
* 本文件存放【具体业务功能】公共函数
* 服务于具体业务场景

import axios from 'axios'
import {cookies} from '../cookieUtils'
const baseURL =  require('../../../config/APIs').API
import {Message,Notice} from 'iview'

// 下载文件函数
const exportFile = (filePath, params, fileName, timeout) => {
    const config = {
      baseURL: baseURL,
      timeout: timeout ? timeout : 300000,
      params: params,
      headers: {
        'Pragma': 'no-cache',
        'Content-type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
        'X-Auth-Token': res || null
      responseType: 'blob'
      let content = res.data
      let blob = new Blob([content])
      if('msSaveOrOpenBlob' in navigator){
        // Microsoft Edge and Microsoft Internet Explorer 10-11
        window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blob, fileName)
      } else {
        if ('download' in document.createElement('a')) { // 非IE下载
          let elink = document.createElement('a')
          elink.download = fileName
          elink.style.display = 'none'
          elink.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob)  
          URL.revokeObjectURL(elink.href) // 释放URL 对象
        } else { // IE10+下载
          navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blob, fileName)
      let data = err.response.data
      if (err.request.responseType === 'blob') {
        var reader = new FileReader()
        reader.readAsText(data, 'utf-8')
        reader.onload = function () {
          data = JSON.parse(reader.result)
            content: data.description,
            duration: 5,
            closable: true
      } else {
          content: err,
          duration: 5,
          closable: true

// 上传文件函数
const uploadFile = (filePath, data,timeout) => {
  return cookies.getAuthorization().then(res=>{
    const config = {
      baseURL: baseURL,
      timeout: timeout ? timeout : 60000,
      headers: {
        'Pragma': 'no-cache',
        'Content-type': 'multipart/form-data',
        'X-Auth-Token': res || null
    return axios.post(filePath,data,config).then(res=>{
      return res.data
        title: err.response.data.title,
        desc: err.response.data.description,
        duration: 15

// 消抖函数
const debounce = function (callback, delay, immediate) {
  let timeout, result
  return function () {
    let context = this
    let args = arguments
    var later = function () {
      timeout = null
      if (!immediate) result = callback.apply(context, args)
    var callNow = immediate && !timeout
    timeout = setTimeout(later, delay)
    if (callNow) result = callback.apply(context, args)
    return result
// 节流函数
const throttle = function (fn, delay) {
  let timer = null
  let remaining = 0
  let previous = new Date()
  return function () {
    let now = new Date()
    remaining = now - previous
    let args = arguments
    let context = this
    if (remaining >= delay) {
      if (timer) {
      fn.apply(context, args)
      previous = now
    } else {
      if (!timer) {
        timer = setTimeout(function () {
          fn.apply(context, args)
        }, delay - remaining)

export default {



        let files = this.$refs.upload.files
        // 校验文件大小
        let filesSize = 0
        for (let index = 0; index < files.length; index++) {
          const element = files[index]
          if (element.size/1024/1024 > 10) {
          filesSize += element.size         
        if (filesSize/1024/1024 > 20) {
        let formData = new FormData()
        for (let index = 0; index < files.length; index++) {
          const element = files[index]
          formData.append(`${element.name}`, element)
          this.firewall.attachment_list = resData
          this.$refs.upload.value = ''
* @describe:
* 该插件旨在提供公共表单验证插件,功能不断完善中......
import $ from 'jquery'
import './animate.css'
import httpRequestEntrance from './httpRequestEntrance.js'
import Promise from 'promise'
import Set from 'es6-set'

 * Func:单一验证字段是否为空并提示功能
 * @param {String} className (提示信息装载位置的class名称)
 * @param {String} val (待校验字段值)
 * @return {Boolean}
const isEmptyAndWarn = (className, val) =>{
  className = '.' + className
  if (val === '' || val === null || val === undefined || JSON.stringify(val) === '{}' || JSON.stringify(val) === '[]') {
    return true
  return false

 * Func:批量验证字段是否为空并提示功能
 * params: {host_name_w: "111", host_w: "222", os_family_w: "333", checkedEnv_w: "444"}
 * key: 代表提示信息装载位置的class名称(*_w),其中*表示字段名,_w为特殊标记
 * value: 代表待校验字段的值
const isEmptyAndWarn_JSON = (params) =>{
  let res = true
  let key
  for(key in params){
    if (isEmptyAndWarn(key, params[key])) {
      res = false
  return res

 * Func:批量验证表单搜索条件
 * params: {host_name: "111", host: "222", os_family: "333"}
 * key:
 * value: 代表待校验字段的值
const isEmptyReturn_JSON = (param) =>{
  let params = Object.assign({},param)
  let key
  for(key in params){
    if (!isEmpty(params[key])) {
      delete params[key]
  return params
const isEmptyInObj = (params) =>{
  let key
  for(key in params){
    if (!isEmpty(params[key])) {
      return true
  return false

 * Func:单一验证字段是否
 * val: 代表待校验字段的值
 * return: boolean
const isEmpty = (val) => {
  if (val === '' || val === null || val === undefined) {
    return false
  if ((Object.prototype.toString.call(val) === '[object Object]' && !Object.keys(val).length) || (Object.prototype.toString.call(val) === '[object Array]' && !val.length)) {
    return false
  return true

 * Func:单一验证字段是否
 * val: 代表待校验字段的值
 * return: boolean
const isEmpty_reset = (val) =>{
  if (val === '' || val === null || val === undefined || JSON.stringify(val) === '{}' || JSON.stringify(val) === '[]') {
    return true
  return false

 * Func:判断object/json 是否为空
 * e: object/json
 * return: boolean
const isEmptyObject = (e) =>{
  let t
  for (t in e)
    return !1
  return !0

 * Func: 判断字符串是否包含中文
 * @param {String} str (待效验字符串)
 * @return {Boolean} true: 包含; false: 不包含
const isContainChina = (str) =>{
  const patrn=/[\u4E00-\u9FA5]|[\uFE30-\uFFA0]/gi
    return false
  return true

 *Func: 清空JSON中字段值,解决编辑和新增时页面缓存
const emptyJson = (j) =>{
  let k
  for (k in j)
    j[k] = null
  return j

 * 深拷贝js对象
 * @param obj
 * @returns {{}}
 *  Created by fengjingyu on 2018/4/11.
const deepCopy = (obj) =>{
  let newO = {}
  if (obj instanceof Array) {
    newO = []
  for ( let key in obj) {
    let val = obj[key]
    if (val instanceof Date) {
      val = val.format('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss')
    newO[key] = val
  return newO

// 格式化时间
Date.prototype.format = function(fmt) {
  var o = {
    'M+' : this.getMonth()+1,                 // 月份
    'd+' : this.getDate(),                    // 日
    'h+' : this.getHours(),                   // 小时
    'm+' : this.getMinutes(),                 // 分
    's+' : this.getSeconds(),                 // 秒
    'q+' : Math.floor((this.getMonth()+3)/3), // 季度
    'S'  : this.getMilliseconds()             // 毫秒
  if(/(y+)/.test(fmt)) {
    fmt=fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (this.getFullYear()+'').substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length))
  for(var k in o) {
    if(new RegExp('('+ k +')').test(fmt)){
      fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (RegExp.$1.length==1) ? (o[k]) : (('00'+ o[k]).substr((''+ o[k]).length)))
  return fmt

const modal_confirm_custom = (leader,title,fun) =>{
  let tip = title.length>0 ? '

'+ title +'

' :'确定删除吗?' leader.$Modal.confirm({ content: tip, onOk: () => { fun() }, onCancel: () => { leader.$store.commit('changeFlag',true) } }) } const valueFromExpression = (item, expression, default_value='') =>{ let expr=expression let item_tmp = item let attrs=expr.split('.') let n=0 for (n in attrs){ if (isEmpty(item_tmp) && attrs[n] in item_tmp){ item_tmp = item_tmp[attrs[n]] }else{ return default_value } } return item_tmp } /* *Func: 通过select选中值返回选中对象 * @param {String} val (选中值) * @param {String} key (匹配字段) * @param {Object} options (待匹配对象集合) * */ const returnObjByValue = (val, key, options) =>{ for (let no in options) { if (options[no][key] === val) { return options[no] } } } /* *Func: 后台获取select数据赋值公共方法 * @param {Object} that (调用页面当前对象) * @param {String} API (匹配字段) * @param {Object} params (接口所需参数) * @param {String} receiveParams (接收数据字段层级关系) * @param {String} type (区分是获取租户还是项目) * */ const getSelectOptions = (that, API, params, receiveParams, type) => { return that.$httpRequestEntrance.httpRequestEntrance('GET', API, params, (responseData) => { let res = responseData.data if (res.length > 0) { let arr = receiveParams.split('.') let temp = that for(let i=0;i { let desc = (item.desc === null)? '-':item.desc if (type === 'project') { desc = (item.name_zh === null)? '-':item.name_zh } if (type === 'tenant') { desc = (item.chinese_name_abbreviation === null)? '-':item.chinese_name_abbreviation } temp.push({ name: item.name + '(' + desc + ')', id: item.id }) }) } }) } const upgradePrice = (that, Api, params) => { // 初始化价格显示 that.$httpRequestEntrance.httpRequestEntrance('POST', Api, params, (responseData) => { that.price.isInquiryPriceOK_else_isAllNull = false that.price.price = responseData.sum_price // 升级后价格 that.price.beforeUpgradePrice = responseData.sum_before_upgrade_price ? responseData.sum_before_upgrade_price : 0 // 升级前价格 that.price.productDetails = [] that.price.discounts = [] for (let item of responseData.data) { if (item.price !== null) { that.price.productDetails.push({ productName: item.product.name, price:item.price_display, priceUnit: item.charging_pkg.measurement_display }) for (let discountInfo of item.discounts) { that.price.discounts.push({ started_date: discountInfo.started_date, ended_date: discountInfo.ended_date, discount_name: discountInfo.discount_config.name }) } } } if (that.price.productDetails.length > 0) { that.price.isInquiryPriceOK = true that.price.isInquiryPriceOK_else_isAllNull = false } else { that.price.isInquiryPriceOK = false that.price.isInquiryPriceOK_else_isAllNull = true } }, {isNeedloading: false}) } const inquiryPrice = (that, Api, params, method = 'POST') => { // 初始化价格显示 that.price.isInquiryPriceOK = false return new Promise(function(resolve) { let resultPrice = managePrice(that, Api, params, method) resultPrice.then((result) => { resolve(result) }) }) } const managePrice = (that, Api, params, method) => { return new Promise(function(resolve) { let xxPrice = { isInquiryPriceOK: false, // 是否获取价格成功 isInquiryPriceOK_else_isAllNull: false, discounts: [], // 优惠活动信息 cheapPrice: 0, // 节省价格 totalPrice: 0, // 缓存优惠后价格 productDetails: [], // 缓存产品价格详细信息 wholeYearPrice: 0 } that.$httpRequestEntrance.httpRequestEntrance(method, Api, params, (responseData) => { xxPrice.isInquiryPriceOK_else_isAllNull = false xxPrice.totalPrice = responseData.sum_price xxPrice.cheapPrice = responseData.cheap_price xxPrice.productDetails = [] xxPrice.discounts = [] xxPrice.wholeYearPrice = (responseData.whole_year_price === null ? 0: responseData.whole_year_price) for (let item of responseData.data) { if (item.price !== null) { xxPrice.productDetails.push({ productName: item.product.name, price: item.price_display, priceUnit: item.charging_pkg.measurement_display }) for (let discountInfo of item.discounts) { xxPrice.discounts.push({ started_date: discountInfo.started_date, ended_date: discountInfo.ended_date, discount_name: discountInfo.discount_config.name }) } } } if (xxPrice.productDetails.length > 0) { xxPrice.isInquiryPriceOK = true xxPrice.isInquiryPriceOK_else_isAllNull = false } else { xxPrice.isInquiryPriceOK = false xxPrice.isInquiryPriceOK_else_isAllNull = true } resolve(xxPrice) }, {isNeedloading: false}) }) } //订单产品可用区是否在该产品类型下可用 const azIsAvailable = (productCode,azid,tip,global) =>{ return httpRequestEntrance.httpRequestEntrance('GET', 'v1/azs', {enabled: true, product_code: productCode}, (responseData) => { let res = responseData.data let flag = false if (res.length > 0) { res.forEach((item) => { if(item.id === azid){ flag = true } }) } if(!flag&&tip){ global.$Notice.warning({title:tip}) } return flag }) } //对象数组转对象 const switchFormat=(arr,key,value)=>{ let obj = {} arr.map(item=>{ obj[item[key]] = item[value] }) return obj } //深度合并对象 const deepAssign = (obj1, obj2)=>{ let obj = Array.isArray(obj1)?[]:{} let keys = [...new Set(Object.keys(obj1).concat(Object.keys(obj2)))] keys.map(key=>{ if(typeof obj2[key] === 'object' && typeof obj1[key] === 'object'){ obj[key] = deepAssign(obj1[key],obj2[key]) }else{ obj[key] = obj2[key]?obj2[key]:obj1[key] if(typeof obj2[key] === 'object'){ if(Array.isArray(obj[key])){ obj[key]=deepAssign([],obj[key]) }else{ obj[key]=deepAssign({},obj[key]) } } } }) return obj } //隐藏手机号码 const coverPhone=(area,phone)=>{ let funcs={ '86':()=>{ return phone.slice(0,3)+'****'+phone.slice(7) }, '852':()=>{ return '****'+phone.slice(4) } } return funcs[area]() } //格式化json函数 const formatJson = function (text_value) { if (!text_value) { return '' } else if (text_value.indexOf('{') === -1) { return text_value } else { var json = eval('(' + text_value + ')') text_value = JSON.stringify(json) var res = '' for (var i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, ii, ele; i < text_value.length; i++) {//k:缩进,j:""个数 ele = text_value.charAt(i) if (j % 2 == 0 && ele == '}') { k-- for (ii = 0; ii < k; ii++) ele = ' ' + ele ele = '\n' + ele } else if (j % 2 == 0 && ele == '{') { ele += '\n' k++ for (ii = 0; ii < k; ii++) ele += ' ' } else if (j % 2 == 0 && ele == ',') { ele += '\n' for (ii = 0; ii < k; ii++) ele += ' ' } else if (ele == '"') j++ res += ele } return res } } // 补充Promise的allSettled方法 const allSettled = Promise.allSettled || function(arr) { // let P = this return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if(Object.prototype.toString.call(arr) !== '[object Array]') { return reject(new TypeError(typeof arr + '' + arr + '' + 'is not iterable(cannot read property Symbol(Symbol.iterator))')) } var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arr) if(args.length === 0) return resolve([]) var arrCount = args.length function resolvePromise(index, value){ if(typeof value === 'object') { var then = value.then if(typeof then === 'function') { then.call(value, function(val){ args[index] = {status: 'fulfilled', value: val} if(--arrCount === 0) { resolve(args) } }, function(e) { args[index] = {status: 'rejected', reason: e} if(--arrCount === 0){ resolve(args) } }) } } } for(let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { resolvePromise(i, args[i]) } }) } export const validate = { isEmpty, isEmpty_reset, // 为空效验新方法,计划替代isEmpty isEmptyAndWarn, isEmptyAndWarn_JSON, isEmptyReturn_JSON, isEmptyObject, isEmptyInObj, emptyJson, // 清空JSON对象中的值 deepCopy, // JSON对象深拷贝 isContainChina, //是否包含中文字符 modal_confirm_custom, valueFromExpression, //多级表达式取值 azIsAvailable,//该订单产品可用区是否在该产品类型下可用 returnObjByValue, // 根据选中值返回选中对象 getSelectOptions, // 获取租户 inquiryPrice, // 产品询价 upgradePrice, // 产品询价升级 // formatNumber, // 精确格式化数字 switchFormat,//对象数组转对象 coverPhone,//隐藏手机号码 deepAssign,//深度合并对象 formatJson ,// 格式化json allSettled // 补充promise的allSettled方法 }
