【35】gorm gen tool生成数据库对应go文件

一. 安装gen tool

go install gorm.io/gen/tools/gentool@latest

二. 生成go文件

gentool -dsn "user:pwd@tcp(localhost:3306)/database?charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=True&loc=Local" -tables "orders,doctor"

gentool -c "./gen.yml"


version: "0.1"
  # consult[https://gorm.io/docs/connecting_to_the_database.html]"
  dsn : "username:password@tcp(address:port)/db?charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=true&loc=Local"
  # input mysql or postgres or sqlite or sqlserver. consult[https://gorm.io/docs/connecting_to_the_database.html]
  db  : "mysql"
  # enter the required data table or leave it blank.You can input : orders,users,goods
  tables  : "user"
  # specify a directory for output
  outPath :  "./dao/query"
  # query code file name, default: gen.go
  outFile :  ""
  # generate unit test for query code
  withUnitTest  : false
  # generated model code's package name
  modelPkgName  : ""
  # generate with pointer when field is nullable
  fieldNullable : false
  # generate field with gorm index tag
  fieldWithIndexTag : false
  # generate field with gorm column type tag
  fieldWithTypeTag  : false
  onlyModel: true
