Tutorial: Extracting Data from Complex Text Files

Tutorial: Extracting Data from Complex Text Files


Learn how to extract specific pieces of information from a text file with a complex structure using Python.


In this tutorial, we’ll walk through a real-life scenario where we extract amortized times for various phases from a file containing multiple lines of logs.

Table of Contents:

  1. Reading the File
  2. Identifying Patterns & Using Regular Expressions
  3. Pairing Extracted Data
  4. Saving Data to a New File

1. Reading the File

To begin, we’ll read the contents of our target file.

# Reading the file
with open("path_to_file.txt", "r") as file:
    lines = file.readlines()

2. Identifying Patterns & Using Regular Expressions

Identifying patterns is key to data extraction. Using Python’s re module, we can match and extract specific patterns from the text.

a. Extracting Setup Phase Time

import re

# Extracting the amortized time values for "Setup Phase"
setup_times = [float(re.search(r"Setup Phase took \d+ ms, amortized time (\d+\.\d+) ms", line).group(1))
               for line in lines if "Setup Phase took" in line]

b. Extracting Online Phase Time

# Extracting the amortized time values for "Online Phase"
online_phase_times = [float(re.search(r"Online Phase took \d+ ms, amortized time (\d+\.\d+) ms", line).group(1))
                      for line in lines if "Online Phase took" in line]

c. Extracting End-to-End Time

# Extracting the "End to end amortized time" values
end_to_end_times = [float(re.search(r"End to end amortized time (\d+\.\d+) msEnd to end", line).group(1))
                    for line in lines if "End to end amortized time" in line]

3. Pairing Extracted Data

After extraction, you might want to pair the extracted data with other relevant information. In our example, we paired each extracted value with an order of (DBEntrySize, N):

orders = [
    # ... List of orders ...

paired_values_setup = list(zip(orders, setup_times))
paired_values_online = list(zip(orders, online_phase_times))
paired_values_end_to_end = list(zip(orders, end_to_end_times))

4. Saving Data to a New File

Finally, you can save the paired data to a new file for future reference:

# Saving the results to a file
with open("output_path.txt", "w") as file:
    for (db_size, n), setup_time, online_time, end_to_end_time in zip(orders, setup_times, online_phase_times, end_to_end_times):
        file.write(f"DBEntrySize: {db_size}, N: {n} -> "
                   f"Setup Phase Amortized Time: {setup_time} ms, "
                   f"Online Phase Amortized Time: {online_time} ms, "
                   f"End to End Amortized Time: {end_to_end_time} ms\n")


With Python and regular expressions, extracting specific data from complex text files is efficient and straightforward. This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide to handle such tasks, ensuring you have a handy reference for similar challenges in the future.

Complete Code for Data Extraction:

import re

# 1. Reading the file
with open("path_to_file.txt", "r") as file:
    lines = file.readlines()

# 2. Identifying Patterns & Using Regular Expressions

# a. Extracting Setup Phase Time
setup_times = [float(re.search(r"Setup Phase took \d+ ms, amortized time (\d+\.\d+) ms", line).group(1))
               for line in lines if "Setup Phase took" in line]

# b. Extracting Online Phase Time
online_phase_times = [float(re.search(r"Online Phase took \d+ ms, amortized time (\d+\.\d+) ms", line).group(1))
                      for line in lines if "Online Phase took" in line]

# c. Extracting End-to-End Time
end_to_end_times = [float(re.search(r"End to end amortized time (\d+\.\d+) msEnd to end", line).group(1))
                    for line in lines if "End to end amortized time" in line]

# 3. Pairing Extracted Data
orders = [
    # ... List of orders ...

# 4. Saving Data to a New File
with open("output_path.txt", "w") as file:
    for (db_size, n), setup_time, online_time, end_to_end_time in zip(orders, setup_times, online_phase_times, end_to_end_times):
        file.write(f"DBEntrySize: {db_size}, N: {n} -> "
                   f"Setup Phase Amortized Time: {setup_time} ms, "
                   f"Online Phase Amortized Time: {online_time} ms, "
                   f"End to End Amortized Time: {end_to_end_time} ms\n")

For the complete code to run successfully, replace path_to_file.txt with the path to your input file and fill in the orders list with the appropriate (DBEntrySize, N) values.

After executing the code, the results will be saved in output_path.txt. Adjust the file paths as needed based on your directory structure.
