
本文节选自《经济学人》2019.05.18期的一篇文章,选自Science & technology版块,介绍了一篇关于人类未来在宇宙中生存的文章




It was more interesting than another quarterly business update. On May 9th Jeff Bezos, the boss of Amazon, had his coming-out party as a space cadet. Mr Bezos, who is the world’s richest man, has long been interested in using his fortune to advance the cause of space flight. His private rocketry firm, Blue Origin, was founded in 2000. But he has been less of a publicity seeker than Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX and the world’s best-known enthusiast for outer space.

quarterly business updatequarterly表示“季度的”,如quarterly losses季度亏损,quarterly profits季度盈利。去掉ly的quarter表示“季度,四等分之一”;business update表示业务更新或者商业讯息更新等。【词汇积累】

coming-out party表示进入社交界的派对

space cadet太空学员。另外,还可以形容那些“想入非非的人,行为异常的人”。He is just a space cadet ; you see his dreams have never come true .他只爱幻想,却不付诸于实际行动。他的梦想从来没有实现过【词汇积累】

has long been interested in长久以来对……感兴趣。Long放在has的后面,been的前面。下一段中有has no interest in对……不感兴趣,是同义不同形式的表达【词组积累】

using his fortune to advance the cause offortune表示的是“大笔的钱,巨款”,use one’s fortune to do sth表示某人投入大量的钱去做某事。advance表示“促进,推动”,如advance my career促进事业发展,又如文中的advance the cause of,cause也可以表示事业,故也是促进事业发展【词组积累】

space flight太空航行


A has been less of a …… than BB比A更像是……【词组积累】

publicity seeker爱出风头的人。publicity表示的是电视新闻等的关注,报道。Seek表示寻求,寻找。寻找电视新闻等的关注,表示爱出风头,喜欢暴露于公众视野之中的人【词组积累】


比一次季度商业信息更新更有趣的是,5月9日,亚马逊的老总Jeff Bezos(杰夫·贝索斯)以“太空学员”的身份度过了自己的社交派对。贝索斯是世界上最富有的人,长久以来对投入大量资金推进太空旅行事业充满了兴趣。他的私人火箭技术公司—蓝色起源—建立于2000年。不过,Elon Musk比Bezos更喜欢公众的关注,他是SpaceX的建立者,是世界上最著名的热衷于外太空间的人。


During an hour-long presentation, Mr Bezos introduced Blue Origin’s prototype lunar lander, a machine that could be ready, he said, to meet America’s ambitions to return to the Moon by 2024. More striking were his plans for the farther future. Mr Musk wants humans to coloniseMars as an insurance policy should anything happen to Earth. Mr Bezos has no interest in Mars, or indeed any other planet in the solar system, all of which (except Earth) are pretty inhospitableplaces. Instead, he thinks humans should build their new space-going homes from scratch.


lunar lander月球着陆器

meet one’s ambitions to满足某人的野心。Meet在这里是满足,使满意的意思【词组积累】



insurance policy保险单【词汇积累】



from scratch从头开始,从零开始。例如Those who started their business from scratch usually had a hard beginning followed with prosperity那些白手起家的人们一开始非常艰辛,但后来的生意都很红火。【词组积累】



The idea is not new. Mr Bezos studied at Princeton, and one of his professors was Gerard O’Neill, a physicist. In 1976 O’Neill published “The High Frontier”, a bestselling book in which hesketched out the basic engineering principles of how such space habitats might work. It was exactly those sorts of habitat that Mr Bezos advocated as the way humans would live in the future.


sketch out勾勒,草拟【词组积累】

engineering principles工程原理



这个想法不是新出现的,Bezos在Princeton学习,他的一个大学教授Gerard O’Neill是物理学家。1976年O’Neill出版了“The High Frontier”,一本简单勾勒了此类空间栖息地可能实现的基础工程原理的畅销书。这正是那些Bezos所提倡的人类未来的栖息地。

They would have to be built by a species that had already mastered space travel, using resourcesharvested from the asteroid belt. They would be strange places to live. The land would curvevisibly up the sides of the structure. The super-structure of the habitat would arch across the “sky”. And rotation is not a perfect substitute for gravity, so moving objects would behave oddly, particularly if the habitat were small. But, said Mr Bezos, they also offer several advantages. Climates could be engineered. The best bits of Earth could be replicated elsewhere.

master space travelmaster表示“精通,掌握”,space travel和space


harvest fromharvest是“收获,丰收”的意思,表示收割农作物,获得成果的意思。这里和resources搭配,表示“获取、汲取资源”【词汇积累】

asteroid belt小行星带

curve up向上卷起。visibly表示“眼睛可见地”。这里指的是栖息地的地面以眼睛可见地曲率向上卷起【词组积累】


arch acrossarch表示“成拱形”

a substitute for某物的替代品。同义的还有a replacement for【同义替换】




Mr Bezos’s ultimate justification for pursuing such megaprojects is his worry about themismatch between the exponential process of population growth and the finiteness of Earth’s resources. He gave the example of energy demand, which, he says, has historically grown by around 3% a year. He argues that if this were to continue, Earth would, in a couple of centuries, need to be covered completely by solar panels. With the resources of the solar system at its command, however, and thousands of habitats scattered through space, the human population could comfortably grow to a trillion or more.

ultimate justificationultimate表示“极端的;最好(或坏、伟大、重要等)的”,justification表示正当的理由,可以替换reason。这里的词组可以说是最重要的理由,也可以说是终极理由【同义替换】


mismatch between the exponential process of population growth and the finiteness of Earth’s resources地球上指数增长的人口和资源储量的不匹配。mismatch表示“搭配不当,不匹配”,这里意指两者无法达到适当的比例;exponential通常搭配growth,表示指数级增长;finite是infinite(无限的)的反义词,表示有限的,加ness为名词形式【地道表达】

give the example of sth举出……的例子【词组积累】


if this were to continueif和were表示此时的语态是虚拟语态;to continue的to表示虚拟语态将来时。即如果这在未来发生。

solar panel太阳能板

at one’s command受……支配,指挥【词组积累】

scattered through分散、散布在……【词组积累】

comfortably舒服地。另外还可表示为“没问题,容易地” ,也可以说是轻松地【熟词僻义】



quarterly business updatequarterly表示“季度的”,如quarterly losses季度亏损,quarterly profits季度盈利。去掉ly的quarter表示“季度,四等分之一”;business update表示业务更新或者商业讯息更新等。【词汇积累】

space cadet太空学员。另外,还可以形容那些“想入非非的人,行为异常的人”。He is just a space cadet ; you see his dreams have never come true .他只爱幻想,却不付诸于实际行动。他的梦想从来没有实现过【词汇积累】



insurance policy保险单【词汇积累】


harvest fromharvest是“收获,丰收”的意思,表示收割农作物,获得成果的意思。这里和resources搭配,表示“获取、汲取资源”【词汇积累】


has long been interested in长久以来对……感兴趣。Long放在has的后面,been的前面。下一段中有has no interest in对……不感兴趣,是同义不同形式的表达【词组积累】

using his fortune to advance the cause offortune表示的是“大笔的钱,巨款”,use one’s fortune to do sth表示某人投入大量的钱去做某事。advance表示“促进,推动”,如advance my career促进事业发展,又如文中的advance the cause of,cause也可以表示事业,故也是促进事业发展【词组积累】

A has been less of a …… than BB比A更像是……【词组积累】

publicity seeker爱出风头的人。publicity表示的是电视新闻等的关注,报道。Seek表示寻求,寻找。寻找电视新闻等的关注,表示爱出风头,喜欢暴露于公众视野之中的人【词组积累】

meet one’s ambitions to满足某人的野心。Meet在这里是满足,使满意的意思【词组积累】

from scratch从头开始,从零开始。例如Those who started their business from scratch usually had a hard beginning followed with prosperity那些白手起家的人们一开始非常艰辛,但后来的生意都很红火。【词组积累】

sketch out勾勒,草拟【词组积累】

curve up向上卷起。visibly表示“眼睛可见地”。这里指的是栖息地的地面以眼睛可见地曲率向上卷起【词组积累】

give the example of sth举出……的例子【词组积累】

at one’s command受……支配,指挥【词组积累】

scattered through分散、散布在……【词组积累】

a substitute for某物的替代品。同义的还有a replacement for【同义替换】

ultimate justificationultimate表示“极端的;最好(或坏、伟大、重要等)的”,justification表示正当的理由,可以替换reason。这里的词组可以说是最重要的理由,也可以说是终极理由【同义替换】

mismatch between the exponential process of population growth and the finiteness of Earth’s resources地球上指数增长的人口和资源储量的不匹配。mismatch表示“搭配不当,不匹配”,这里意指两者无法达到适当的比例;exponential通常搭配growth,表示指数级增长;finite是infinite(无限的)的反义词,表示有限的,加ness为名词形式【地道表达】

comfortably舒服地。另外还可表示为“没问题,容易地” ,也可以说是轻松地【熟词僻义】
