解决stm32 gcc vscode报错: too few arguments in invocation of macro

Intellisense: Add ignore list for files or individual errors. · Issue #1231 · microsoft/vscode-cpptools · GitHub


#ifdef DEBUG
#include "stdio.h"
#define dprintf(format, ...) printf(format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define dprintf(format, ...)
#endif // DEBUG

@sean-mcmanus, your suggestion worked a treat. Thank you.

For those who, like me, don't immediately know how to implement his suggestion, here's what I did.

In c_cpp_properties.json, in the relevant configurations entry, I added this:

            // This file isn't included in the real build (done by Cygwin make), but it
            // affects how VSCode-cpptools parses the source.
            "forcedInclude": ["${workspaceFolder}/.vscode/supress-warnings.h"],

supress-warnings.h contains:

// 165 - too few arguments in function call
#pragma diag_suppress 165
// 29  - expecting an expression
#pragma diag_suppress 29

Even if this file were accidentally included, it would do nothing since the compiler I use does not define __INTELLISENSE__.

I don't know what I'll do for projects that have some files that uses the extensions that cause error 165 and 29 and others that do not, but at worst, I can now suppress the errors everywhere and discover the mistake when I build.
