我们在做WGCNA的时候,得到的模块未必与细胞类型或者样本关联度很高,但是我们又想得到基因模块与某一种细胞类型或者一种样本类型高度关联而与其他类型几乎没关系,怎么做呢? cNMF就是为了这个而来。
import numpy as np
import random
def nmf(X, r, k, e):
input X
output U,V
d, n = X.shape
#U = np.mat(random.random((d, r)))
U = np.mat(np.random.rand(d, r))
#V = np.mat(random.random((n, r)))
V = np.mat(np.random.rand(n, r))
#print(U, V)
x = 1
for x in range(k):
print('开始第', x, '轮迭代')
X_pre = U * V.T
E = X - X_pre
#print E
err= 0.0
for i in range(d):
for j in range(n):
err += E[i,j] * E[i,j]
print('误差:', err)
if err < e:
#update U
a_u = U * (V.T) * V
b_u = X * V
for i_1 in range(d):
for j_1 in range(r):
if a_u[i_1, j_1] != 0:
U[i_1, j_1] = U[i_1, j_1] * b_u[i_1, j_1] / a_u[i_1, j_1]
#update V
a_v = V * (U.T) * U
b_v = X.T * U
for i_2 in range(n):
for j_2 in range(r):
if a_v[i_2,j_2] != 0:
V[i_2,j_2] = V[i_2,j_2] * b_v[i_2,j_2] / a_v[i_2,j_2]
print('第', x, '轮迭代结束')
return U, V
if __name__ == "__main__":
X = [[5, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3],
[4, 2, 2, 1, 1, 5],
[1, 1, 2, 5, 2, 3],
[1, 2, 2, 4, 3, 2],
[2, 1, 5, 4, 1, 1],
[1, 2, 2, 5, 3, 2],
[2, 5, 3, 2, 2, 5],
[2, 1, 2, 5, 1, 1], ]
X = np.mat(X)
U, V = nmf(X, 2, 100, 0.001)
import numpy as np
import random
def cnmf(X, C, r, k, e):
input X,C
output U,V
d, n = X.shape
l, c = C.shape
I = np.mat(np.identity(n-l))
A = np.zeros((n, n + c - l))
for i in range(l):
for j in range(c):
A[i,j] = C[i,j]
for i2 in range(n-l):
A[l+i2, c+i2] = I[i2, i2]
A = np.mat(A)
U = np.mat(np.random.rand(d, r))
Z = np.mat(np.random.rand(n + c - l, r))
x = 1
for x in range(k):
print('开始第', x, '轮迭代')
X_pre = U * (A*Z).T
E = X - X_pre
#print E
err= 0.0
for i in range(d):
for j in range(n):
err += E[i,j] * E[i,j]
print('误差:', err)
if err < e:
#update U
a_u = U * Z.T * A.T * A * Z
b_u = X * A * Z
for i_1 in range(d):
for j_1 in range(r):
if a_u[i_1, j_1] != 0:
U[i_1, j_1] = U[i_1, j_1] * b_u[i_1, j_1] / a_u[i_1, j_1]
#update Z
a_z = A.T * A * Z * U.T * U
b_z = A.T* X.T * U
for i_2 in range(n + c - l):
for j_2 in range(r):
#print(i_2, j_2, a_z[i_2,j_2])
if a_z[i_2,j_2] != 0:
Z[i_2,j_2] = Z[i_2,j_2] * b_z[i_2,j_2] / a_z[i_2,j_2]
print('第', x, '轮迭代结束')
V = (A*Z).T
return U, V
if __name__ == "__main__":
X = [[5, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3],
[4, 2, 2, 1, 1, 5],
[1, 1, 2, 5, 2, 3],
[1, 2, 2, 4, 3, 2],
[2, 1, 5, 4, 1, 1],
[1, 2, 2, 5, 3, 2],
[2, 5, 3, 2, 2, 5],
[2, 1, 2, 5, 1, 1],]#8*6,6个样本
X = np.mat(X)
C = [[0, 0, 1],
[0, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 0],
[1, 0, 0],]#4*3,假设有4个样本有标签,总共有三类标签
C = np.mat(C)
U, V = cnmf(X, C, 2, 100, 0.01)
print(U.shape, V.shape)
print(U * V)
To better characterize sample heterogeneity in whole-tumor samples
图注: Heatmap showing the correlation between signatures obtained for all 13 whole-tumour samples.
The cNMF algorithm was applied individually to each whole-tumor sample with some modifications。In brief, nonnegative matrix factorization was run 100 times for k from 2 to 15 signatures. For each k, the 100 repetitions are clustered in k groups. We expect a stable clustering solution would produce tight clusters with one signature per cluster for each of the 100 repetitions. The proportion of repetitions with one signature per cluster was called reproducibility. Clustering of the signatures was done by k means with a constraint of uniform cluster sizes, prioritizing higher correlations. The largest k with a reproducibility above 0.9 was chosen. For a chosen k, we confirmed the clustering solution was appropriate by running tSNE on the signatures it generated. The final signatures for a given sample was obtained by averaging the signature repetitions within a cluster, excluding repetitions with poor reproducibility (the ones which did not produce a signature per cluster). We obtained between five and nine final signatures per sample, 79 signatures in total. From the inter-signature Pearson correlations, we used hierarchical clustering to find trends of signatures (Fig. 1e, hierarchical tree). Six main groups emerged. In one of these groups, important variations in gene weights were observed: signatures characterized by OLIG2 and ASCL1, for example, had less DCX and STMN1, and vice versa. We reclustered this group in two, yielding the final seven groups (Fig. 1e and Supplementary Fig. 2f,就是上图).
We identified the most characteristic genes of each signature group by ranking genes according to their relative signal to noise ratio (snr) and chose the top 40 for the heatmap.
关于信噪比(SNR),大家可以参考我的文章单细胞数据信噪比(Signal-to-noise ratio,SNR)。
We scored each signature according to the TCGA using the method described above (Classifying cells by TCGA subtype). A given signature was labeled with the subtype yielding the highest score.(下图)
% cNMF_seperate.m
% use NMR to find signatures in scRNA data sample by sample. Based on cNMF (Kotliar et al.) ###看来是样本作为主要标签。
% Author: Charles Couturier
% Date: August 3, 2018
%% prepare data and initialize parameters
% genes: list of gene names and ensembl code; logm: log of raw counts; sample: vector
% identifying cells by sample; sample_id: a list of the samples
kvals = 2:15;
L = length(kvals);
nreps = 100;
allHs = cell(L,1);
allHc = cell(L,1);
allSil = cell(L,1);
allE = cell(L,1);
allR = cell(L,1);
allCL = cell(L,1);
for s = 1:length(sample_id)
fprintf('Sample %s in progress, %i of %i\n',sample_id{s},s,length(sample_id))
data = logm(sample==s,:);
% initialize
m = size(data,1);
n = size(data,2);
E = zeros(L,1);
R = zeros(L,1);
Sil = zeros(L,1);
consensus_H = cell(L,1);
allH = cell(L,1);
CL = cell(L,1);
%% NMF
opt = statset('MaxIter',1e6);
parfor kid = 1:L
k = kvals(kid);
hi = zeros(k*nreps,n);
consensus_hi = zeros(k,n);
D = zeros(nreps,1);
for i = 1:nreps
% k clusters
cl = uniform_kmeans(hi,k,'Replicates',10);
% find replicates with 1 of each cluster
goodrep = all(sort(reshape(cl,k,nreps),1) == [1:k]',1);
goodrep = repmat(goodrep,k,1);
goodrep = goodrep(:);
% consensus hi finds median of each component cluster, removing
% bad replicates (see above)
for i = 1:k
consensus_hi(i,:) = median(hi(cl==i & goodrep,:),1);
allH{kid} = hi;
consensus_H{kid} = consensus_hi;
Sil(kid) = mean(silhouette(hi,cl));
E(kid) = mean(D);
R(kid) = sum(goodrep)/(k*nreps);
CL{kid} = cl;
fprintf('Run for %i components completed\n',k)
allHs{s} = allH;
allHc{s} = consensus_H;
allSil{s} = Sil;
allE{s} = E;
allR{s} = R;
allCL{s} = CL;
save 'NMF_results_separate.mat' allHs allHc allSil allE allR allCL
%% find best ks
best_k = zeros(length(sample_id),1);
th = 0.9; % threshold in reproducibility to reach to select k
for s = 1:length(sample_id)
kid = find(kvals==best_k(s));
E = allE{s};
R = allR{s};
Sil = allSil{s};
CL = allCL{s};
allH = allHs{s};
kid = max(find(R>=th));
best_k(s) = kvals(kid);
yyaxis left
yyaxis right
hold on
%legend({'E','Reproducibility of distinct clusters','Silhouette score'})
y = tsne(allH{kid});
%% get W from H
H = [];
sig_id = [];
for s = 1:length(sample_id)
data = logm(sample==s,:);
consensus_H = allHc{s};
kid = find(kvals==best_k(s));
H0 = consensus_H{kid};
W0 = max(0,data/H0);
opt = statset('Maxiter',1e6,'Display','final');
[~,H1] = nnmf(data,best_k(s),'h0',H0,'w0',W0,...
H = [H; H1];
sig_id = [sig_id; ones(size(H1,1),1)*s];
save all_signatures.mat H sig_id
相对还是很简单的,大家不妨试一试,找一找细胞类型相关协同性很高的gene set。