Photoshop is one of the most intimidating programs for any beginner, but has powerful image editing ability for any skill level. Look through a fresh install of CS5, and learn the basic tools and info to help you get started.
对于任何初学者来说,Photoshop都是最令人生畏的程序之一,但是对于任何技能水平的人,它都具有强大的图像编辑能力。 查看CS5的全新安装,并学习基本的工具和信息以帮助您入门。
Out of the box, this is what your default CS5 installation will look like. It looks even more intimidating than older versions, so let’s spend a few minutes taking a basic look around the program, demystify it, and get you editing your photographs, painting, or whatever you might want to do with your fresh install.
开箱即用,这是您默认的CS5安装的外观。 它看起来比旧版本更令人生畏,因此让我们花几分钟时间对该程序进行基本了解,使其神秘化,并让您编辑照片,绘画或任何您想使用全新安装进行的操作。
启动您的自定义工作区 (Starting your Custom Workspace)
You’re going to want to move your panels and palettes around in an effort to get comfortable with your new install. In this area of your screen, you’ll see various “Workspaces,” which are the various arrangements of said palettes and panels. This can be helpful, because you might want a different arrangement for editing photos than you’ll use if you are also a painter or designer.
您将需要移动面板和调色板,以使自己对新安装感到满意。 在屏幕的此区域中,您将看到各种“工作区”,它们是上述调色板和面板的各种排列方式。 这可能会有所帮助,因为您可能想要的照片编辑方式不同于您也是画家或设计师的情况。
CS5 autosaves your changes to your workspaces, so create a new, custom one to play around in. You can always edit your stock Workspaces to fit your liking later.
Click the to bring up the contextual menu. Create a “New Workspace” and name it anything you like. Use your own name, or anything that suits you. Make certain to pick “Keyboard Shortcuts” and “Menus” as you can edit both of them and tie them to your workspace.
单击以打开上下文菜单。 创建一个“新工作区”,并随便命名。 使用您自己的名字,或任何适合您的名字。 确保选择“键盘快捷键”和“菜单”,因为您可以编辑它们和将它们绑定到工作区。
Click your new workspace and feel free to play around in it.
自定义工具箱 (Customizing the Toolbox)
The toolbox is where you get all your mouse or cursor-based tools. By default, it is locked to the side of the screen in a panel area. By clicking the
 is a toggle, that will switch between the two versions.You can also click and drag the to create a “free floating” version of the toolbox.
在工具箱中,您可以获取所有基于鼠标或光标的工具。 默认情况下,它被锁定在面板区域的屏幕侧面。 通过点击
 是一个切换按钮,可以在两个版本之间切换。您也可以点击并拖动 创建工具箱的“自由浮动”版本。
The aforementioned double column format of the toolbox. Now that we’ve identified that we can change the shape of the toolbox, let’s briefly look at what’s available in it. |
工具箱的上述双列格式。 现在,我们已经确定可以更改工具箱的形状,下面简要介绍一下其中的可用内容。 |
选项面板 (The Options Palette)
At the top of your screen, directly under your menus, you’ll see the options palette. When you select different tools, you’ll have the various options you can edit here. Each tool is complex without these options, and can become extremely powerful with knowledge of its options.
在屏幕顶部菜单的正下方,您会看到选项面板。 当您选择其他工具时,将具有可以在此处编辑的各种选项。 如果没有这些选项,则每个工具都很复杂,并且通过了解其选项可以变得非常强大。
工具箱中有什么? (What’s in the Toolbox?)
Rectangular Marquee Tool: Shortcut key . The basic selection tool, marquee, AKA “Marching Ants” allows you to select areas of layers or flattened photographs. Shift + M will cycle through to the various other selection tools, including the ellipse tool. You can hold Shift while drawing marquees to create squares. |
矩形选框工具 :快捷键 。 基本选择工具选取框(又称“行进蚂蚁”)使您可以选择图层或展平的照片区域。 Shift + M将循环显示其他各种选择工具,包括椭圆工具。 绘制选取框以创建正方形时,可以按住Shift键。 |
Move Tool: Shortcut key . The basic move tool. Once you select an area, choose the move tool to move it around. You can also move whole layers without selecting them. |
移动工具 :快捷键 。 基本的移动工具。 选择区域后,请选择移动工具来移动它。 您也可以移动整个图层而不选择它们。 |
Lasso Tool: Shortcut key . Another selection tool, allows you to draw quick, shaped selections around parts of your image. Shift + L will cycle through the alternate lasso tools, including Polygonal Lasso and Magnetic Lasso tools. |
套索工具 :快捷键 。 另一个选择工具,可让您在图像的各个部分周围绘制快速,有形的选择。 Shift + L将循环显示其他套索工具,包括多边形套索和磁性套索工具。 |
Quick Selection Tool: Shortcut key . A rough selection tool that works like a paintbrush. Brush around in an area, and Photoshop will read your image and try and guess what you’re trying to select. Press Shift + W to get the indispensible magic wand tool, which is a Bucket Fill or Flood style tool for selections. |
快速选择工具 :快捷键 。 类似于画笔的粗略选择工具。 在某个区域四处刷一下,Photoshop会读取您的图像并尝试猜测您要选择的内容。 按Shift + W可获得必不可少的魔术棒工具,该工具是用于选择的“桶填充”或“洪水”样式工具。 |
Crop Tool: Shortcut key . Draws rectangular selections, then cuts your image down to the rectangle you draw. Very useful for straightening crooked images. Press Shift + C to pick the Slice Tool and Slice Select tools, useful for creating multiple images from a single one, usually for web content. |
裁剪工具 :快捷键 。 绘制矩形选择,然后将图像剪切为绘制的矩形。 对于矫正弯曲的图像非常有用。 按Shift + C选择“切片工具”和“切片选择”工具,这些工具可用于从单个图像创建多个图像,通常用于Web内容。 |
Eyedropper Tool: Shortcut key . Picks a color from any document you have open. Shift + I will cycle through the tools: Color Sampler, Ruler, and Note Tool. |
吸管工具 :快捷键 。 从您打开的任何文档中选择一种颜色。 Shift +我将循环浏览以下工具:颜色采样器,标尺和注释工具。 |
Spot Healing Brush Tool: Shortcut key . Useful for erasing blemishes, scratches or unwanted noise from images automatically by painting over them. Press Shift + J to find the Healing Brush, Patch Tool, and Red Eye tools. |
斑点修复画笔工具 :快捷键 。 通过在图像上绘画,可自动消除图像中的斑点,刮痕或不必要的噪音。 按Shift + J查找“修复画笔”,“修补工具”和“红眼工具”。 |
Brush Tool: Shortcut key . The single most complex tool in the toolbox. Many articles on the brush tool to come, but for now, paint with left mouse clicks, and select different brush styles with right mouse clicks. Shift + B cycles through to the Pencil, Color Replacement Tool, and Mixer Brushes, all worth experimentation. |
画笔工具 :快捷键 。 工具箱中最复杂的工具。 笔刷工具上有很多文章,但是现在,用鼠标左键单击绘画,然后用鼠标右键单击选择不同的画笔样式。 Shift + B循环到铅笔,颜色替换工具和混合器画笔,所有这些都值得尝试。 |
Clone Stamp Tool: Shortcut key . Another photo-editing brush, Alt and Click to set a “Source” and then paint with the Left mouse button to copy from your source. Shift + S also gives you the pattern stamp tool. |
克隆图章工具 :快捷键 。 另一个照片编辑笔,Alt和Click设置“源”,然后用鼠标左键绘画以从源复制。 Shift + S还可以为您提供图案标记工具。 |
History Brush Tool: Shortcut key . Working in tandem with your History Palette, you can paint “back in time,” so to speak. Use a filter, then selectively undo parts of it with the History Brush. The Art History Brush is buried underneath here, accessible with a Shift + Y. |
历史记录画笔工具 :快捷键 。 可以说,与“历史记录面板”协同工作,您可以绘制“时光倒流”。 使用过滤器,然后使用“历史记录画笔”有选择地撤消其一部分。 “艺术历史记录”画笔埋在此处下方,可通过Shift + Y进行访问。 |
Eraser Tool: Shortcut key . Erases layers to transparency, and locked or Background Layers down to the Background Color. Shift + E will cycle through the Magic Eraser and the Background Eraser tool. |
橡皮擦工具 :快捷键 。 将图层擦除为透明,然后将“锁定”或“背景图层”擦除为“背景颜色”。 Shift + E将在魔术橡皮擦和背景橡皮擦工具之间循环。 |
Gradient Tool: Shortcut key . Clicking and dragging will fill your layer with a basic gradient using your foreground and background tools. The options palette has a lot of different gradients to use. Hidden under the Gradient Tool is the Paint Bucket Tool. Shift + G will cycle through to it. Use the Paint Bucket to fill areas of similar color in your image. |
渐变工具 :快捷键 。 单击并拖动将使用前景和背景工具为您的图层填充基本渐变。 选项面板有很多不同的渐变可供使用。 隐藏在“渐变工具”下的是“颜料桶”工具。 Shift + G会循环显示。 使用颜料桶填充图像中相似颜色的区域。 |
Blur, Sharpen, and Smudge Tools: By default, no shortcut key. These are three photo editing tools that do exactly what they say. Smudge, in particular, can create excellent painterly effects in your images. Left click and hold to bring up the contextual menu and pick the “buried” Sharpen and Smudge tools. |
模糊,锐化和涂抹工具 :默认情况下,没有快捷键。 这是三种照片编辑工具,它们可以完全按照它们说的去做。 特别是,污迹可以在图像中产生出色的绘画效果。 左键单击并按住以打开上下文菜单,然后选择“隐藏”的“锐化”和“涂抹”工具。 |
Dodge and Burn Tools: Shortcut key . Dodge and Burn are photo editing tools that lighten and darken images, respectively. This tool is not the zoom tool, as confusing as it may look. Shift + O cycles between the two of them. |
道奇和刻录工具 :快捷键 。 道奇(Dodge)和刻录(Burn)是分别使图像变亮和变暗的照片编辑工具。 该工具不是缩放工具,看起来可能会令人困惑。 Shift + O在这两个之间循环。 |
Pen Tool: Shortcut key . A nightmarish frustration for beginner users, the Pen Tool is tough to get used to, but a favorite of Photoshop Pros. Similar to the Pen Tool in Adobe Illustrator, works in tandem with the Paths Palette. Shift + P will give you alternate Pen tools related to working with paths. |
笔工具 :快捷键 。 对于初学者来说,这是一场噩梦般的挫折,钢笔工具很难适应,但却是Photoshop Pro的最爱。 与Adobe Illustrator中的钢笔工具类似,它与“路径”面板配合使用。 Shift + P将为您提供与使用路径有关的备用Pen工具。 |
Type Tool: Shortcut key . Allows you to set typography, by default horizonally. Shift + T will give you the Vertical Type Tool, as well as the Type Mask Tools. |
键入工具 :快捷键 。 允许您默认水平设置字体。 Shift + T将为您提供“垂直字体工具”以及“字体蒙版工具”。 |
Path Selection and Direct Selection Tools: Shortcut key . More tools made for editing paths in the path palette. Ignore unless you’re trying to learn the Pen Tool. Path selection picks whole paths, while Direct Selection picks line segments or points within paths. Cycle with Shift + A. |
路径选择和直接选择工具 :快捷键 。 提供了更多用于在路径面板中编辑路径的工具。 除非您要学习钢笔工具,否则请忽略。 路径选择拾取整个路径,而直接选择则拾取路径中的线段或点。 按Shift + A循环。 |
Custom Shape Tool: Shortcut key . Bizarre tool for creating clipart type vector shapes from a library in the options palette. Shift + U will also give you the more helpful tools for rectangles, polygons, and lines, all helpful for learning paths in Photoshop without suffering through the pen tool. |
自定义形状工具 :快捷键 。 用于从选项面板中的库创建剪贴画类型矢量形状的奇异工具。 Shift + U还可以为您提供更多有用的矩形,多边形和线条工具,所有这些工具都可以帮助您在Photoshop中学习路径,而无需使用钢笔工具。 |
Zoom Tool: Shortcut key . Yes, this is the real zoom tool and not the Dodge tool. Zoom in with left clicks, zoom out with ALT plus Left Clicks. This is likely the most basic tool in the toolbox. |
缩放工具 :快捷键 。 是的,这是真正的缩放工具,而不是道奇工具。 用左键单击放大,用ALT加左键单击缩小。 这可能是工具箱中最基本的工具。 |
Hand Tool: Shortcut key . Scrolls your document without using the scrollwheel or scroll arrows. Press and hold the Space Bar at any time to use the quick Hand Tool, release Space to return to your previous tool. |
手动工具 :快捷键 。 在不使用滚轮或滚动箭头的情况下滚动文档。 随时按住空格键可使用快速手动工具,释放空格可返回到先前的工具。 |
Background/Foreground: The active colors you are painting with. The top color is Foreground, the back Background. swaps the two colors.
 reverts them to the default colors, black and white.
背景/前景 :您用来绘制的活动颜色。 顶部是前景,背面是背景。
 交换两种颜色。 将它们还原为默认颜色黑色和白色。
Quick Mask Mode: Shortcut key . An alternate mode for creating complex selections with the Brush, Eraser, and Paint Bucket tools. The Q key toggles to and from Quick Mask Mode. |
快速蒙版模式 :快捷键 。 一种用于使用“画笔”,“橡皮擦”和“油漆桶”工具创建复杂选择的替代模式。 Q键可在快速蒙版模式之间来回切换。 |
Photoshop tips left you confused? Start at the Beginning! Check out the previous installments of the How-To Geek Guide to Learning Photoshop.
Photoshop提示让您感到困惑? 从头开始! 请查阅“如何学习Photoshop极客指南”的前几期。
Part 1: The Toolbox
Part 2: Basic Panels
Part 3: Introduction to Layers
Part 4: Basic Menus
Part 5: Beginner Photo Editing
Part 6: Digital Art
Part 7: Design and Typography
Part 8: Filters