

1. other、another
one...the other... 两者之一用
one…another... 两者以上用
One of the two chairs is mine: the another is my brother's


be worth doing sth. 值得做某事
spend + time/money + doing sth. 花费时间金钱做某事
have sb.do sth. 让某人做某事
decide to do sth. 决定去做某事
make a short speech to someone 向某人做简短讲话
not...anymore 不再
hide behind sth. 藏在某物之后
have no choice but to do sth. 别无选择,只能做某事
much to our relief 令我们宽慰的是


释义 释义
in front 在前面 find oneself + done 发现自己被⋯
Not really 不太喜欢 let down 失望的
be superior to 优于… cut off 中断
be limited to 限于… taken up 占据
brought away 带走 at present 现在
at least 至少 for days 好几天
in no time 立刻 put up with 忍受
at last 终于 come up with 想出
keep up with 保持 lie in 在于
get along with 与…相处融洽 ile on 位于
on television 在电视上播放 lie off 保持距离


释义 释义
habit 习惯 conclusion 结论
duty 责任 purpose 目的
sick 生病 opinion 意见
suffer 受苦 threw
otherwise 否则 wet 潮湿
neutral 中立的 protest 抗议
almost 几乎 shock 震惊
glory 光荣 recover 恢复
honor 荣耀 valley 山谷
situation 情况 flight 航班
occurred 发生 stone 石头
custom 风俗 heartbeat 心跳
hide-hid 把…藏起来 carefully 小心地
behind 在…后面 sensible 明智的
sensitive 敏感的 impressive 给人印象深刻的
cry-cried imaginative 富有想象力的
