

willow and poplar catkins

As the week begins, the capital's downtown and southern parts will see willow and poplar catkins wafting through the air, and the city's northeastern areas will start to face the problem a bit later, between Wednesday and Saturday, according to the forecast.



Waft这个词可以用作动词或名词,表示“漂浮、飘荡”或“一股、一阵”等意思,比如:a breeze wafted through the door(一阵清风穿门而过),a waft of fragrance/smoke(一股幽香/烟)。

毛白杨(Chinese white poplar)

欧美杨(Euramerican poplar)

青杨(Cathay poplar)

垂柳(drooping willow)

及旱柳(dryland willow)


杨柳树(willow and poplar)属于雌雄异株,飞絮来自杨柳树的雌株("female" willow and poplar trees)。春季雌花序授粉(pollination)后生成一个个小蒴果,发育成熟的小蒴果逐渐裂开,白色絮状的绒毛(fuzzy tufts)便携带着种子随风飞舞,借风力传播种子,繁衍后代,形成了“杨柳飞絮”(willow and poplar catkins),是植物正常的生理现象。

过敏源(source of allergy)

飞絮很容易成为病菌携带者和传播者(bacteria carrier and communicator),易燃物(flammable)

The Beijing Gardening and Greening Bureau encourages people to wear masks, sunglasses or shawls to protect themselves during the catkins period.



excessive packaging

The State Post Bureau launches a yearlong campaign this month to crack down on excessive packaging and promote more environmentally friendly package wrapping.



Packaging作为“包装”来讲有两层意思,一层是客观上的“包装”,比如,gift packaging(礼物包装);另一层意思的“包装”指“某人或某物公开展示的方式(以使其更具吸引力)”,比如,the packaging of ideas, the execution of them, and the media coverage surrounding them, this is public relations(理念的包装、执行以及媒体的相关报道,这些就是公关)。


Logistics companies must draw up packaging standards and train couriers to wrap packages accordingly to reduce waste and avoid over-packaging.


Companies can choose green packaging materials from an approved list and establish a standard way to wrap parcels.


The guideline also requires companies to deliver parcels appropriately, banning behavior such as tossing and stamping on parcels.


Companies are also being encouraged to use recyclable multiuse boxes to transport and deliver items.


The growth of the parcel delivery business has made people's lives easier and more convenient, but it has also produced more packaging waste, posing challenges for environmental protection.


胶带(tape)、缓冲气泡袋(cushions)以及塑料袋(plastic bags),这些材料使用过后一般都被送往垃圾掩埋场(landfills),需要数百年才能降解,如果对这些材料进行燃烧处理,则会产生污染物(pollutants)。

全国范围邮政快递网点禁止使用不可降解的塑料包装袋、塑料胶带和一次性塑料编织袋(cease the use of non-degradable plastic packaging, plastic tape, and single-use plastic woven bags)。

crack down 打击、治理

draw up 草拟、制定

recyclable multiuse boxes 可循环多次使用的包装盒

non-degradable plastic packaging 不可降解的塑料包装袋

single-use plastic woven bags 一次性塑料编织袋


global release

"Hi, Mom," the maiden directorial project of Chinese comedian and actress Jia Ling, is scheduled to hit international theaters on Thursday. The tear-jerker film will be released in North America, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Britain, Spain, Australia, New Zealand, Colombia and several other countries and regions, according to Ruyi Films, one of the producers.



Maiden这个词来源于maid,本意指“未婚女子”,用作形容词时多表示“初次的、首次的”,比如:a ship's maiden voyage(船只首航),the maiden flight of a spacecraft(飞机首飞)等。

影片在影院全面放映一般叫theatrical release或者general release,用动词形式表达就可以用hit theaters/cinemas,但是有些影片在正式全面上映之前会选择部分城市的部分影院进行“点映”(preview),为的是营造口碑,推动票房销售。

The film has raked in nearly 5.4 billion yuan as of early Tuesday afternoon.



Rake本意指“耙子,耙状工具”等可以用来把地面上的树叶等轻轻拢到一起的工具,用作动词的时候就表示“拢到一起”这个动作,比如:rake leaves into a pile(把叶子拢成一堆)。Rake in是一个常用的固定搭配,表示“迅速、大量获得”,除了上文中出现的rake in+金额以外,也可以说rake in a fortune(暴富)。

The film overtook the 2019 animated fantasy "Ne Zha" to become the second highest-grossing film ever screened in China on March 6. The 2017 action-adventure film Wolf Warrior 2 is currently topping the all-time box office chart covering all films ever screened in China with a total revenue of 5.693 billion yuan, according to data compiled by the China Movie Data Information Network.


tear-jerker film 催泪电影

animated fantasy film 奇幻动漫电影

action-adventure film 动作冒险影片
