顺序查找使用岗哨可以节约一半的时间. 为此, 第 0 个位置不可以放有意义的数据, 即有效数据只有 length - 1 个.
顺序查找时间复杂度为 O ( n ) O(n)O(n).
折半查找时间复杂度为 O ( log n ) O(\log n)O(logn).
书上为简化起见, 只关注键. 这里使用键值对来表示一条完整的数据. 实际应用中可以把 content 改成任何想要的数据类型.
package datastructure;
public class DataArray {
class DataNode {
int key;
String content;
DataNode(int paraKey, String paraContent) {
key = paraKey;
content = paraContent;
}// Of the second constructor
public String toString() {
return "(" + key + ", " + content + ") ";
}// Of toString
}// Of class DataNode
* The data array.
DataNode[] data;
* The length of the data array.
int length;
public DataArray(int[] paraKeyArray, String[] paraContentArray) {
length = paraKeyArray.length;
data = new DataNode[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
data[i] = new DataNode(paraKeyArray[i], paraContentArray[i]);
} // Of for i
}// Of the first constructor
* Overrides the method claimed in Object, the superclass of any class.
public String toString() {
String resultString = "I am a data array with " + length + " items.\r\n";
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
resultString += data[i] + " ";
} // Of for i
return resultString;
}// Of toString
public String sequentialSearch(int paraKey) {
data[0].key = paraKey;
int i;
// Note that we do not judge i >= 0 since data[0].key = paraKey.
// In this way the runtime is saved about 1/2.
for (i = length - 1; data[i].key != paraKey; i--)
return data[i].content;
}// Of sequentialSearch
* Test the method.
public static void sequentialSearchTest() {
int[] tempUnsortedKeys = { -1, 5, 3, 6, 10, 7, 1, 9 };
String[] tempContents = { "null", "if", "then", "else", "switch", "case", "for", "while" };
DataArray tempDataArray = new DataArray(tempUnsortedKeys, tempContents);
System.out.println("Search result of 10 is: " + tempDataArray.sequentialSearch(10));
System.out.println("Search result of 5 is: " + tempDataArray.sequentialSearch(5));
System.out.println("Search result of 4 is: " + tempDataArray.sequentialSearch(4));
}// Of sequentialSearchTest
public String binarySearch(int paraKey) {
int tempLeft = 0;
int tempRight = length - 1;
int tempMiddle = (tempLeft + tempRight) / 2;
while (tempLeft <= tempRight) {
tempMiddle = (tempLeft + tempRight) / 2;
if (data[tempMiddle].key == paraKey) {
return data[tempMiddle].content;
} else if (data[tempMiddle].key <= paraKey) {
tempLeft = tempMiddle + 1;
} else {
tempRight = tempMiddle - 1;
} // Of while
// Not found.
return "null";
}// Of binarySearch
public static void binarySearchTest() {
int[] tempSortedKeys = { 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 };
String[] tempContents = { "if", "then", "else", "switch", "case", "for", "while" };
DataArray tempDataArray = new DataArray(tempSortedKeys, tempContents);
System.out.println("Search result of 10 is: " + tempDataArray.binarySearch(10));
System.out.println("Search result of 5 is: " + tempDataArray.binarySearch(5));
System.out.println("Search result of 4 is: " + tempDataArray.binarySearch(4));
}// Of binarySearchTest
public static void main(String args[]) {
}// Of main
}// Of class DataArray
I am a data array with 8 items.
(-1, null) (5, if) (3, then) (6, else) (10, switch) (7, case) (1, for) (9, while)
Search result of 10 is: switch
Search result of 5 is: if
Search result of 4 is: null
I am a data array with 7 items.
(1, if) (3, then) (5, else) (6, switch) (7, case) (9, for) (10, while)
Search result of 10 is: while
Search result of 5 is: else
Search result of 4 is: null
神奇、实用、粗暴的方法. 空间换时间.
在构造方法中装入数据. 自己可以写代码增加数据.
使用 (最简单的) 除数取余法获得数据存放地址 (下标).
使用 (最简单的) 顺移位置法解决冲突.
搜索的时间复杂度仅与冲突概率相关, 间接地就与装填因子相关. 如果空间很多, 可以看出时间复杂度为 O ( 1 ) O(1)O(1).
散列表(Hash table,也叫哈希表),是根据键(Key)而直接访问在内存存储位置的数据结构。也就是说,它通过计算一个关于键值的函数,将所需查询的数据映射到表中一个位置来访问记录,这加快了查找速度。这个映射函数称做散列函数,存放记录的数组称做散列表。
public DataArray(int[] paraKeyArray, String[] paraContentArray, int paraLength) {
// Step 1. Initialize.
length = paraLength;
data = new DataNode[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
data[i] = null;
} // Of for i
// Step 2. Fill the data.
int tempPosition;
for (int i = 0; i < paraKeyArray.length; i++) {
// Hash.
tempPosition = paraKeyArray[i] % paraLength;
// Find an empty position
while (data[tempPosition] != null) {
tempPosition = (tempPosition + 1) % paraLength;
System.out.println("Collision, move forward for key " + paraKeyArray[i]);
} // Of while
data[tempPosition] = new DataNode(paraKeyArray[i], paraContentArray[i]);
} // Of for i
}// Of the second constructor
public String hashSearch(int paraKey) {
int tempPosition = paraKey % length;
while (data[tempPosition] != null) {
if (data[tempPosition].key == paraKey) {
return data[tempPosition].content;
} // Of if
System.out.println("Not this one for " + paraKey);
tempPosition = (tempPosition + 1) % length;
} // Of while
return "null";
}// Of hashSearch
public static void hashSearchTest() {
int[] tempUnsortedKeys = { 16, 33, 38, 69, 57, 95, 86 };
String[] tempContents = { "if", "then", "else", "switch", "case", "for", "while" };
DataArray tempDataArray = new DataArray(tempUnsortedKeys, tempContents, 19);
System.out.println("Search result of 95 is: " + tempDataArray.hashSearch(95));
System.out.println("Search result of 38 is: " + tempDataArray.hashSearch(38));
System.out.println("Search result of 57 is: " + tempDataArray.hashSearch(57));
System.out.println("Search result of 4 is: " + tempDataArray.hashSearch(4));
}// Of hashSearchTest
public static void main(String args[]) {
}// Of main
Collision, move forward for key 57
Collision, move forward for key 95
Collision, move forward for key 95
I am a data array with 19 items.
(38, else) (57, case) (95, for) null null null null null null null (86, while) null (69, switch) null (33, then) null (16, if) null null
Not this one for 95
Not this one for 95
Search result of 95 is: for
Search result of 38 is: else
Not this one for 57
Search result of 57 is: case
Search result of 4 is: null
插入排序是简单直接的排序方式之一. 代码非常短.
每次保证前 i 个数据是有序的.
先做简单的事情 (第 1 轮最多有 1 次移动), 再做麻烦的事情 (最后一轮最多有 n − 1 n - 1n−1 次移动).
下标 0 的数据为岗哨, 与 41 天内容同理. 比其它排序方式多用一个空间.
又见 this.
tempNode 只分配了引用 (指针) 的空间, 并未 new
public void insertionSort() {
DataNode tempNode;
int j;
for (int i = 2; i < length; i++) {
tempNode = data[i];
//Find the position to insert.
//At the same time, move other nodes.
for (j = i - 1; data[j].key > tempNode.key; j--) {
data[j + 1] = data[j];
} // Of for j
data[j + 1] = tempNode;
System.out.println("Round " + (i - 1));
} // Of for i
}// Of insertionSort
public static void insertionSortTest() {
int[] tempUnsortedKeys = { -100, 5, 3, 6, 10, 7, 1, 9 };
String[] tempContents = { "null", "if", "then", "else", "switch", "case", "for", "while" };
DataArray tempDataArray = new DataArray(tempUnsortedKeys, tempContents);
System.out.println("Result\r\n" + tempDataArray);
}// Of insertionSortTest
多达 4 重循环, 但时间复杂度只有 O ( n 2 ) O(n^2)O(n
). 多次排序反正减少了平均排序时间. 神奇的脑回路.
有了昨天的程序铺垫, 本程序写起来也不难.
岗哨的个数与最初的步长相关, 我们的程序中为 5. 简便起见我就没用了.
可以改变 tempJumpArray.
测试用例多用了几个数据, 便于观察.
public void shellSort() {
DataNode tempNode;
int[] tempJumpArray = { 5, 3, 1 };
int tempJump;
int p;
for (int i = 0; i < tempJumpArray.length; i++) {
tempJump = tempJumpArray[i];
for (int j = 0; j < tempJump; j++) {
for (int k = j + tempJump; k < length; k += tempJump) {
tempNode = data[k];
// Find the position to insert.
// At the same time, move other nodes.
for (p = k - tempJump; p >= 0; p -= tempJump) {
if (data[p].key > tempNode.key) {
data[p + tempJump] = data[p];
} else {
} // Of if
} // Of for p
// Insert.
data[p + tempJump] = tempNode;
} // Of for k
} // Of for j
System.out.println("Round " + i);
} // Of for i
}// Of shellSort
public static void shellSortTest() {
int[] tempUnsortedKeys = { 5, 3, 6, 10, 7, 1, 9, 12, 8, 4 };
String[] tempContents = { "if", "then", "else", "switch", "case", "for", "while", "throw", "until", "do" };
DataArray tempDataArray = new DataArray(tempUnsortedKeys, tempContents);
System.out.println("Result\r\n" + tempDataArray);
}// Of shellSortTest
public void bubbleSort() {
boolean tempSwapped;
DataNode tempNode;
for (int i = length - 1; i > 1; i--) {
tempSwapped = false;
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
if (data[j].key > data[j + 1].key) {
// Swap.
tempNode = data[j + 1];
data[j + 1] = data[j];
data[j] = tempNode;
tempSwapped = true;
} // Of if
} // Of for j
// No swap in this round. The data are already sorted.
if (!tempSwapped) {
} // Of if
System.out.println("Round " + (length - i));
} // Of for i
}// Of bubbleSort
public static void bubbleSortTest() {
int[] tempUnsortedKeys = { 1, 3, 6, 10, 7, 5, 9 };
String[] tempContents = { "if", "then", "else", "switch", "case", "for", "while" };
DataArray tempDataArray = new DataArray(tempUnsortedKeys, tempContents);
System.out.println("Result\r\n" + tempDataArray);
}// Of bubbleSortTest
public void quickSortRecursive(int paraStart, int paraEnd) {
// Nothing to sort.
if (paraStart >= paraEnd) {
} // Of if
int tempPivot = data[paraEnd].key;
DataNode tempNodeForSwap;
int tempLeft = paraStart;
int tempRight = paraEnd - 1;
// Find the position for the pivot.
// At the same time move smaller elements to the left and bigger one to the
// right.
while (true) {
while ((data[tempLeft].key < tempPivot) && (tempLeft < tempRight)) {
} // Of while
while ((data[tempRight].key > tempPivot) && (tempLeft < tempRight)) {
} // Of while
if (tempLeft < tempRight) {
// Swap.
System.out.println("Swapping " + tempLeft + " and " + tempRight);
tempNodeForSwap = data[tempLeft];
data[tempLeft] = data[tempRight];
data[tempRight] = tempNodeForSwap;
} else {
} // Of if
} // Of while
// Swap
if (data[tempLeft].key > tempPivot) {
tempNodeForSwap = data[paraEnd];
data[paraEnd] = data[tempLeft];
data[tempLeft] = tempNodeForSwap;
} else {
} // Of if
System.out.print("From " + paraStart + " to " + paraEnd + ": ");
quickSortRecursive(paraStart, tempLeft - 1);
quickSortRecursive(tempLeft + 1, paraEnd);
}// Of quickSortRecursive
public void quickSort() {
quickSortRecursive(0, length - 1);
}// Of quickSort
public static void quickSortTest() {
int[] tempUnsortedKeys = { 1, 3, 12, 10, 5, 7, 9 };
String[] tempContents = { "if", "then", "else", "switch", "case", "for", "while" };
DataArray tempDataArray = new DataArray(tempUnsortedKeys, tempContents);
System.out.println("Result\r\n" + tempDataArray);
}// Of quickSortTest
public void selectionSort() {
DataNode tempNode;
int tempIndexForSmallest;
for (int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {
// Initialize.
tempNode = data[i];
tempIndexForSmallest = i;
for (int j = i + 1; j < length; j++) {
if (data[j].key < tempNode.key) {
tempNode = data[j];
tempIndexForSmallest = j;
} // Of if
} // Of for j
// Change the selected one with the current one.
data[tempIndexForSmallest] = data[i];
data[i] = tempNode;
} // Of for i
}// Of selectionSort
public static void selectionSortTest() {
int[] tempUnsortedKeys = { 5, 3, 6, 10, 7, 1, 9 };
String[] tempContents = { "if", "then", "else", "switch", "case", "for", "while" };
DataArray tempDataArray = new DataArray(tempUnsortedKeys, tempContents);
System.out.println("Result\r\n" + tempDataArray);
}// Of selectionSortTest
public void heapSort() {
DataNode tempNode;
// Step 1. Construct the initial heap.
for (int i = length / 2 - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
adjustHeap(i, length);
} // Of for i
System.out.println("The initial heap: " + this + "\r\n");
// Step 2. Swap and reconstruct.
for (int i = length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
tempNode = data[0];
data[0] = data[i];
data[i] = tempNode;
adjustHeap(0, i);
System.out.println("Round " + (length - i) + ": " + this);
} // Of for i
}// Of heapSort
public void adjustHeap(int paraStart, int paraLength) {
DataNode tempNode = data[paraStart];
int tempParent = paraStart;
int tempKey = data[paraStart].key;
for (int tempChild = paraStart * 2 + 1; tempChild < paraLength; tempChild = tempChild * 2 + 1) {
// The right child is bigger.
if (tempChild + 1 < paraLength) {
if (data[tempChild].key < data[tempChild + 1].key) {
} // Of if
} // Of if
System.out.println("The parent position is " + tempParent + " and the child is " + tempChild);
if (tempKey < data[tempChild].key) {
// The child is bigger.
data[tempParent] = data[tempChild];
System.out.println("Move " + data[tempChild].key + " to position " + tempParent);
tempParent = tempChild;
} else {
} // Of if
} // Of for tempChild
data[tempParent] = tempNode;
System.out.println("Adjust " + paraStart + " to " + paraLength + ": " + this);
}// Of adjustHeap
public static void heapSortTest() {
int[] tempUnsortedKeys = { 5, 3, 6, 10, 7, 1, 9 };
String[] tempContents = { "if", "then", "else", "switch", "case", "for", "while" };
DataArray tempDataArray = new DataArray(tempUnsortedKeys, tempContents);
System.out.println("Result\r\n" + tempDataArray);
}// Of heapSortTest
public void mergeSort() {
// Step 1. Allocate space.
int tempRow; // The current row
int tempGroups; // Number of groups
int tempActualRow; // Only 0 or 1
int tempNextRow = 0;
int tempGroupNumber;
int tempFirstStart, tempSecondStart, tempSecondEnd;
int tempFirstIndex, tempSecondIndex;
int tempNumCopied;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
} // Of for i
DataNode[][] tempMatrix = new DataNode[2][length];
// Step 2. Copy data.
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
tempMatrix[0][i] = data[i];
} // Of for i
// Step 3. Merge. log n rounds
tempRow = -1;
for (int tempSize = 1; tempSize <= length; tempSize *= 2) {
// Reuse the space of the two rows.
System.out.println("Current row = " + tempRow);
tempActualRow = tempRow % 2;
tempNextRow = (tempRow + 1) % 2;
tempGroups = length / (tempSize * 2);
if (length % (tempSize * 2) != 0) {
} // Of if
System.out.println("tempSize = " + tempSize + ", numGroups = " + tempGroups);
for (tempGroupNumber = 0; tempGroupNumber < tempGroups; tempGroupNumber++) {
tempFirstStart = tempGroupNumber * tempSize * 2;
tempSecondStart = tempGroupNumber * tempSize * 2 + tempSize;
if (tempSecondStart > length - 1) {
// Copy the first part.
for (int i = tempFirstStart; i < length; i++) {
tempMatrix[tempNextRow][i] = tempMatrix[tempActualRow][i];
} // Of for i
} // Of if
tempSecondEnd = tempGroupNumber * tempSize * 2 + tempSize * 2 - 1;
if (tempSecondEnd > length - 1) {
tempSecondEnd = length - 1;
} // Of if
.println("Trying to merge [" + tempFirstStart + ", " + (tempSecondStart - 1)
+ "] with [" + tempSecondStart + ", " + tempSecondEnd + "]");
tempFirstIndex = tempFirstStart;
tempSecondIndex = tempSecondStart;
tempNumCopied = 0;
while ((tempFirstIndex <= tempSecondStart - 1)
&& (tempSecondIndex <= tempSecondEnd)) {
if (tempMatrix[tempActualRow][tempFirstIndex].key <= tempMatrix[tempActualRow][tempSecondIndex].key) {
+ tempNumCopied] = tempMatrix[tempActualRow][tempFirstIndex];
System.out.println("copying " + tempMatrix[tempActualRow][tempFirstIndex]);
} else {
+ tempNumCopied] = tempMatrix[tempActualRow][tempSecondIndex];
System.out.println("copying " + tempMatrix[tempActualRow][tempSecondIndex]);
} // Of if
} // Of while
while (tempFirstIndex <= tempSecondStart - 1) {
+ tempNumCopied] = tempMatrix[tempActualRow][tempFirstIndex];
} // Of while
while (tempSecondIndex <= tempSecondEnd) {
+ tempNumCopied] = tempMatrix[tempActualRow][tempSecondIndex];
} // Of while
} // Of for groupNumber
System.out.println("Round " + tempRow);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
System.out.print(tempMatrix[tempNextRow][i] + " ");
} // Of for j
} // Of for tempStepSize
data = tempMatrix[tempNextRow];
}// Of mergeSort
public static void mergeSortTest() {
int[] tempUnsortedKeys = { 5, 3, 6, 10, 7, 1, 9 };
String[] tempContents = { "if", "then", "else", "switch", "case", "for", "while" };
DataArray tempDataArray = new DataArray(tempUnsortedKeys, tempContents);
}// Of mergeSortTest
1.堆的意义在于最快的找到最大最小值,在堆中插入一个值,取走最大值或最小值重新构建堆结构,其时间复杂度为O(log N) ,而其它方法至少为O(N)。堆在实际中用途不在于排序,堆的应用:在于调度算法中,比如优先级调度,每次取优先级最高的.可以采用堆构造优先级队列,优化dijstra算法。对于海量数据,可以求数据的前n大或前n小。