
Legal related-copyright notice

Without the written permission of the person, any unitorindividual shall not use, copy, modify, transcribe, disseminate or bundleanypart of the above-mentioned products, services, information or materials inanyway or for any reason.

If you have any questions, please email:qkhvokhchfkq2@sina.com

Gao Huabin owns intellectual property such ascopyright,including but not limited to the entire content of the product orservice thatis issued or jointly issued with a partner company, and isprotected by law.

Without the written permission of the owner, no unitorindividualmay use, copy, modify, copy or transmit any part of the aboveproducts,services, information, or materials in any way or for any reason.

Private Policy

Provide services to you.

Gao Huabin regards user information security andprivacyprotection as his "lifeline." We adhere to the"everything basedon user value" philosophy, and strive to improve thetransparency ofinformation processing, enhance your convenience of informationmanagement, andprotect your information and communication security.

Gao Huabin strictly abides by laws and regulationsandfollows the following privacy protection principles to provide you withsaferand more reliable services:


Safe and reliable: We make every effort to preventyourinformation from being leaked, damaged or lost through reasonable andeffectiveinformation security technology and management processes.


Self-selection: We provide you with convenient informationmanagementoptions so you can make the right choices and manage your personalinformation.


Protecting communication secrets: We strictly abide by lawsandregulations, protect your communication secrets, and provide you withsecurecommunication services.


Reasonable: In order to provide better service to you andotherusers, we only collect the necessary information.


Clear and transparent: We strive to use a concise statementtointroduce you to the privacy policy so that you can clearly understand howourinformation is handled.


Incorporate privacy protection into product design: Weintegratevarious concepts such as law, product and design into all aspects ofproduct orservice development, and incorporate the concept of privacyprotection.

This Privacy Policy mainly explains to you:

What information we collect;

The purpose of our collection of information;

Your rights.

I hope that you read the Privacy Policy (hereinafter referredtoas "this policy") to learn more about how we collect anduseinformation so that you can better understand our services and makeappropriatechoices.

By using Gao Huabin 's services, you are agreeing to what wehavedescribed in this policy. Terms used in this policy have the same meaningsasin the User Agreement unless otherwise agreed.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

First, the information we collect

We collect only the information necessary to achieveproductfunctionality based on legal, justified, and necessary principles.


Information that you provide when you use our services

1.1.1 Information you fill out when you register your account.

For example, the nickname and mobile number you filled inwhenyou signed up for an account.

1.1.2 Information that you upload when you use the service.

For example, when you use an app, upload an avatar, sharedphoto.

1.1.3 Information submitted by you through our customerserviceor attending our events.

For example, a questionnaire you fill out when participatinginour online event may include your name, phone number, home address, and more.

Some of our services may require you to providespecificpersonally sensitive information to achieve specific functions. If youchoosenot to provide this type of information, you may not be able to usecertainfeatures in the service, but it will not affect your use of otherfeatures inthe service. By providing your personally sensitive information, youconsent tothe processing of your personally sensitive information in accordancewith thepurposes and methods described in this policy.


Information we get when you use the service

1.2.1 Log information. When you use our services, wemayautomatically collect relevant information and store it as serviceloginformation.

(1) Equipment information. For example, device model,operatingsystem version, unique device identifier, battery, signal strength,and more.

(2) Software information. For example, the version number ofthesoftware, the browser type. To ensure the security of the operatingenvironmentor to provide services, we collect information about the mobile appsand othersoftware you use.

(3) IP address.

(4) Service log information. For example, information yousearch,view, service failure information, referral URLs, etc. when you useourservices.

(5) Communication log information. For example, theaccount,communication time, and duration that you used to communicate whenusing ourservices.

1.2.2 Location information. When you uselocation-relatedservices, we may record the location of your device to provideyou withrelevant services.

(1) When you use the service, we may obtain yourgeographiclocation information through IP address, GPS, WiFi or base station;

(2) The information provided by you or other users when usingtheservice may include information about your location, such as theinformationabout your area that may be included in the account information youprovided,and the geo-tagging information contained in photos shared by you orothers. ;

1.2.3 Other relevant information. To help you make better useofour products or services, we collect relevant information. For example,wecollect buddy lists, group list information, and voiceprint featurevalueinformation. To ensure that you can use our services to reach people youknow,if you choose to enable the Import Contacts feature, we may encryptyourcontact's name and phone number and collect only the encrypted information.


Information shared by other users contains your information

For example, photos posted by other users or shared videosmaycontain your information.


Information obtained from third-party partners

We may obtain information that you generate or share when youusea third-party partner service. For example, when you use your account tosign into a third-party partner service, we'll get the name and login time ofyourthird-party partner service, so you can manage it. Please read carefullytheuser agreement or privacy policy of the third party partner service.

Second, how do we use the information we collect?

We strictly abide by the laws and regulations and theagreementwith the users, and use the collected information for the followingpurposes.If we use your information beyond the following purposes, we willexplain it toyou again and obtain your consent.


Provide services to you.


Meet your individual needs. For example, languagesettings,location settings, personalized help services.


Product development and service optimization. For example,whenour system fails, we record and analyze the information generated by thesystemfailure to optimize our services.


Security. For example, we use your informationforauthentication, security, anti-fraud monitoring, archive backup,customersecurity services, and more. For example, security software that youdownloador install detects malware or viruses or identifies fraudulentinformation foryou.


Recommend ads, news, and more that may be of interest to you.


Assess and improve the effectiveness of our advertising andotherpromotions and promotions.


Management software. For example, perform softwarecertification,software upgrades, and the like.


Invite you to participate in a survey about our services.

In order to give you a better experience, improve our servicesorother uses that you agree to, we may use the information collectedthroughcertain services for our other services, subject to relevant lawsandregulations. For example, use information about one of our services foranotherservice to show you personalized content or ads, for user researchanalysis andstatistics.

To ensure the security of our services and to help usbetterunderstand how our applications are performing, we may record informationsuchas how often you use the application, fault information, overallusage,performance data, and the source of the application. We do not combinetheinformation we store in the analysis software with the personallyidentifiableinformation you provide in the application.

How do we use cookies and related technologies?

We or our third-party partners may collect your informationbyplacing secure cookies and related technologies in order to provide you withamore personalized user experience and service. We will strictlyrequirethird-party partners to comply with the relevant provisions of thispolicy.

You can also manage your cookies through your browsersettings.However, please note that if you disable cookies, you may not be ableto enjoythe best service experience and some services may not work properly. Ifyouwould like more information on the security of cookies, please see theCookiePolicy Note.

Fourth, the information you share

You can share your information with your friends, familyandother users through our services. For example, the text and photos yousharepublicly on the WeChat circle of friends. Please note that this mayincludesensitive information such as your personally identifiableinformation,personal property information. Please carefully consider disclosingyourrelevant personal sensitive information.

You can control the scope of your shared information throughtheprivacy settings in our services, or you can delete your publiclysharedinformation through the settings in the service or the guidelines weprovide.However, please note that this information may still be storedindependently byother users or non-associated third parties not under ourcontrol.

How do you manage your information?


You may access, modify and delete the registrationinformationand other personal information you provide while using our services,or you mayfollow the notice guidelines to contact us. The scope and manner inwhich you access,modify, and delete personal information will depend on thespecific service youuse. For example, if you want to stop sharing your locationinformation whenusing location-related services, you can stop sharing by usingthe mobile phonelocation shutdown feature, software and hardware serviceprovider andcommunication service provider shutdown. I suggest you read therelevantguidelines carefully. .


We will collect and use your information only as describedinthis policy for the functionality of our products or services. If you findthatwe have violated laws, administrative regulations or the agreement ofbothparties to collect and use your personal information, you can ask us todeleteit. If you find that your personal information collected and stored by usisincorrect, you can also ask us to correct it. Please contact us throughthecontact details listed in this policy.


When you access, modify, and delete information, we may askyouto authenticate to keep your account secure.


Please understand that due to technical limitations, legalorregulatory requirements, we may not be able to meet all of yourrequirementsand we will respond to your request within a reasonable timeframe.

6. Information we share

We strictly restrict the sharing of information in accordancewithlaws and regulations, such as:


We may share your personal information with third partieswithyour prior consent;


For the sole purpose of external processing, we may workwiththird party partners (third party service providers, contractors,agents,advertising partners, app developers, etc., for example, to provideemail orpush notifications on our behalf. Providers, map service providers thatprovideus with location services) (they may not be in your jurisdiction) shareyourpersonal information and let them follow our instructions, privacy policiesandother relevant confidentiality and security measures. Process theaboveinformation and use it for the following purposes:

6.2.1 provide you with our services;

6.2.2 achieve the stated purpose of the “How we usetheinformation collected” section;

6.2.3 fulfill our obligations under the User Agreement orthisPolicy and exercise our rights;

6.2.4 Understand, maintain and improve our services.

If we share your information with the above-mentioned thirdparties,we will use encryption, anonymization and other means to protectyourinformation.


As our business continues to develop, when mergers,acquisitions,asset transfers, etc. result in the sharing of your personalinformation withthird parties, we will inform you of the relevant situation bymeans of pushnotifications, announcements, etc., in accordance with laws andregulations andnot less than The standards required by this policy continue toprotect orrequire new administrators to continue to protect your personalinformation.


We will use the information we collect for big data analysis.Forexample, we use the information we collect to analyze urban thermogramsorindustry insight reports that do not contain any personal information. Wemaydisclose and share with our partners information that is processedwithoutpost-identification content to understand how users use our services ortoinform the public about the overall usage trends of our services.


We may disclose your personal information for thefollowingpurposes:

6.5.1 Comply with applicable laws and regulations andotherrelevant regulations;

6.5.2 comply with the provisions of court decisions, rulingsorother legal procedures;

6.5.3 comply with the requirements of relevantgovernmentagencies or other legally authorized organizations;

6.5.4 We have reason to believe that we need to complywithrelevant laws and regulations;

6.5.5 Reasonable and necessary use for the protection ofthepersonal and property safety or other legal rights of our customers, us orouraffiliates, other users or employees for the purpose of implementingtherelevant service agreements or this policy, safeguarding the publicinterest.

7. Information we may send you


Information push

We may send you emails, text messages, news or pushnotificationswhen you use our services. You can choose to unsubscribe on yourdevice byfollowing our tips.


Service related announcement

We may issue service-related announcements to you when necessary(forexample, when a service is suspended due to system maintenance). You maynot beable to cancel these announcements that are related to the service andthat arenot advertising.

Eight, the location and duration of the stored information


Location where information is stored

We comply with the laws and regulations and store thepersonalinformation collected by users in China.


Term of information stored

In general, we retain your personal information for theshortestperiod of time necessary to achieve its purpose. However, in thefollowingcases, we may change the storage time of personal information due tolegalrequirements:

8.2.1 To comply with applicable laws and regulations andotherrelevant regulations;

8.2.2 to comply with court decisions, rulings or otherlegalprocedures;

8.2.3 in order to comply with the requirements ofrelevantgovernment agencies or statutory authorized organizations;

8.2.4 We have reason to believe that we need to complywithrelevant laws and regulations;

8.2.5 The purpose reasonably necessary to protect thepersonaland property safety or other legal rights of our customers, us orouraffiliates, other users or employees for the purpose of implementingtherelevant service agreements or this policy, safeguarding the publicinterest.

In the event that our products or services cease to operate,wewill notify you by, for example, push notifications, announcements, etc.,anddelete or anonymize your personal information within a reasonable periodoftime.

Nine, information security

We provide appropriate security for your information topreventloss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure.


We strictly abide by laws and regulations to protectusers'communication secrets.


We will use various security measures to ensure the securityofinformation within a reasonable level of security. For example, weuseencryption (eg, TLS, SSL), anonymization, and other means to protectyourpersonal information.


We establish specialized management systems, processesandorganizations to ensure information security. For example, we strictlylimitthe range of people accessing information and require them to complywithconfidentiality obligations and conduct reviews.


In the event of a security incident such as apersonalinformation disclosure, we will initiate an emergency plan to preventtheexpansion of security incidents and inform you by push notifications,announcements,etc.

Ten, advertising

We may use your relevant information to provide you with adsthatare more relevant to you on relevant websites, apps and other channels.You canlearn more about the ad page.

Eleven, protection of minors

We attach great importance to the protection ofpersonalinformation of minors. In accordance with the relevant laws andregulations, ifyou are a minor under the age of 18, you should obtain theconsent of yourparent or legal guardian before using Tencent's services. If youare a guardianof a minor, please contact us through the contact details inSection 13 whenyou have questions about the personal information of the minoryou aremonitoring.

Twelve, the scope of application

This policy applies to all of our services. However,someservices have their own specific privacy guidelines/statements thatmorespecifically describe how we process your information in the service. Intheevent of any inconsistency between this policy and theprivacyguidelines/claims for a particular service, please refer to thatparticularprivacy guide/declaration.

Please note that this policy does not apply to servicesprovidedby other companies or individuals. For example, you can use a WeChataccount tolog in to other companies or individuals.

Your use of such third party services is subject to itsPrivacyPolicy (not this Policy) and you will need to read the policiescarefully.

Thirteen, contact us

If you have any questions about this policy or otherrelatedmatters, please contact us through the contact information indicated atthebottom of the official website.

We will review the issue as soon as possible and respondwithin30 days of verifying your user status.

Fourteen, change

We may revise this policy in due course. If such changesresultin a substantial derogation of your rights under this Policy, we willnotifyyou by prompting you at the prominent location on the page, by sendingyou anemail, etc., before the change takes effect. In such a case, if youcontinue touse our services, you agree to be bound by the revised policy.

You can share your information with your friends, familyandother users through our services. For example, the text and photos yousharepublicly on the WeChat circle of friends. Please note that this mayincludesensitive information such as your personally identifiableinformation,personal property information. Please carefully consider disclosingyourrelevant personal sensitive information.

How do you manage your information?

Your use of such third party services is subject to itsPrivacyPolicy (not this Policy) and you will need to read the policiescarefully.

For example, a questionnaire you fill out when participatinginour online event may include your name, phone number, home address, and more.

Incorporate privacy protection into product design: Weintegratevarious concepts such as law, product and design into all aspects ofproduct orservice development, and incorporate the concept of privacyprotection.

(1) Equipment information. For example, device model,operatingsystem version, unique device identifier, battery, signal strength,and more.

Information that you provide when you use our services

Security. For example, we use your information for authentication,security,anti-fraud monitoring, archive backup, customer security services,and more. Forexample, security software that you download or install detectsmalware orviruses or identifies fraudulent information for you.

User Agreement

Part I Important

This "Online Game End User LicenseAgreement"(hereinafter referred to as "Agreement") is the user's(individual orsingle entity, hereinafter referred to as "User") and GaoHuabinregarding this online game (including any modification of the onlinegame, Thelegal agreement for the use of the update, all previous versions andsubsequentversions, hereinafter referred to as "online games".

1. Agreement content

1.1 main content:

The first part of the important tips; the second part oftherights statement; the third part of the necessary clauses; the fourthmainterms; the fifth part of the user code;

1.2 Change content:

All of the above, Gao Huabin reserves the right to makechangesbased on operational needs. All changes and updates will takeeffectimmediately after the end of the objection period specified by Gao Huabin;

1.3 new content:

Other rules that Gao Huabin publishes periodically orirregularlyaccording to operational needs, including but not limited to otherofficialinformation such as forum forum rules, code of conduct, activityrules,definition interpretation, etc.

Please note that in view of the user's habit of using theonlinegame service, the user is obliged to re-read the entire contents of theenduser license agreement on a monthly basis from the date of using the GaoHuabinservice. In view of the above agreement, the user is not satisfied withtheperformance. Those who have such obligations are not entitled to object tothelegal effect of the relevant provisions without knowing the above.

2. The obligations of Gao Huabin

2.1 The legal Gao Huabin's obligation to takereasonablecare to the attention of the user will be achieved as follows:

In this agreement, Gao Huabin reminds the user of therelevantterms in a reasonable manner, such as underline and red mark, which areenoughto draw the user's attention. (It is important to emphasize that it isnotlimited to the user should pay special attention to any unspecified“including”", "disclaimer", "not", "reject"and otherterms of similar terms), these terms shall be applied to thisAgreement to thefullest extent permitted by Chinese law. Unless the useraccepts all the termsof this agreement, he or she is not authorized to install,copy, access LuDafang related websites, recharge, run client software orotherwise use onlinegames.

3. User's rights

In case of any objection to the above mentioned terms andanycontent of this agreement, the user has the right to refuse to click toagreeor to express an objection to Gao Huabin by phone or email within 30 daysafterany agreement is updated, changed or modified.

Any of the following actions of the user will be deemed astheuser's complete recognition of the agreement. This User Agreement willtakeeffect immediately and be fully legally binding on Gao Huabin and the user:(1)Click on any part of registration, download, use, etc. (2) use the onlinegameproducts and services provided by Gao Huabin in any way that may or mayhaveinteracted with the online game; (3) not call or within 30 days aftertheupdate, change or modification of the agreement, rules, etc. Send an emailto LuDafang to object.

4. User's approval

In view of the fact that Gao Huabin has fulfilled itsobligationsunder the format clauses, the above actions of the user will bedeemed andshould be regarded as the legality and validity of the terms that theuser hasfully paid attention to and agreed to all the terms of thisagreement,especially the user's attention. The User shall not claim or requirethe Courtor any other third party to confirm that the Terms are illegal orinvalid onthe grounds that Gao Huabin does not promptly alert the user to theformat termsor does not fulfill the stated obligation on the User's request.

5. Minors pay attention to the terms

Minors should review and accept this agreement in the company ofalegal guardian. For minors under the age of 14, you must apply forregistrationin the name of a legal guardian by their legal guardian. Minor usersshould use"online games" and conduct online games to a reasonableextent. GaoHuabin has the right to impose relevant restrictions in accordancewith the law.

Part II Statement of Rights

1. Intellectual property

This product and the instruction manual are protectedbycopyright law. All programs and graphic contents may not be copied,reproducedor modified in whole or in part by any means without the writtenpermission ofthe authorized party and the operator. All related product names,trademarks,brands and pictures on this product and in the packaging and manualsare ownedby the authorized party or Gao Huabin and are the property of theirrespectiveowners.

The entire content of online games (including but not limitedtoany computer code, game characters, game character names, gamecharacterinformation, story background, plot language, place name settings,task design,economic system, trading system, production building system, socialsystem Theintellectual property rights of the confrontation function, characterimage,sound effect, map props, motion rendering, team system, game concept, artwork,sound effects, music, audio and video, documentation, and game clientandserver software are owned by the authorized party. All rights to performthisAgreement are legally available based on authorization.

2. game account

The ownership of the online game user account is owned byLuDafang. After the user successfully registers, the user's right to usetheonline game user account is obtained, and any data information generated bythegame account and stored in the Gao Huabin database (including but notlimited toaccount data) The ownership of information, role data information,etc. belongsto Gao Huabin. Under the premise of full compliance with theagreement, the userhas the right to use the agreement specified in theagreement for the datainformation belonging to his user account during thenormal use of the onlinegame.

Virtual item

Virtual items in online game products and services, includingbutnot limited to ingots, coins, gold, game coins, virtual equipment,virtualitems, etc., are owned by Gao Huabin and are generated based on thevirtual itemand stored in the Gao Huabin database. The ownership of any datainformation(including but not limited to virtual item data information, gradeitem datainformation, etc.) belongs to Gao Huabin. Under the premise of fullcompliancewith the agreement, the user has the right to use the agreementspecified inthe agreement for the data information belonging to his virtualitem during thenormal use of the online game.

Part III Essential Terms

1. Account registration

1.1 The user promises to register as a Gao Huabin user inhistrue identity, and to ensure that the personally identifiableinformationprovided is true, complete and valid, and bears correspondinglegalresponsibility for the information provided in accordance with legalprovisionsand mandatory terms.

1.2 After the user registers as a Gao Huabin user in his orherreal identity and needs to modify the personally identifiableinformationprovided, Gao Huabin shall provide the service in a timely andeffective manner.

2. User account usage and custody

2.1 According to the mandatory provisions, Gao Huabin hastheright to review whether the identity information provided by theuserregistration is true and effective, and should actively takereasonablemeasures such as technology and management to ensure the security andvalidityof the user account; the user is obliged to keep it safe. Account andpassword,and use their account and password correctly and securely. If anyparty failsto perform the above obligations resulting in the loss of theaccount password,the account is stolen, etc., causing damage to the civilrights of the user andothers, the legal liability arising therefrom shall beborne.

2.2 The user has rights and assumes responsibility fortheactions of the account held after login.

2.3 If the user finds that his account or password has beenillegallyused by others or has abnormal use, he shall promptly notify LuDafang accordingto the processing announced by Gao Huabin and have the right toinform GaoHuabin to take measures to suspend the login and use of the account.

2.4 Gao Huabin shall take measures to suspend the login anduseof the user account according to the user's notice. Gao Huabin shall requiretheuser to provide and verify the personal valid identity informationconsistentwith the registered identity information.

2.4.1 Gao Huabin verifies that the personal valididentityinformation provided by the user is consistent with the registeredidentityinformation, and shall take measures to suspend the login and use ofthe useraccount in a timely manner.

2.4.2 Gao Huabin violates the agreement of 2.4.1. If themeasuresare not taken in time to suspend the login and use of the user account,andtherefore cause losses to the user, they shall bear the correspondinglegalresponsibilities.

2.4.3 Gao Huabin has the right to refuse the user's request iftheuser does not provide his or her personal valid ID or if the personal validIDprovided by the user is inconsistent with the registered identityinformation.

2.5 In order to maintain the legitimate rights and interestsofthe user and provide Gao Huabin with personal valid identityinformationconsistent with the registered identity information, BobWalker shallprovidethe user with the necessary assistance and support for the accountregistrantcertificate, original registration information, etc., as needed.Providerelevant evidence and information to relevant administrative agenciesandjudicial organs.

3. Suspension and termination of services

3.1 If the user has published illegal information,seriouslyviolates social ethics, and other violations of the legal prohibition,LuDafang shall immediately terminate the service to the user.

3.2 Gao Huabin has the right to terminate the service to theuserif the user performs the improper behavior when accepting the Gao Huabinservice.The specific circumstances of the improper conduct shall be expresslyagreed inthis Agreement or be prohibited by Gao Huabin's prior notice that theserviceshall be terminated. Otherwise, Gao Huabin shall not terminate theprovision ofservices to the User.

3.3 The user provides false registration identity informationorimplements a violation of this agreement. Gao Huabin has the right tosuspendall or part of the service to the user; Gao Huabin shall suspend theuser andinform the user of the suspension period. The suspension period shallbereasonable and shall be suspended. Gao Huabin should resume service to usersintime.

3.4 Gao Huabin shall, in accordance with this Article, suspendorterminate the provision of part or all of the services to the User, GaoHuabinshall bear the burden of proof.

4. User information protection

4.1 Gao Huabin requires users to disclose theirprivacyprotection policies and personal information utilization policies tousers in aclear and easy way, and to take necessary measures to protect thesecurity ofusers' personal information. .

4.2 Gao Huabin shall not provide, disclose or sharepersonallyidentifiable information such as name, personal identificationnumber, contactinformation, home address, etc. in the user registration datawithout any userpermission, except in the following cases:

4.2.1 The user or user guardian authorized the disclosure ofLuDafang;

4.2.2 Relevant legal requirements are disclosed by Gao Huabin;

4.2.3 The judicial or administrative agency requires Gao Huabin toprovide it on the basis of legal procedures;

4.2.4 Gao Huabin filed a lawsuit or arbitration with the userinorder to protect his or her legitimate rights and interests;

4.2.5 When the user's personally identifiable informationisprovided in accordance with the legal requirements of the user's guardian.

The ownership of the online game user account is owned byLuDafang. After the user successfully registers, the user's right to usetheonline game user account is obtained, and any data information generated bythegame account and stored in the Gao Huabin database (including but notlimited toaccount data) The ownership of information, role data information,etc. belongsto Gao Huabin. Under the premise of full compliance with theagreement, the userhas the right to use the agreement specified in theagreement for the datainformation belonging to his user account during thenormal use of the onlinegame.
