be getting pretty frustrating by now!"
if ( num_tries < 0 ){
num_tries = 0;
else if ( num_tries >= rsp_cnt ){
num_tries = rsp_cnt-1;
return usr_msgs[ num_tries ];
练习 2.1
using namespace std;
bool fibon_elem( int, int & );
int main()
int pos, elem;
char ch;
bool more = true;
while ( more ){
cout << "Please enter a position: ";
cin >> pos;
if ( fibon_elem( pos, elem )){
cout << "element # " << pos
<< " is " << elem << endl;
cout << "Sorry. Could not calculate element # "
<< pos << endl;
cout << "Do you want to calculate any other numbers?(y/n)";
cin >> ch;
if ( ch != 'y' && ch != 'Y'){
more = false;
bool fibon_elem( int pos, int &elem ){
// 检查位置值是否合理
if ( pos <= 0 || pos > 1024){
elem = 0;
return false;
elem = 1;
int n_2 = 1, n_1 = 1;
for ( int xi = 3; xi <= pos; ++xi){
elem = n_2 + n_1;
n_2 = n_1;
n_1 = elem;
return true;
练习 2.2
using namespace std;
bool calc_elements( vector<int> &vec, int pos );
void display_elems( vector<int> &vec,
const string &title, ostream &os=cout ); // 赋了初值
int main()
vector<int> pent;
const string title( "Pentagonal Numeric Series" );
// 检查上面声明的两个函数
if ( calc_elements( pent, 0 ))
display_elems( pent, title );
if ( calc_elements( pent, 8 ))
display_elems( pent, title );
if ( calc_elements( pent, 14 ))
display_elems( pent, title );
if ( calc_elements( pent, 138 ))
display_elems( pent, title );
bool calc_elements( vector<int> &vec, int pos )
if ( pos <= 0 || pos >64 ){
cerr << "Sorry. Invalid position: " << pos << endl;
return false;
for ( int ix = vec.size()+1; ix <= pos; ++ix){
vec.push_back( (ix*(3*ix-1))/2 );
return true;
void display_elems( vector<int> &vec,
const string &title, ostream &os )
os << '\n' << title << '\n\t';
for ( int ix = 0; ix < vec.size(); ++ix)
os << vec[ ix ] << ' ';
os << endl;
练习 2.3
using namespace std;
inline bool calc_elems( vector<int> &vec, int pos );
void display_elems( vector<int> &vec,
const string &title, ostream &os=cout ); // 赋了初值
extern void really_calc_elems ( vector<int> &, int );
int main()
vector<int> pent;
const string title( "Pentagonal Numeric Series" );
// 检查上面声明的两个函数
if ( calc_elems( pent, 0 ))
display_elems( pent, title );
if ( calc_elems( pent, 8 ))
display_elems( pent, title );
if ( calc_elems( pent, 14 ))
display_elems( pent, title );
if ( calc_elems( pent, 138 ))
display_elems( pent, title );
inline bool calc_elems( vector<int> &vec, int pos )
if ( pos <= 0 || pos >64 ){
cerr << "Sorry. Invalid position: " << pos << endl;
return false;
if ( vec.size() < pos){
really_calc_elems( vec, pos);
return true;
void really_calc_elems( vector<int> &vec, int pos )
for ( int ix = vec.size()+1; ix <= pos; ++ix){
vec.push_back( (ix*(3*ix-1))/2 );
void display_elems( vector<int> &vec,
const string &title, ostream &os )
os << '\n' << title << '\n\t';
for ( int ix = 0; ix < vec.size(); ++ix)
os << vec[ ix ] << ' ';
os << endl;
练习 2.4
写一个函数,以局部静态(local static)的vector储存Pentagonal数列元素。此函数返回一个
using namespace std;
inline bool check_validity( int pos )
{ return ( pos <= 0 || pos >64 ) ? false : true; }
const vector<int>* pentagonal_series( int pos )
static vector<int> _elems;
if ( check_validity( pos ) && ( pos >_elems.size() )){
for ( int ix = _elems.size(); ix < pos; ++ix){
_elems.push_back( (ix*(3*ix-1))/2 );
return &_elems;
bool pentagonal_elem( int pos, int &elem )
if ( !check_validity( pos )){
cout << "Sorry. Invalid position: " << pos << endl;
elem = 0;
return false;
const vector<int> *pent = pentagonal_series( pos );
elem = (*pent)[pos-1];
return true;
int main()
int elem;
if ( pentagonal_elem( 8, elem ))
cout << "element 8 is " << elem << '\n';
if ( pentagonal_elem( 88, elem ))
cout << "element 88 is " << elem << '\n';
if ( pentagonal_elem( 12, elem ))
cout << "element 12 is " << elem << '\n';
if ( pentagonal_elem( 64, elem ))
cout << "element 64 is " << elem << '\n';
练习 2.5
using namespace std;
inline int max ( int t1, int t2 )
{ return t1 > t2 ? t1 : t2; }
inline float max ( float t1, float t2 )
{ return t1 > t2 ? t1 : t2; }
inline string max ( const string& t1, const string& t2 )
{ return t1 > t2 ? t1 : t2; }
inline int max ( const vector<int> &vec )
{ return *max_element( vec.begin(), vec.end() ); }
inline float max ( const vector<float> &vec )
{ return *max_element( vec.begin(), vec.end() ); }
inline string max ( const vector<string> &vec )
{ return *max_element( vec.begin(), vec.end() ); }
inline int max ( const int *parray, int size )
{ return *max_element( parray, parray+size ); }
inline float max( const float *parray, int size )
{ return *max_element( parray, parray+size ); }
inline string max ( const string *parray, int size )
{ return *max_element( parray, parray+size ); }
int main()
string sarray[] = { "we", "were", "her", "pride", "of", "ten" };
vector<string> svec( sarray, sarray+6 );
int iarray[] = { 12, 70, 2, 169, 1, 5, 29 };
vector<int> ivec( iarray, iarray+7 );
float farray[] = { 2.5, 24.8, 18.7, 4.1, 23.9 };
vector<float> fvec( farray, farray+5 );
int imax = max( max( ivec ), max( iarray, 7 ));
float fmax = max( max( fvec ), max( farray, 5 ));
string smax = max( max( svec ), max( sarray, 6 ));
cout << "imax should be 169 -- found: " << imax << '\n'
<< "fmax should be 24.8 -- found: " << fmax << '\n'
<< "smax should be were -- found: " << smax << '\n';
练习 2.6
using namespace std;
template <typename Type>
inline Type mymax ( Type t1, Type t2 )
{ return t1 > t2 ? t1 : t2; }
template <typename elemType>
inline elemType mymax ( const vector<elemType> &vec )
{ return *max_element( vec.begin(), vec.end() ); }
template <typename arrayType>
inline arrayType mymax ( const arrayType *parray, int size )
{ return *max_element( parray, parray+size ); }
int main()
string sarray[] = { "we", "were", "her", "pride", "of", "ten" };
vector<string> svec( sarray, sarray+6 );
int iarray[] = { 12, 70, 2, 169, 1, 5, 29 };
vector<int> ivec( iarray, iarray+7 );
float farray[] = { 2.5, 24.8, 18.7, 4.1, 23.9 };
vector<float> fvec( farray, farray+5 );
int imax = mymax( mymax( ivec ), mymax( iarray, 7 ));
float fmax = mymax( mymax( fvec ), mymax( farray, 5 ));
string smax = mymax( mymax( svec ), mymax( sarray, 6 ));
cout << "imax should be 169 -- found: " << imax << '\n'
<< "fmax should be 24.8 -- found: " << fmax << '\n'
<< "smax should be were -- found: " << smax << '\n';
练习 3.1
using namespace std;
void initialize_exclusion_set( set<string>& );
void process_file( map<string,int>&, const set<string>&, ifstream& );
void user_query( const map<string,int>& );
void display_word_count( const map<string,int>&, ofstream& );
int main()
ifstream ifile( "C:\\My Document\\column.txt" );
ofstream ofile( "C:\\My Document\\column.map" );
if ( !ifile || !ofile ){
cerr << "Unable to open file -- bailing out!\n";
return -1;
set<string> exclude_set;
initialize_exclusion_set( exclude_set );
map<string,int> word_count;
process_file( word_count, exclude_set, ifile );
user_query( word_count );
display_word_count( word_count, ofile );
// “排除字眼”set初始化函数
void initialize_exclusion_set( set<string> &exs )
static string _excluded_words[25] = {
exs.insert( _excluded_words, _excluded_words+25 );
// 将文本文件读取到map中
void process_file( map<string,int> &word_count,
const set<string> &excluded_set, ifstream &ifile )
string word;
while( ifile >> word ){
if ( excluded_set.count( word ) )
// 用户查询函数
void user_query( const map<string,int> &word_map )
string search_word;
cout << "Please enter a word to search: q to quit";
cin >> search_word;
while ( search_word.size() && search_word != "q" ){
map<string,int>::const_iterator it;
if ((it = word_map.find( search_word )) != word_map.end() ){
cout << "Found! " << it->first
<< " occurs " << it->second
<< " times.\n";
cout << search_word
<< " was not found in text.\n";
cout << "\nAnother search? (q to quit)";
cin >> search_word;
// 将文本文件输出
void display_word_count( const map<string,int> &word_map, ofstream &os )
map<string,int>::const_iterator iter = word_map.begin(),
end_it = word_map.end();
while ( iter != end_it ){
os << iter->first << " ( "
<< iter->second << " )" << endl;
++ iter;
os << endl;
练习 3.2
排序。定义一个function object并传给sort();这一function object接受两个字符串,当第一
using namespace std;
// 定义一个新的function object用于根据字符串长度排序
class LessThan
bool operator()( const string &s1, const string &s2 )
{ return s1.size() < s2.size(); }
// 定义一个展示vectot的function template
template <typename elemType>
void display_vector( const vector<elemType> &vec, ostream &os=cout, int len=8 )
iter = vec.begin(),
end_it = vec.end();
int elem_cnt = 1;
while ( iter != end_it ){
os << *iter++
<< ( !( elem_cnt++ % len ) ? '\n' : ' ' ); // 一行8个字符串
os << endl;
int main()
ifstream ifile( "C:\\My Document\\MooCat.txt" );
ofstream ofile( "C:\\My Document\\MooCat.sort" );
// 检测输入输出文件是否为空
if ( !ifile || !ofile ){
cerr << "Unable to open file -- bailing out!\n";
return -1;
vector<string> text;
string word;
while ( ifile >> word ){
text.push_back( word );
sort( text.begin(), text.end(), LessThan() );
display_vector( text, ofile );
练习 3.3
using namespace std;
typedef vector<string> vstring;
map<string,vstring> families;
void populate_map( ifstream &, map<string,vstring> & );
void display_map( const map<string,vstring> &, ostream & );
void query_map( const string &, const map<string,vstring> & );
int main()
map<string,vstring> families;
ifstream nameFile( "C:\\My Documents\\families.txt" );
if ( !nameFile ){
cerr << "Unable to find families.txt file. Bailing Out!\n";
return -1; // 英文原书未返回任何值,错误
populate_map( nameFile, families );
string family_name;
while ( 1 )
// 除非用户表示要离开,否则一直执行下去
cout << "Please enter a family name or q to quit ";
cin >> family_name;
if ( family_name == "q" )
query_map( family_name, families );
display_map( families, cout ); // 英文原书只有一个参数,错误
void populate_map( ifstream &nameFile, map<string,vstring> &families )
string textline;
while ( getline( nameFile, textline ) )
// 此行无法通过Visual C++和Borland C++ Builder,只有GCC可接受
string fam_name;
vector<string> child;
pos = 0, prev_pos = 0,
text_size = textline.size();
// ok:找出以空格为分隔开来的所有单字
while ( ( pos = textline.find_first_of( ' ', pos ) ) != string::npos ){
// 计算子字符串的终点
string::size_type end_pos = pos - prev_pos;
// 倘若prev_pos并未设置(或说其值为0),那么读到的单字就是
// 家庭姓氏,否则我们就一一读取孩子们的名字......
if ( !prev_pos )
fam_name = textline.substr( prev_pos, end_pos );
child.push_back( textline.substr( prev_pos, end_pos ) );
prev_pos = ++pos;
// 现在处理最后一个孩子的名字
if ( prev_pos < text_size )
child.push_back( textline.substr( prev_pos, pos-prev_pos ) );
if ( !families.count( fam_name ) )
families[ fam_name ] = child;
cerr << "Oops! We already have a " << fam_name
<< " family in our map!\n";
void display_map( const map<string,vstring> &families, ostream &os )
it = families.begin(),
end_it = families.end();
while ( it != end_it ){
os << "The " << it->first << " family ";
if ( it->second.empty() ){
os << "has no children\n";
// 打印出vector内的小孩名字
os << "has " << it->second.size() << " children: ";
vector<string>::const_iterator iter = it->second.begin(),
end_iter = it->second.end();
while ( iter != end_iter ){
os << *iter << " ";
os << endl;
void query_map( const string &family,
const map<string,vstring> &families )
map<string,vstring>::const_iterator it = families.find( family );
if ( it == families.end() ){
cout << "Sorry. The " << family
<< " it not currently entered.\n";
cout << "The " << family;
if ( !it->second.size() ){
cout << "has no children\n";
// 打印出vector内的小孩名字
cout << "has " << it->second.size() << " children: ";
iter = it->second.begin(),
end_iter = it->second.end();
while ( iter != end_iter ){
cout << *iter << " ";
cout << endl;
练习 3.4
编写一个程序,利用istream_iterator从标准输入设备读取一连串整数。利用 ostream_iterator
using namespace std;
class even_elem
bool operator()( int elem )
{ return elem%2 ? false : true; }
int main()
vector<int> input;
istream_iterator<int> in(cin), eos; // 英文原书有误,少了
copy( in, eos, back_inserter( input ) );
vector<int>::iterator division =
partition( input.begin(), input.end(), even_elem() ); // 分为“偶-奇”
// 输出文件位置
ofstream even_file( "C:\\My Document\\even_file" ),
odd_file( "C:\\My Document\\odd_file" );
// 确定输出文件正常
if ( !even_file || !odd_file ){
cerr << "arghh! unable to open the output files. bailing out!";
return -1;
// 第二个参数代表每个元素输出时的分隔符
ostream_iterator<int> even_iter( even_file, "\n" ),
odd_iter( odd_file, " " );
copy( input.begin(), division, even_iter );
copy( division, input.end(), odd_iter );
练习 4.1
#include "Stack.h"
#include "Stack.h"
int main()
Stack st;
string str;
while ( cin >> str && ! st.full() ){
st.push( str );
if ( st.empty() ){
cout << '\n' << "Ooops: no strings were read -- balling out\n ";
return 0;
st.peek( str );
if ( st.size() == 1 && str.empty() ){
cout << '\n' << "Ooops: no strings were read -- balling out\n ";
return 0;
cout << '\n' << "Read in " << str.size() << " string!\n";
// 将内容全部输出
while ( st.size() ){
if ( st.pop( str ) ){
cout << str << ' ';
cout << '\n' << "There are now " << st.size()
<< " elements in the stack!\n";
// Stack.h
#include // 4_2使用泛型算法
using namespace std;
class Stack
vector<string> _stack;
bool push( const string& ); // 弹出最后一个
bool pop( string &elem ); // 查看最后一个
bool peek( string &elem ); // 压入一个
bool empty() const { return _stack.empty(); }
bool full() const { return _stack.size() == _stack.max_size(); }
int size() const { return _stack.size(); }
bool find( const string &elem ) const;
int count( const string &elem ) const;
bool Stack::pop( string &elem )
if ( empty() ){
return false;
elem = _stack.back();
return true;
bool Stack::peek( string &elem )
if ( empty() ){
return false;
elem = _stack.back();
return true;
bool Stack::push( const string &elem )
if ( full() ){
return false;
_stack.push_back( elem );
return true;
bool Stack::find( const string &elem ) const
vector<string>::const_iterator end_it = _stack.end();
return ::find( _stack.begin(), end_it, elem ) != end_it;
int Stack::count( const string &elem ) const
{ return ::count( _stack.begin(), _stack.end(), elem ); }
练习 4.2
#include "Stack.h"
int main()
Stack st;
string str;
while ( cin >> str && ! st.full() ){ // 有输入,且 stack 未满
st.push( str );
cout << '\n' << "Read in " << st.size() << " string!\n";
cin.clear(); // 清除 end-of-file 的设定
cout << " what word to search for? ";
cin >> str;
bool found = st.find( str );
int count = found ? st.count( str ) : 0;
cout << str << (found ? " is " : " isn\'t " ) << "in the stack. ";
if ( found )
cout << "It occurs " << count << " times\n";
练习 4.3
string program_name;
string version_stamp;
int version_number;
int tests_run;
int tests_passed;
using std::string;
class globalWrapper
static string _program_name;
static string _version_stamp;
static int _version_number;
static int _tests_run;
static int _tests_passed;
static int tests_passed() { return _tests_passed; }
static int tests_run() { return _tests_run; }
static int version_number() { return _version_number; }
static string version_stamp() { return _version_stamp; }
static string program_name() { return _program_name; }
static int tests_passed( int nval ) { return _tests_passed = nval; }
static int tests_run( int nval ) { return _tests_run = nval; }
static void version_number( int nval ) { _version_number = nval; }
static void version_stamp( const string& nstamp ) { _version_stamp = nstamp; }
static void program_name( const string& npn ) { _program_name = npn; }
string globalWrapper::_program_name;
string globalWrapper::_version_stamp;
int globalWrapper::_version_number;
int globalWrapper::_tests_run;
int globalWrapper::_tests_passed;
练习 4.4
一份“用户概要记录(user profile)”内含以下数据:登录记录、实际姓名、登入次数、猜对次数、
为guest的多个用户,你如何保证每个guest有他自己独有的登录会话(login session),不会和
#include "UserProfile.h"
int main()
UserProfile anon;
cout << anon; // 测试output运算符
UserProfile anon_too; // 看看我们是否取得一份独一无二的标识符
cout << anon_too;
UserProfile anna( "AnnaL", UserProfile::Guru );
cout << anna;
anna.bump_guess_count( 27 );
anna.bump_guess_correct( 25 );
cout << anna;
cin >> anon; // 测试input运算符
cout << anon;
// UserProfile.h
using namespace std;
class UserProfile
enum uLevel { Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Guru };
UserProfile( string login, uLevel = Beginner );
bool operator==( const UserProfile& );
bool operator!=( const UserProfile &rhs );
// 以下函数用来读取数据
string login() const { return _login; }
string user_name() const { return _user_name; }
int login_count() const { return _times_logged; }
int guess_count() const { return _guesses; }
int guess_correct() const { return _correct_guesses; }
double guess_average() const;
string level() const;
// 以下函数用来写入数据
void reset_login( const string &val ) { _login = val; }
void user_name( const string &val ) { _user_name = val; }
void reset_level( const string& );
void reset_level( uLevel newlevel ) { _user_level = newlevel; }
void reset_login_count( int val ) { _times_logged = val; }
void reset_guess_count( int val ) { _guesses = val; }
void reset_guess_correct( int val ) { _correct_guesses = val; }
void bump_login_count( int cnt=1 ) { _times_logged += cnt; }
void bump_guess_count( int cnt=1 ) { _guesses += cnt; }
void bump_guess_correct( int cnt=1 ) { _correct_guesses += cnt; }
string _login;
string _user_name;
int _times_logged;
int _guesses;
int _correct_guesses;
uLevel _user_level;
static map<string, uLevel> _level_map;
static void init_level_map();
static string guest_login();
inline double UserProfile::guess_average() const
return _guesses
? double(_correct_guesses) / double(_guesses) * 100
: 0.0;
inline UserProfile::UserProfile( string login, uLevel level )
: _login( login ), _user_level( level ), _times_logged( 1 ), _guesses( 0 ),
_correct_guesses( 0 ){}
inline UserProfile::UserProfile()
: _login( "guest" ), _user_level( Beginner ), _times_logged( 1 ), _guesses( 0 ),
_correct_guesses( 0 )
static int id = 0;
char buffer[16];
// _itoa()是C标准库所提供的函数,会将整数转换为对应的ASCII字符串形式
_itoa( id++, buffer, 10 );
// 针对guest,加入一个独一无二的会话识别符(session id)
_login += buffer;
inline bool UserProfile::operator==( const UserProfile &rhs )
if( _login == rhs._login && _user_name == rhs._user_name )
return true;
return false;
inline bool UserProfile::operator!=( const UserProfile &rhs )
{ return !( *this == rhs ); }
inline string UserProfile::level() const
static string _level_table[] = { "Beginner", "Intermediate", "Advanced", "Guru"
return _level_table[ _user_level ];
ostream& operator<<( ostream &os, const UserProfile &rhs )
// 输出格式:stanl Beginner 12 100 10 10%
os << rhs.login() << ' '
<< rhs.level() << ' '
<< rhs.login_count() << ' '
<< rhs.guess_count() << ' '
<< rhs.guess_correct() << ' '
<< rhs.guess_average() << endl;
return os;
// 以下难度颇高,不过恰可作为示范
map<string, UserProfile::uLevel> UserProfile::_level_map;
void UserProfile::init_level_map()
_level_map[ "Beginner" ] = Beginner;
_level_map[ "Intermediate" ] = Intermediate;
_level_map[ "Advanced" ] = Advanced;
_level_map[ "Guru" ] = Guru;
inline void UserProfile::reset_level( const string &level )
map<string, uLevel>::iterator it;
if( _level_map.empty() ){
// 确保level的确代表一个可识别的用户等级
_user_level =
(( it = _level_map.find( level )) != _level_map.end() )
? it->second : Beginner;
istream& operator>>( istream &is, UserProfile &rhs )
// 是的,以下假设所有输入都有效,不做错误检验。
string login, level;
is >> login >> level;
int lcount, gcount, gcorrect;
is >> lcount >> gcount >> gcorrect;
rhs.reset_login( login );
rhs.reset_level( level );
rhs.reset_login_count( lcount );
rhs.reset_guess_count( gcount );
rhs.reset_guess_correct( gcorrect );
return is;
练习 4.5
请实现一个4×4的 Matrix class,至少提供以下接口:矩阵加法、矩阵乘法、打印函数print()、
复合运算符+=,以及一组支持下标操作(subscripting)的function call运算符,像下面这样:
float& operation()( int row, int colunm );
float operation()( int row, int colunm ) const;
请提供一个default constructor,可选择性地接受16个数据值。再提供一个constructor,可接
受一个拥有16个元素的数组。你不需要为此class提供copy constructor、copy assignment
operator、destructor。第六章重新实现 Matrix class时才需要这几个函数,用以支持任意行列
#include "Matrix.h"
int main()
Matrix m;
cout << m << endl;
elemType ar[16] = {
1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1. };
Matrix identity( ar );
cout << identity << endl;
Matrix m2( identity );
m = identity;
cout << m2 << endl;
cout << m << endl;
elemType ar2[16] = {
1.3, 0.4, 2.6, 8.2, 6.2, 1.7, 1.3, 8.3,
4.2, 7.4, 2.7, 1.9, 6.3, 8.1, 5.6, 6.6 };
Matrix m3( ar2 );
cout << m3 << endl;
Matrix m4 = m3 * identity;
cout << m4 << endl;
Matrix m5 = m3 + m4;
cout << m5 << endl;
m3 += m4;
cout << m3 << endl;
// Matrix.h
using namespace std;
typedef float elemType; // 方便我们转为template形式
class Matrix
// friend声明不受访问权限的影响
// 可以放到class一开始处
friend Matrix operator+( const Matrix&, const Matrix& );
friend Matrix operator*( const Matrix&, const Matrix& );
Matrix( const elemType* );
Matrix( elemType=0.,elemType=0.,elemType=0.,elemType=0.,
elemType=0.,elemType=0.,elemType=0.,elemType=0. );
// 不需要为Matrix提供copy constructor、destructor、
// copy assignment operator。
// 简化“转换至通用型矩阵(general matrix)”的过程
int rows() const { return 4; }
int cols() const { return 4; }
ostream& print( ostream& ) const;
void operator+=( const Matrix& );
elemType operator()( int row, int column ) const
{ return _matrix[ row ] [ column ]; }
elemType& operator()( int row, int column )
{ return _matrix[ row ] [ column ]; }
elemType _matrix[4][4];
inline ostream& operator<<( ostream& os, const Matrix &m )
{ return m.print( os ); }
Matrix operator+( const Matrix &m1, const Matrix &m2 )
Matrix result( m1 );
result += m2;
return result;
Matrix operator*( const Matrix &m1, const Matrix &m2 )
Matrix result;
for ( int ix = 0; ix < m1.rows(); ix++ ){
for ( int jx = 0; jx < m1.cols(); jx++ ){
result( ix, jx ) = 0;
for ( int kx = 0; kx < m1.cols(); kx++ ){
result( ix, jx ) += m1( ix, kx ) * m2( kx, jx );
return result;
void Matrix::operator+=( const Matrix &m )
for (int ix = 0; ix < 4; ix++ )
for ( int jx = 0; jx < 4; jx++ )
_matrix[ix] [jx] += m._matrix[ix] [jx];
ostream& Matrix::print( ostream &os ) const
int cnt = 0;
for ( int ix = 0; ix < 4; ix++ ){
for ( int jx = 0; jx < 4; jx++, ++cnt ){
if ( cnt && !( cnt % 8 )){
os << endl;
os << _matrix[ix] [jx] << ' ';
os << endl;
return os;
Matrix::Matrix( const elemType *array )
int array_index = 0;
for ( int ix = 0; ix < 4; ix++ )
for ( int jx = 0; jx < 4; ++jx )
_matrix[ix] [jx] = array[array_index++];
elemType a11, elemType a12, elemType a13, elemType a14,
elemType a21, elemType a22, elemType a23, elemType a24,
elemType a31, elemType a32, elemType a33, elemType a34,
elemType a41, elemType a42, elemType a43, elemType a44 )
_matrix[0][0] = a11; _matrix[0][1] = a12; _matrix[0][2] = a13; _matrix[0][3] = a14;
_matrix[1][0] = a21; _matrix[1][1] = a22; _matrix[1][2] = a23; _matrix[1][3] = a24;
_matrix[2][0] = a31; _matrix[2][1] = a32; _matrix[2][2] = a33; _matrix[2][3] = a34;
_matrix[3][0] = a41; _matrix[3][1] = a42; _matrix[3][2] = a43; _matrix[3][3] = a44;
练习 5.1
using namespace std;
// Stack 类定义
typedef string elemType;
class Stack{
virtual ~Stack(){};
virtual bool pop( elemType& ) = 0;
virtual bool push( const elemType& ) = 0;
virtual bool peek( int index, elemType& ) = 0;
virtual int top() const = 0;
virtual int size() const = 0;
virtual bool empty() const = 0;
virtual bool full() const = 0;
virtual void print( ostream& = cout ) const = 0;
ostream& operator<<( ostream &os, const Stack &rhs )
{rhs.print(); return os;}
class LIFO_Stack : public Stack{
LIFO_Stack( int capacity = 0 ) : _top( 0 )
{ if ( capacity ) _stack.reserve( capacity ); }
int size() const { return _stack.size(); }
bool empty() const { return ! _top; }
bool full() const { return size() >= _stack.max_size(); }
int top() const { return _top; }
void print( ostream &os=cout ) const;
bool pop( elemType &elem );
bool push( const elemType &elem );
bool peek( int, elemType& ) { return false; }
vector< elemType > _stack;
int _top;
class Peekback_Stack : public Stack{
Peekback_Stack( int capacity = 0 ) : _top( 0 )
{ if ( capacity ) _stack.reserve( capacity ); }
int size() const { return _stack.size(); }
bool empty() const { return ! _top; }
bool full() const { return size() >= _stack.max_size(); }
int top() const { return _top; }
void print( ostream &os=cout ) const;
bool pop( elemType &elem );
bool push( const elemType &elem );
bool peek( int, elemType& ) ;
vector< elemType > _stack;
int _top;
bool LIFO_Stack::pop( elemType &elem ){
if ( empty() ) return false;
elem = _stack[ --_top ];
return true;
bool LIFO_Stack::push( const elemType &elem ){
if ( full() ) return false;
_stack.push_back( elem );
return true;
void LIFO_Stack::print( ostream &os=cout ) const {
rit = _stack.rbegin(),
rend = _stack.rend();
os << "\n\t";
while ( rit != rend )
os << *rit++ << "\n\t";
os << endl;
bool Peekback_Stack::peek( int index, elemType &elem )
if ( empty() )
return false;
if ( index < 0 || index >= size() )
return false;
elem = _stack[ index ];
return true;
void peek( Stack &st, int index )
cout << endl;
string t;
if ( st.peek( index, t ) )
cout << "peek: " << t;
else cout << "peek failed!";
cout << endl;
// 主函数
int main()
LIFO_Stack st;
string str;
while ( cin >> str && ! st.full() )
st.push( str );
cout << '\n' << "About to call peek() with LIFO_Stack" << endl;
peek( st, st.top()-1 );
cout << st;
Peekback_Stack pst;
while ( ! st.empty() ){
string t;
if ( st.pop( t ) )
pst.push( t );
cout << "About to call peek() with Peekback_Stack" << endl;
peek( pst, pst.top()-1 );
cout << pst;
练习 5.2
using namespace std;
typedef string elemType;
class Stack
Stack( int capacity = 0 ) : _top( 0 )
if ( capacity )
_stack.reserve( capacity );
virtual ~Stack(){};
bool pop( elemType& );
bool push( const elemType& );
virtual bool peek( int, elemType& )
{ return false; }
int size() const { return _stack.size(); }
int top() const { return _top; }
bool empty() const { return ! _top; }
bool full() const { return size() >= _stack.max_size(); }
void print( ostream &os=cout ) const;
vector<elemType> _stack;
int _top;
// 只展示了与5.1不同的内容
class Peekback_Stack : public Stack {
Peekback_Stack( int capacity = 0 )
: Stack( capacity ) {}
virtual bool peek( int index, elemType &elem );
练习 6.1
试改写一下类,使它成为一个class template:
class example{
example( double min, double max );
example( const double *array, int size );
double& operator[]( int index );
bool operator==( const example& ) const;
bool insert( const double*, int );
bool insert( double );
double min() const { return _min; }
double max() const { return _max; }
voud min( double );
void max( double );
int count( double value ) const;
int size;
double *parray;
double _min;
doubel _max;
template <typename elemType>
class example{
example( const elemType &min, const elemType &max );
example( const elemType *array, int size );
elemType& operator[]( int index );
bool operator==( const example& ) const;
bool insert( const elemType*, int );
bool insert( const elemType& );
elemType min() const { return _min; }
elemType max() const { return _max; }
void min( const elemType& );
void max( const elemType& );
int count( const elemType &value ) const;
int _size;
elemType *_parray;
elemType _min;
elemType _max;
练习 6.2
重新以template形式实现练习4.3的 Matrix class,并扩充其功能,使它能够通过 heap memory
(堆内存)来支持任意行列大小。分配/释放内存的操作,请在 constructor/destructor中进行。
using namespace std;
template <typename elemType>
class Matrix
friend Matrix<elemType>
operator+( const Matrix<elemType>&, const Matrix<elemType>& );
friend Matrix<elemType>
operator*( const Matrix<elemType>&, const Matrix<elemType>& );
Matrix( int rows, int columns );
Matrix( const Matrix& );
Matrix& operator=( const Matrix& );
void operator+=( const Matrix& );
elemType& operator()( int row, int column )
{ return _matrix[ row * cols() + column ]; }
const elemType& operator()( int row, int column ) const
{ return _matrix[ row * cols() + column ]; }
int rows() const { return _rows; }
int cols() const { return _cols; }
bool same_size( const Matrix &m ) const
{ return rows() == m.rows() && cols() == m.cols(); }
bool comfortable( const Matrix &m ) const
{ return ( cols() == m.rows() ); }
ostream& print( ostream& ) const;
int _rows;
int _cols;
elemType *_matrix;
template <typename elemType>
inline ostream&
operator<<( ostream& os, const Matrix<elemType> &m )
{ return m.print( os ); }
// Matrix.h文件结束
template <typename elemType>
Matrix< elemType >
operator+( const Matrix<elemType> &m1, const Matrix<elemType> &m2 )
// 确定m1和m2的大小相同
Matrix<elemType> result( m1 );
result += m2;
return result;
template <typename elemType>
operator*( const Matrix<elemType> &m1, const Matrix<elemType> &m2 )
// m1的行数(row)必须等于m2的列数(column)
Matrix<elemType> result( m1.rows(), m2.cols() );
for ( int ix = 0; ix < m1.rows(); ix++ ){
for ( int jx = 0; jx <m1.cols(); jx++ ){
result( ix, jx ) = 0;
for ( int kx = 0; kx < m1.cols(); kx++ )
result( ix, jx ) += m1( ix, kx ) * m2( kx, jx );
return result;
template <typename elemType>
void Matrix<elemType>::operator+=( const Matrix &m ){
// 确定m1和m2的大小相同
int matrix_size = cols() * rows();
for ( int ix = 0; ix < matrix_size; ++ix )
( *( _matrix + ix )) += ( *( m._matrix + ix ));
template <typename elemType>
ostream& Matrix<elemType>::print( ostream &os ) const {
int col = cols();
int matrix_size = col * rows();
for ( int ix = 0; ix < matrix_size; ++ix ){
if ( ix % col == 0 ) os << endl;
os << ( *( _matrix + ix )) << ' ';
os << endl;
return os;
// 主程序
# include
int main()
ofstream log( "C:\\My Documents\\log.txt" );
if ( ! log )
{ cerr << "can't open log file!\n"; return; }
Matrix<float> identity( 4, 4 );
log << "identity: " << identity << endl;
float ar[16]={ 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1. };
for ( int i = 0, k = 0; i < 4; ++i )
for ( int j = 0; j < 4; ++j )
identity( i, j ) = ar[ k++ ];
log << "identity after set: " << identity << endl;
Matrix<float> m( identity );
log << "m: memberwise initialized: " << m << endl;
Matrix<float> m2( 8, 12 );
log << "m2: 8x12: " << m2 << endl;
m2 = m ;
log << "m2 after memberwise assigned to m: "
<< m2 << endl;
float ar2[16]={ 1.3, 0.4, 2.6, 8.2, 6.2, 1.7, 1.3, 8.3,
4.2, 7.4, 2.7, 1.9, 6.3, 8.1, 5.6, 6.6 };
Matrix<float> m3( 4, 4 );
for ( int ix = 0, kx = 0; ix < 4; ++ix )
for ( int j = 0; j < 4; ++j )
m3( ix, j ) = ar2[ kx++ ];
log << "m3: assigned random values: " << m3 << endl;
Matrix<float> m4 = m3 * identity; log << m4 << endl;
Matrix<float> m5 = m3 + m4; log << m5 << endl;
m3 += m4; log << m3 << endl;
练习 7.1
int *alloc_and_init( string file_name )
ifstream infile( file_name );
int elem_cnt;
infile >> elem_cnt;
int *pi = allocate_array( elem_cnt );
int elem;
int index = 0;
while( infile >> elem )
pi[ index++ ] = elem;
sort_array( pi, elem_cnt );
register_data( pi );
return pi;
1、ifstream constructor接收的参数类型是 const char*而非 string,利用string的member
function c_str()转换为C-style:
ifstream infile( file_name.cstr() );
if ( ! infile )
if ( ! pi )
ifstream infile( file_name.cstr() );
if ( ! infile )
int elem_cnt;
infile >> elem_cnt;
if ( ! infile )
int *pi = allocate_array( elem_cnt );
if ( ! pi )
练习 7.2
allocate_array() 发生异常 noMem
sort_array() 发生异常 int
register() 发生异常 string
using namespace std;
int *alloc_and_init( string file_name )
ifstream infile( file_name.c_str() );
if ( ! infile ) return 0;
int elem_cnt;
infile >> elem_cnt;
if ( ! infile ) return 0;
try {
int *pi = allocate_array( elem_cnt ); // (1)
int elem;
int index = 0;
while ( infile >> elem && index < elem_cnt )
pi[ index++ ] = elem;
sort_array( pi, elem_cnt ); // (2)
register_data( pi ); // (3)
catch( const noMem &memFail ) { // 异常情况(1)
cerr << "alloc_and_init(): allocate_array failure!\n"
<< memFail.what() << endl;
return 0;
catch( int &sortFail ) { // 异常情况(2)
cerr << "alloc_and_init(): sort_array failure!\n"
<< "thrown integer value: " << sortFail << endl;
return 0;
catch( string ®isterFail ) { // 异常情况(3)
cerr << "alloc_and_init(): register_data failure!\n"
<< "thrown string value: "
<< registerFail << endl;
return 0;
return pi; // 如果没有任何异常被抛出,就会执行到这里......
练习 7.3
using namespace std;
template<typename elemType>
void pop( elemType &elem )
if ( empty() )
throw PopOnEmpty();
elem = _stack[ --_pop ];
template<typename elemType>
void push( const elemType &elem )
if ( ! full() ){
_stack.push_back( elem );
throw PushOnFull();
class StackException : public logic_error {
StackException( const char *what ) : _what( what ){}
const char *what() const { return _what.c_str(); }
string _what;
class PopOnEmpty : public StackException {
PopOnEmpty() : StackException( "Pop on Empty Stack" ) {}
class PushOnFull : public StackException {
PushOnFull() : StackException( "Push on Full Stack" ) {}
// 定义后,以下任何一个catch句子都能处理PushOnFull的异常:
catch( const PushOnFull &pof )
{ log( pof.what() ); return; }
catch( const StackException &stke )
{ log( stke.what() ); return; }
catch( const logic_error &lge )
{ log( lge.what() ); return; }
catch( const exception &ex )
{ log( ex.what() ); return; }