Chapter 2-4/5/6

flutter 焦虑不安,同agitation

alacrity 欣然同意,十分乐意

He replied with his accustomary mildness to all her inquiries, but without satisfying her in any.

morrow 明天

bent on 醉心于

disclose 泄露,暴露

avowal of love 宣称;公开承认

event 公众活动;社交场合

derive……from 从中获得 derive no comfortable feelings from this conversation

To your sister I wish all imaginable happiness; to Willoughby that he may endeavor to deserve her.

alight 燃烧;容光焕发

hartshorn 氨水,鹿茸

in the middle of a rubber 多轮决胜负的局

sport with 玩弄;开玩笑

embitter 使沮丧;使苦难

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