定时按钮弹窗 c#

定时按钮弹窗 c#_第1张图片

定时按钮弹窗 c#_第2张图片 定时按钮弹窗 c#_第3张图片

定时按钮弹窗 c#_第4张图片

定时按钮弹窗 c#_第5张图片

定时按钮弹窗 c#_第6张图片


定时按钮弹窗 c#_第7张图片


定时按钮弹窗 c#_第8张图片 修改为

定时按钮弹窗 c#_第9张图片

定时按钮弹窗 c#_第10张图片


定时按钮弹窗 c#_第11张图片


 定时按钮弹窗 c#_第12张图片

定时按钮弹窗 c#_第13张图片


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace vs_Timerbutton
    public partial class Form_Obj : Form
        Player[] player = new Player[3];
        Map[] map = new Map[2];
        WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlayer music_player = new WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlayer();
        Npc[] npc = new Npc[3];

        public int animation_ctrl = 0;

        public Form_Obj()

        private void Form_Obj_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            Player.key_ctrl(player, map, npc, e);
            Map.drawMap(map, player, npc, pictureBox1.CreateGraphics(),
                new Rectangle(0, 0, pictureBox1.Width, pictureBox1.Height));


        private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)

            for (int i = 0; i < npc.Length; i++)
                if (npc[i] == null)
                if (npc[i].map != Map.current_map)
            Map.drawMap(map, player, npc, pictureBox1.CreateGraphics(),
              new Rectangle(0, 0, pictureBox1.Width, pictureBox1.Height));

        private void Form_Obj_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            player[0] = new Player();
            player[0].bitmap = new Bitmap(@"r1.png");
            player[0].bitmap.SetResolution(100, 100);
            player[0].is_active = 1;

            player[1] = new Player();
            player[1].bitmap = new Bitmap(@"r2.png");
            player[1].bitmap.SetResolution(100, 100);
            player[1].is_active = 1;

            player[2] = new Player();
            player[2].bitmap = new Bitmap(@"r3.png");
            player[2].bitmap.SetResolution(100, 100);
            player[2].is_active = 1;

            map[0] = new Map();
            map[0].bitmap_path = "map1.png";
            map[0].shade_path = "map1_shade.png";
            map[0].block_path = "map1_block.png";
            map[0].back_path = "map1_back.png";
            map[0].music = "3.mp3";

            map[1] = new Map();
            map[1].bitmap_path = "map2.png";
            map[1].shade_path = "map2_shade.png";
            map[1].block_path = "map2_block.png";
            map[1].back_path = "map1_back.png";
            map[1].music = "1.mp3";

            npc[0] = new Npc();
            npc[0].map = 0;
            npc[0].x = 150;
            npc[0].y = 600;
            npc[0].bitmap_path = "npc2.png";

            npc[1] = new Npc();
            npc[1].map = 0;
            npc[1].x = 150;
            npc[1].y = 700;
            npc[1].bitmap_path = "npc3.png";

            npc[2] = new Npc();
            npc[2].map = 0;
            npc[2].x = 170;
            npc[2].y = 350;
            npc[2].bitmap_path = "npc4.png";
            npc[2].Collision_type = Npc.Collosion_type.KEY;
            npc[2].npc_type = Npc.Npc_type.CHARACTER;
            npc[2].idle_walk_direction = Comm.Direction.LEFT;
            npc[2].idle_walk_time = 20;

            Map.change_map(map, player, npc, 0, 100, 450, 1, music_player);


        private void Form_Obj_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            Player.key_ctrl_up(player, e);
            Map.drawMap(map, player, npc, pictureBox1.CreateGraphics(),
                   new Rectangle(0, 0, pictureBox1.Width, pictureBox1.Height));

定时按钮弹窗 c#_第14张图片

定时按钮弹窗 c#_第15张图片


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace vs_Timerbutton
    class Player
        public int x = 0;
        public int y = 0;
        public int face = 1;
        public Bitmap bitmap;

        public static int current_player = 0;
        public int is_active = 0;

        public int x_offset = -120;
        public int y_offset = -220;

        public int anm_frame = 0;
        public long last_walk_time = 0;
        public long walk_interval = 100;
        public int speed = 20;

        public int collision_ray = 50;

        public Player()
            bitmap = new Bitmap(@"r1.png");
            bitmap.SetResolution(100, 100);

        public static int get_pos_x(Player[] player)
            return player[current_player].x;

        public static int get_pos_y(Player[] player)
            return player[current_player].y;

        public static int get_pos_f(Player[] player)
            return player[current_player].face;

        public static void key_change_player(Player[] player)
            for (int i = current_player + 1; i < player.Length; i++)
                if (player[i].is_active == 1)
                    set_player(player, current_player, i);
            for (int i = 0; i < current_player; i++)
                if (player[i].is_active == 1)
                    set_player(player, current_player, i);


        public static void set_player(Player[] player, int oldindex, int newindex)
            current_player = newindex;
            player[newindex].x = player[oldindex].x;
            player[newindex].y = player[oldindex].y;
            player[newindex].face = player[oldindex].face;

        public static void key_ctrl(Player[] player, Map[] map, Npc[] npc, KeyEventArgs e)
            Player p = player[current_player];
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Tab)

            switch (e.KeyCode)
                case Keys.Left://左
                    walk(player, map, Comm.Direction.LEFT);
                case Keys.Up://上
                    walk(player, map, Comm.Direction.UP);
                case Keys.Right://右
                    walk(player, map, Comm.Direction.RIGHT);
                case Keys.Down://下
                    walk(player, map, Comm.Direction.DOWN);
            npc_collision(player, map, npc, e);
                        p.anm_frame = p.anm_frame + 1;
                        if (p.anm_frame >= int.MaxValue)
                            p.anm_frame = 0;
                        p.last_walk_time = Comm.Time();*/


        public static void key_ctrl_up(Player[] player, KeyEventArgs e)
            Player p = player[current_player];
            p.anm_frame = 0;
            p.last_walk_time = 0;

        public static void walk(Player[] player, Map[] map, Comm.Direction direction)
            Player p = player[current_player];
            p.face = (int)direction;
            if (Comm.Time() - p.last_walk_time <= p.walk_interval)
            if (direction == Comm.Direction.UP && Map.can_through(map, p.x, p.y - p.speed))
                p.y = p.y - p.speed;
            else if (direction == Comm.Direction.DOWN && Map.can_through(map, p.x, p.y + p.speed))
                p.y = p.y + p.speed;
            else if (direction == Comm.Direction.RIGHT && Map.can_through(map, p.x + p.speed, p.y))
                p.x = p.x + p.speed;
            else if (direction == Comm.Direction.LEFT && Map.can_through(map, p.x - p.speed, p.y))
                p.x = p.x - p.speed;

            p.anm_frame = p.anm_frame + 1;
            if (p.anm_frame >= int.MaxValue)
                p.anm_frame = 0;

            p.last_walk_time = Comm.Time();


        public static void set_pos(Player[] player, int x, int y, int face)
            player[current_player].x = x;
            player[current_player].y = y;
            player[current_player].face = face;

        public static Point get_collision_point(Player[] player)
            Player p = player[current_player];
            int collision_x = 0;
            int collision_y = 0;

            if (p.face == (int)Comm.Direction.UP)
                collision_x = p.x;
                collision_y = p.y - p.collision_ray;

            if (p.face == (int)Comm.Direction.DOWN)
                collision_x = p.x;
                collision_y = p.y + p.collision_ray;

            if (p.face == (int)Comm.Direction.LEFT)
                collision_x = p.x - p.collision_ray;
                collision_y = p.y;

            if (p.face == (int)Comm.Direction.RIGHT)
                collision_x = p.x + p.collision_ray;
                collision_y = p.y;

            return new Point(collision_x, collision_y);

        public static void npc_collision(Player[] player, Map[] map, Npc[] npc, KeyEventArgs e)
            Player p = player[current_player];
            Point p1 = new Point(p.x, p.y);
            Point p2 = get_collision_point(player);

            for (int i = 0; i < npc.Length; i++)
                if (npc[i] == null)

                if (npc[i].map != Map.current_map)

                if (npc[i].is_line_collision(p1, p2))
                    if (npc[i].Collision_type == Npc.Collosion_type.ENTER)
                    else if (npc[i].Collision_type == Npc.Collosion_type.KEY)
                        if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Space || e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)


        public static void DrawHero(Player[] player, Graphics g, int map_sx, int map_sy)

            Player p = player[current_player];
            //0 =x   y=bitmap1.Height / 4 * (face - 1)
            //width= bitmap1.Width / 4  height=bitmap1.Height / 4
            Rectangle rl = new Rectangle(p.bitmap.Width / 4 * (p.anm_frame % 4), p.bitmap.Height / 4 * (p.face - 1),
                p.bitmap.Width / 4, p.bitmap.Height / 4);
            Bitmap bitmapRec = p.bitmap.Clone(rl, p.bitmap.PixelFormat);

            g.DrawImage(bitmapRec, map_sx + p.x + p.x_offset, map_sy + p.y + p.y_offset, 100, 100);



定时按钮弹窗 c#_第16张图片

定时按钮弹窗 c#_第17张图片


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using static vs_Timerbutton.Layer_Sort_comparer;

namespace vs_Timerbutton
    class Map
        public static int current_map = 0;
        public string bitmap_path;
        public Bitmap bitmap;

        public string shade_path;
        public Bitmap shade;

        public string block_path;
        public Bitmap block;

        public string back_path;
        public Bitmap back;
        public string music;

        public Map()
            bitmap_path = "m0.png";

        public static bool can_through(Map[] map, int x, int y)
            Map m = map[current_map];
            if (x < 0)
                return false;
            else if (x >= m.block.Width)
                return false;
            else if (y < 0)
                return false;
            else if (y >= m.block.Height)
                return false;

            if (m.block.GetPixel(x, y).B == 0)
                return false;
                return true;


        public static void drawMap(Map[] map, Player[] player, Npc[] npc, Graphics g, Rectangle stage)
            Map m = map[current_map];

            int map_sx = get_map_sx(map, player, stage);
            int map_sy = get_map_sy(map, player, stage);

            int p_x = Player.get_pos_x(player);
            int p_y = Player.get_pos_y(player);

            int map_w = m.bitmap.Width;
            int map_h = m.bitmap.Height;

            if (p_x <= stage.Width / 2)
                map_sx = 0;
            else if (p_x >= map_w - stage.Width / 2)
                map_sx = stage.Width - map_w;
                map_sx = stage.Width / 2 - p_x;

            if (p_y <= stage.Height / 2)
                map_sy = 0;
            else if (p_y >= map_h - stage.Height / 2)
                map_sy = stage.Height - map_h;
                map_sy = stage.Height / 2 - p_y;

            BufferedGraphicsContext bgc = BufferedGraphicsManager.Current;
            BufferedGraphics myBuffer = bgc.Allocate(g, stage);
            Graphics g2 = myBuffer.Graphics;
            //绘制 背景层
            if (m.back != null)
                g2.DrawImage(m.back, 0, 0);
            g2.DrawImage(m.bitmap, map_sx, map_sy);
            // Player.DrawHero(player, g2, map_sx,map_sy);
            draw_player_npc(map, player, npc, g2, map_sx, map_sy);
            g2.DrawImage(m.shade, map_sx, map_sy);
            for (int i = 0; i < npc.Length; i++)
                if (npc[i] == null)
                if (npc[i].map != current_map)
                npc[i].drawNPC(g2, map_sx, map_sy);


        public static int get_map_sx(Map[] map, Player[] player, Rectangle stage)
            Map m = map[current_map];
            if (m.bitmap == null)
                return 0;
            int map_sx = 0;
            int p_x = Player.get_pos_x(player);
            int map_w = m.bitmap.Width;
            if (p_x <= stage.Width / 2)
                map_sx = 0;
            else if (p_x >= map_w - stage.Width / 2)
                map_sx = stage.Width - map_w;
                map_sx = stage.Width / 2 - p_x;
            return map_sx;

        public static int get_map_sy(Map[] map, Player[] player, Rectangle stage)
            Map m = map[current_map];
            if (m.bitmap == null)
                return 0;
            int map_sy = 0;
            int p_y = Player.get_pos_y(player);
            int map_h = m.bitmap.Height;
            if (p_y <= stage.Height / 2)
                map_sy = 0;
            else if (p_y >= map_h - stage.Width / 2)
                map_sy = stage.Height - map_h;
                map_sy = stage.Height / 2 - p_y;
            return map_sy;

        public static void draw_player_npc(Map[] map, Player[] player, Npc[] npc, Graphics g, int map_sx, int map_sy)
            Layer_sort[] layer_sort = new Layer_sort[npc.Length + 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < npc.Length; i++)
                if (npc[i] != null)
                    layer_sort[i].y = npc[i].y;
                    layer_sort[i].index = i;
                    layer_sort[i].type = 1;
                    layer_sort[i].y = int.MaxValue;
                    layer_sort[i].index = i;
                    layer_sort[i].type = 1;

            layer_sort[npc.Length].y = Player.get_pos_y(player);
            layer_sort[npc.Length].index = 0;
            layer_sort[npc.Length].type = 0;

            System.Array.Sort(layer_sort, new Layer_Sort_comparer());
            for (int i = 0; i < layer_sort.Length; i++)
                if (layer_sort[i].type == 0)
                    Player.DrawHero(player, g, map_sx, map_sy);
                else if (layer_sort[i].type == 1)
                    int index = layer_sort[i].index;
                    if (npc[index] == null)
                    if (npc[index].map != current_map)
                    npc[index].drawNPC(g, map_sx, map_sy);


        public static void change_map(Map[] map, Player[] player, Npc[] npc, int newindex, int x, int y, int face, WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlayer music_player)
            if (map[current_map].bitmap != null)
                map[current_map].bitmap = null;
            if (map[current_map].shade != null)
                map[current_map].shade = null;

            if (map[current_map].block != null)
                map[current_map].block = null;

            if (map[current_map].back != null)
                map[current_map].back = null;

            if (map[newindex].bitmap_path != null && map[newindex].bitmap_path != "")
                map[newindex].bitmap = new Bitmap(map[newindex].bitmap_path);
                map[newindex].bitmap.SetResolution(100, 100);

            if (map[newindex].shade_path != null && map[newindex].shade_path != "")
                map[newindex].shade = new Bitmap(map[newindex].shade_path);
                map[newindex].shade.SetResolution(100, 100);

            if (map[newindex].block_path != null && map[newindex].block_path != "")
                map[newindex].block = new Bitmap(map[newindex].block_path);
                map[newindex].block.SetResolution(100, 100);

            if (map[newindex].back_path != null && map[newindex].back_path != "")
                map[newindex].back = new Bitmap(map[newindex].back_path);
                map[newindex].back.SetResolution(100, 100);

            for (int i = 0; i < npc.Length; i++)
                if (npc[i] == null)

                if (npc[i].map == current_map)
                if (npc[i].map == newindex)

            music_player.URL = map[newindex].music;

            current_map = newindex;
            Player.set_pos(player, x, y, face);


定时按钮弹窗 c#_第18张图片

 定时按钮弹窗 c#_第19张图片


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace vs_Timerbutton
    class Comm
        public static long Time()
            DateTime dt1 = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);
            TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - dt1;
            return (long)ts.TotalMilliseconds;

        public enum Direction
            UP = 4,
            DOWN = 1,
            RIGHT = 3,
            LEFT = 2,

定时按钮弹窗 c#_第20张图片

定时按钮弹窗 c#_第21张图片


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace vs_Timerbutton
    class Npc
        public int map = -1;
        public int x = 0;
        public int y = 0;
        public int x_offset = -120;
        public int y_offset = -220;
        public string bitmap_path = "";
        public Bitmap bitmap;
        public bool visible = true;

        public int region_x = 60;
        public int region_y = 60;

        public enum Collosion_type
            KEY = 1,
            ENTER = 2,

        public enum Npc_type
            NORMAL = 0,
            CHARACTER = 1,

        public Npc_type npc_type = Npc_type.NORMAL;

        public Comm.Direction face = Comm.Direction.DOWN;
        public int walk_frame = 0;
        public long last_walk_time = 0;
        public long walk_interval = 80;
        public int speed = 40;
        public Comm.Direction idle_walk_direction = Comm.Direction.DOWN;
        public int idle_walk_time = 0;
        public int idle_walk_time_now = 0;

        public Collosion_type Collision_type = Collosion_type.KEY;

        public void load()
            if (bitmap_path != "")
                bitmap = new Bitmap(bitmap_path);
                bitmap.SetResolution(100, 100);
        public void unload()
            if (bitmap != null)
                bitmap = null;
        public void drawNPC(Graphics g, int map_sx, int map_sy)
            if (npc_type == Npc_type.NORMAL)
                if (visible != true)
                if (bitmap != null)
                    g.DrawImage(bitmap, map_sx + x + x_offset, map_sy + y + y_offset, 100, 100);
            else if (npc_type == Npc_type.CHARACTER)
                draw_character(g, map_sx, map_sy);


        public void draw_character(Graphics g, int map_sx, int map_sy)
            Rectangle rl = new Rectangle(bitmap.Width / 4 * (walk_frame % 4), bitmap.Height / 4 * ((int)face - 1),
             bitmap.Width / 4, bitmap.Height / 4);
            Bitmap bitmapRec = bitmap.Clone(rl, bitmap.PixelFormat);

            g.DrawImage(bitmapRec, map_sx + x + x_offset, map_sy + y + y_offset, 100, 100);

        public void walk(Map[] map, Comm.Direction direction, bool isblock)
            face = direction;

            if (Comm.Time() - last_walk_time <= walk_interval)

            if (direction == Comm.Direction.UP && (!isblock || Map.can_through(map, x, y - speed)))
                y -= speed;

            if (direction == Comm.Direction.DOWN && (!isblock || Map.can_through(map, x, y + speed)))
                y += speed;

            if (direction == Comm.Direction.RIGHT && (!isblock || Map.can_through(map, x + speed, y)))
                x += speed;

            if (direction == Comm.Direction.LEFT && (!isblock || Map.can_through(map, x - speed, y)))
                x -= speed;

            walk_frame = walk_frame + 1;
            if (walk_frame >= int.MaxValue)
                walk_frame = 0;
            last_walk_time = Comm.Time();


        public void stop_walk()
            walk_frame = 0;
            last_walk_time = 0;

        public void timer_logic(Map[] map)
            if (idle_walk_time != 0)
                walk(map, Comm.Direction.DOWN, true);

        public bool is_collision(int collision_x, int collision_y)
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(x - region_x / 2, y - region_y / 2, region_x, region_y);
            return rect.Contains(new Point(collision_x, collision_y));


        public bool is_line_collision(Point p1, Point p2)
            if (is_collision(p2.X, p2.Y))
                return true;

            int px, py;
            px = p1.X + (p2.X - p1.X) / 2;
            py = p1.Y + (p2.Y - p1.Y) / 2;
            if (is_collision(px, py))
                return true;

            px = p2.X - (p2.X - p1.X) / 4;
            py = p2.Y - (p2.Y - p1.Y) / 4;

            if (is_collision(px, py))
                return true;

            return false;


定时按钮弹窗 c#_第22张图片

定时按钮弹窗 c#_第23张图片


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace vs_Timerbutton
    class Layer_Sort_comparer : System.Collections.IComparer
        public struct Layer_sort
            public int y;
            public int index;
            public int type;
        public int Compare(object s1, object s2)
            return ((Layer_sort)s1).y - ((Layer_sort)s2).y;
            throw new NotImplementedException();

定时按钮弹窗 c#_第24张图片

定时按钮弹窗 c#_第25张图片


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace vs_Timerbutton
    class Task
        public static void story(int i)
            DialogResult r1;
            if (i == 0)
                r1 = MessageBox.Show("我是NPC1");
            if (i == 1)
                r1 = MessageBox.Show("我是NPC2");

定时按钮弹窗 c#_第26张图片

 定时按钮弹窗 c#_第27张图片


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace vs_Timerbutton
    class Button

        public int x = 0;
        public int y = 0;
        public int w = 0;
        public int h = 0;

        public string b_normal_path;
        public string b_select_path;
        public string b_press_path;

        public Bitmap b_nornal;
        public Bitmap b_select;
        public Bitmap b_press;

        public enum Status
            NORMAL = 1,
            SELECT = 2,
            PRESS = 3,

        public Status status = Status.NORMAL;

        public class Key_ctrl
            public int up = -1;
            public int down = -1;
            public int left = -1;
            public int right = -1;

        public Key_ctrl key_ctrl = new Key_ctrl();

        public void set(int x0, int y0, int w0, int h0,
            string normal_path, string select_path, string press_path,
            int key_up, int key_down, int key_left, int key_right)

            x = x0;
            y = y0;
            w = w0;
            h = h0;
            b_normal_path = normal_path;
            b_select_path = select_path;
            b_press_path = press_path;
            key_ctrl.up = key_up;
            key_ctrl.down = key_down;
            key_ctrl.left = key_left;
            key_ctrl.right = key_right;


        public void load()
            if (b_normal_path != null && b_normal_path != "")
                b_nornal = new Bitmap(b_normal_path);
                b_nornal.SetResolution(100, 100);

                if (w <= 0)
                    w = b_nornal.Width;

                if (h <= 0)
                    h = b_nornal.Height;

            if (b_select_path != null && b_select_path != "")
                b_select = new Bitmap(b_select_path);
                b_select.SetResolution(100, 100);
            if (b_press_path != null && b_press_path != "")
                b_press = new Bitmap(b_press_path);
                b_press.SetResolution(100, 100);


        public void draw(Graphics g, int x_offset, int y_offset)
            if (status == Status.NORMAL && b_nornal != null)
                g.DrawImage(b_nornal, x_offset + x, y_offset + y);
            if (status == Status.SELECT && b_select != null)
                g.DrawImage(b_select, x_offset + x, y_offset + y);
            if (status == Status.PRESS && b_press != null)
                g.DrawImage(b_press, x_offset + x, y_offset + y);

        public delegate void Click_event();
        public event Click_event click_event;

        public void click()
            if (click_event != null)


定时按钮弹窗 c#_第28张图片


namespace vs_Timerbutton
    partial class Form_Obj

        /// Required designer variable.

        private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;


        /// Clean up any resources being used.

        /// true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (disposing && (components != null))

        #region Windows Form Designer generated code


        /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
        /// the contents of this method with the code editor.

        private void InitializeComponent()
            this.components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();
            this.pictureBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox();
            this.timer1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(this.components);
            // pictureBox1
            this.pictureBox1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(-8, 0);
            this.pictureBox1.Name = "pictureBox1";
            this.pictureBox1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(819, 688);
            this.pictureBox1.TabIndex = 0;
            this.pictureBox1.TabStop = false;
            // timer1
            this.timer1.Enabled = true;
            this.timer1.Interval = 600;
            this.timer1.Tick += new System.EventHandler(this.timer1_Tick);
            // Form_Obj
            this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(8F, 15F);
            this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
            this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(833, 700);
            this.KeyPreview = true;
            this.Name = "Form_Obj";
            this.Text = "Form_Obj";
            this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.Form_Obj_Load);
            this.KeyDown += new System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventHandler(this.Form_Obj_KeyDown);
            this.KeyUp += new System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventHandler(this.Form_Obj_KeyUp);



        private System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox1;
        private System.Windows.Forms.Timer timer1;

定时按钮弹窗 c#_第29张图片


定时按钮弹窗 c#_第30张图片


定时按钮弹窗 c#_第31张图片


定时按钮弹窗 c#_第32张图片

 定时按钮弹窗 c#_第33张图片定时按钮弹窗 c#_第34张图片


定时按钮弹窗 c#_第35张图片

拖拽Windows Media Player到对话控制框中

定时按钮弹窗 c#_第36张图片


定时按钮弹窗 c#_第37张图片


定时按钮弹窗 c#_第38张图片


定时按钮弹窗 c#_第39张图片


定时按钮弹窗 c#_第40张图片

 定时按钮弹窗 c#_第41张图片

 定时按钮弹窗 c#_第42张图片



 定时按钮弹窗 c#_第43张图片

 定时按钮弹窗 c#_第44张图片

 定时按钮弹窗 c#_第45张图片

 定时按钮弹窗 c#_第46张图片

 定时按钮弹窗 c#_第47张图片

 定时按钮弹窗 c#_第48张图片

 定时按钮弹窗 c#_第49张图片

 定时按钮弹窗 c#_第50张图片

 另外在百度上下载三个1.mp3 2.mp3 3.mp3的文件放在指定文件夹中以下为图示

定时按钮弹窗 c#_第51张图片


定时按钮弹窗 c#_第52张图片

