

视频地址: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPj5FsTRboE&list=PLBTcf4SwWEI9_kCOJ-1o-Jwr-_Qb6bkeg

Lecture 1

1 参考书籍

  1. R Cookbook:http://www.cookbook-r.com/
  2. R in Action 《R语言实战》
  3. ggplot2:Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis(Use R!)
  4. Advanced R(高级使用者)

2 Install and loading Rpackages


3 R language basics

3.1 vector 向量

Create a vector: v = c(1,4,4,3,2,2,3)  or   w = c("apple","banana")
Return certain elements: v[c(2,3,4)]   or   v[2:4]   or   v[c(2,4,3)]
Delete certain element: v = v[-2]   or   v = v[-2:-4]
Extract elements: v[v<3]
Find elements:which(v==3)   *Note:the returns are the indicates of elements
              which.max(v), which.min(v)

3.2 number 生成随机数

random number: a = runif(3,min=0,max=100)
rounding od numbers: 去小数位取整 floor(a),   去小数位且整数进一 ceiling(a),    对数组保留小数位 round(a,4)
random numbers from other distributions: 正态分布 rnorm(),  指数分布 rexp(),  二项分布 rbinom(),   几何分布 rgeom(), 负二项分布 rnbinom(), etc.
repeatable random numbers: set.seed()  

3.3 data input 输入数据

loading local data: read.csv(file="/documents/file.txt)  or 
loading online data: read.csv("http://www.macalester.edu/kaplan/ISM/datasets/swim100m.csv")
Attach: attach() 将第一列作为变量名使用

3.4 Graphs 画图

plot: plot()
直方图 histograms: hist()
密度图 density plot: plot(density())
散点图 scatter plot plot()
箱式图 box plot : boxplot()
      q plot: qqnorm(), qqline(), qqplot()
