统一的Catalog API(FLink FLIP-30翻译)

统一的Catalog API(FLink FLIP-30翻译)


  • 统一的Catalog API(FLink FLIP-30翻译)
  • 一、动机
        • FLink与Hive Metastore集成有两个方面:
  • 二、公共接口
  • 三、实现方案(提议)
  • 四、ReadableCatalog接口
  • 五、CatalogDatabase类
  • 六、ObjectPath 类
  • 七、CatalogCommonTable & CatalogTable接口
  • 八、HiveTable类
  • 九、GenericCatalogTable 类
  • 十、CatalogView接口
  • 十一、CatalogFunction类/接口
  • 十二、ReadableWritableCatalog接口
  • 十三、HiveCatalogBase类
  • 十四、HiveCatalog类
  • 十五、GenericHiveMetastoreCatalog类
  • 十六、CatalogManager 类
  • 十七、TableEnvironment 类
  • 十八、目录的YAML配置
  • 十九、TableFactory 接口
  • 二十、HiveTableFactory 类
  • 二十一、自动加载Table Factory
  • 二十二、补充说明
  • 二十三、实施计划
    • 任务分解
    • 先决条件
  • 二十四、兼容性,弃用和迁移计划
  • 二十五、测试计划





FLink与Hive Metastore集成有两个方面:


2.使用Hive Metastore作为持久化存储,使Flink的meta-object(元数据对象:表,视图和UDF)持久化。

本文档是Flink和Hive生态系统集成的三个部分之一。不仅涉到FLink与Hive集成,还涉及到重构catalog interface接口,以及TableEnvironment内部catalog及外部catalog规整,长远目标是能够在catalog中,存储批处理和流处理connector连接器信息(不仅仅是Hive,还包括是Kafka, Elasticsearch等连接器)。


在下一节中可以看到,本文档主要介绍了一组与catalog相关的API,以替换现有的,不完整的和未使用的API。更具体地说,我们提出了一系列接口,用于管理和统一catalog内部的表,视图,函数等,这些接口在要么在外部系统(例如Hive),或者在内部系统(例如Flink内部SQL Client定义YAML文件)。我们还为catalog通常依赖的meta-object(元数据对象)定义了接口,例如表,视图和函数(UDF)。由于Flink允许多个catalog共存于一个用户会话中,因此需要一个管理类CatalogManager,让用户代码更为简洁和方便。简而言之,这些接口主要与SQL和Table API有关。

Catalog可以在客户端程序(例如SQL Client)中配置。因此,我们还支持YAML方式配置Catalog。



统一的Catalog API(FLink FLIP-30翻译)_第1张图片


这个类来自重命名现有的ExternalCatalog 类。删除“External”(外部)关键字的原因是内部和外部之间没有明确的区别,因为外部catalog也可以用于存储Flink的元对象。


 * All methods in this class can throw a `CatalogException` if the communication
 * fails or the API is not used as intended.
public interface ReadableCatalog {

     * Open and close methods for establishing or tearing down connections
     * to external systems.
    void open();
    void close();

     * Get a table factory instance that can convert catalog tables of this catalog 
     * to sources or sinks. This allows a catalog to provide connectors directly without
     * going through a discovery mechanism. If a table factory isn’t provided, the
     * current discovery mechanism will be used with Java Service Providers.
    Optional getTableFactory();

     * List and get instances of databases.
    List listDatabases();

     * Return information about the database (description, last modified date, etc.).
     * Throw a `DatabaseNotFound` exception if database isn’t found.
    CatalogDatabase getDatabase(String databaseName);

     * List table names under the given database. Throw a `DatabaseNotFound` exception
     * if database isn’t found.
    List listTables(String databaseName);

     * List view names under the given database. Throw a `DatabaseNotFound` exception
     * if database isn’t found.
    List listViews(String databaseName);

     * Returns both physical or virtual tables (aka tables or views).
    CatalogCommonTable getTable(ObjectPath tableOrViewName);

     * List function names under the given database. Throw a `DatabaseNotFound` exception if 
     * database isn’t found.
    List listFunctions(String databaseName);

     * Returns a function definition.
    CatalogFunction getFunction(ObjectPath functionName);


1、添加open()和close()。它们被添加到ReadableCatalog 接口,以兼容外部连接(external connections)。他们可能需要一些运行时上下文,但是我们暂时不做介绍。

2、添加了view/ UDF相关的读取接口

统一的Catalog API(FLink FLIP-30翻译)_第2张图片


这表示schema/database对象。它目前是subcatalog的模型,来自FLINK-6574。有关更多讨论,请参见“Additional Notes”附加说明部分。

请注意,许多meta-object类(包括CatalogDatabase ,CatalogTable 和CatalogView ),都有一个称为properties的成员变量。它们之所以出现,是因为external catalog可能允许用户指定任何常规属性,例如所有者,creation_time,last_access_time等。

public final class CatalogDatabase {
    private final Map properties;
    public CatalogDatabase(Map properties) {
        this.properties = properties;
    public Map getProperties() {
        return properties;

六、ObjectPath 类


public final class ObjectPath {

    private final String databaseName;

    private final String objectName;

    public ObjectPath(String databaseName, String objectName) {
        this.databaseName = databaseName;
        this.objectName = objectName;

    public String getDatabaseName() {
        return databaseName;

    public String getObjectName() {
        return objectName;

七、CatalogCommonTable & CatalogTable接口

CatalogTable从ExternalCatalogTable修改而来 。它定义了Properties Map,在该属Map中,关于表的所有stats和schema,都被编码为键值对(descriptor),或者仅仅是一个POJO类,具有table schema, table stats, 和 table properties。

public interface CatalogCommonTable {
    public TableSchema getSchema();
    public Map getProperties();
public interface CatalogTable extends CatalogCommonTable {
    public TableStatistics getTableStatistics();

注意:当前,TableSchema仅包含有关表的基本信息,例如字段名称和类型。由于还正在进行SQL DDL讨论,因此将来可能会扩展此类,以表示CREATE TABLE语句中声明的所有内容(schema, computed columns, partitioning, and key constraints约束).。TableSchema与table properties一起,factory 类具有全量的信息,用于创建Flink连接器。



Public class HiveTable implements CatalogTable {
    Public TableSchema getSchema() {
        // get from Hive megastore
    Public TableStats getStats() {
        // get from Hive megastore
      * Hive table properties (not contain schema or stats)
    Public TableStats getProperties() {
        // get from Hive megastore

九、GenericCatalogTable 类


public class GenericCatalogTable implements CatalogTable {
    // All table info (schema, stat, and table properties) is encoded as properties
    private Map properties;
    private TableSchema tableSchema;
    prviate TableStats tableStats;
    public TableSchema getSchema() {
        return tableSchema
    Public TableStats getStats() {
        return tableStats;
    public Map getProperties() {
        return properties;


CatalogView是CommonTable的一种特殊类型。View视图由查询语句(query statement, )定义,查询语句的扩展形式也需要存储,以记住查询上下文(例如当前database)。

public interface CatalogView extends CommonTable {
    // Original text of the view definition.
    String getOriginalQuery();
    // Expanded text of the original view definition
    // This is needed because the context such as current DB is
    // lost after the session, in which view is defined, is gone.
    // Expanded query text takes care of the this, as an example. 
    String getExpandedQuery();



  * The detailed definition of this class needs to be further sorted
  * out
public class CatalogFunction {
    private Enum from; // source of the function (can only be "CLASS" for now)
    private String clazz; // fully qualified class name of the function
    private Map properties;
    public CatalogFunction(String from, String clazz, Map properties) {
        this.properties = properties;
    public Map getProperties() {
        return properties;


该接口来自重命名CrudExternalCatalog 类。我们添加了与view和function相关的方法。

public interface ReadableWritableCatalog extends ReadableCatalog {
    void createDatabase(String databaseName, CatalogDatabase database, boolean ignoreIfExists);
    void alterDatabase(String databaseName, CatalogDatabase database, boolean ignoreIfNotExists);
    void renameDatabase(String databaseName,String newDatabaseName, boolean ignoreIfNotExists);
    void dropDatabase(String databaseName, boolean ignoreIfNotExists);
    void createTable(ObjectPath tableName, CatalogTable table, boolean ignoreIfExists);
     * dropTable() also covers views.
     * @param tableName
     * @param ignoreIfNotExists
    void dropTable(ObjectPath tableName, boolean ignoreIfNotExists);
    void renameTable(ObjectPath tableName, String newTableName, boolean ignoreIfNotExists);
    void alterTable(ObjectPath tableName, CatalogTable table, boolean ignoreIfNotExists):
    void createView(ObjectPath viewName, CatalogView view, boolean ignoreIfExists);
    void alterView(ObjectPath viewName, CatalogView view, boolean ignoreIfNotExists);
    void createFunction(ObjectPath funcName, CatalogFunction function, boolean ignoreIfExists);
    void renameFunction(ObjectPath funcName, String newFuncName, boolean ignoreIfNotExists);
    void dropFunction(ObjectPath funcName, boolean ignoreIfNotExists);
    void alterFunction(ObjectPath funcName, CatalogFunction function, boolean ignoreIfNotExists);



abstract class HiveCatalogBase implements ReadableWritableCatalog {
    Private HiveMetastoreClient hmsClient;
    // implementation for reading metadata from or writing metadata to 
    // Hive metastore
    // Any utility methods that are common to both HiveCatalog and
    // FlinkHmsCatalog


HiveCatalog类是HiveCatalogBase类的扩展,是存储在Hive Metastore中的Hive meta-objects对应的catalog。

class HiveCatalog extends HiveCatalogBase {
    public TableFactory getTableFactory() {
        return new HiveTableFactory();
    // Implementation of other methods that are not implemented yet.



class GenericHiveMetastoreCatalog extends HiveCatalogBase {
    public TableFactory getTableFactory() {
        return null; // Use table factory discovery mechanism
    // Implementation of other methods that are not implemented yet.

十六、CatalogManager 类

我们引入CatalogManager类来管理TableEnvironment中所有已注册的ReadableCatalog 实例。它还具有默认catalog的概念,当在meta-object引用中未提供catalog名称时,将选择默认catalog。

public class CatalogManager {
    // The catalog to hold all registered and translated tables
    // We disable caching here to prevent side effects
    private CalciteSchema internalSchema = CalciteSchema.createRootSchema(true, false);
    private SchemaPlus rootSchema = internalSchema.plus();
    // A list of named catalogs.
    private Map catalogs;
    // The name of the default catalog
    private String defaultCatalog = null;
    public CatalogManager(Map catalogs, String defaultCatalog) {
        // make sure that defaultCatalog is in catalogs.keySet().
        this.catalogs = catalogs;
        this.defaultCatalog = defaultCatalog;
    public void registerCatalog(String catalogName, ReadableCatalog catalog) {
        catalogs.put(catalogName, catalog);
    public ReadableCatalog getCatalog(String catalogName) {
        return catalogs.get(catalogName);
    public Set getCatalogs() {
        return this.catalogs.keySet();
    public void setDefaultCatalog(String catName) {
        // validate
        this.defaultCatalog = catqName;
    public ReadableCatalog getDefaultCatalog() {
        return this.catalogs.get(defaultCatalog);

除了ReadableCatalogs列表之外,CatalogManger还封装了Calcite的schema框架,这样除了parser需要所有的catalog之外,CatalogManager之外的任何代码都不需要与Calcite的schema交互。(所有的catalog都将被添加到calcite schema中,以便所有的external外部表,可以被calcite在查询和解析期间使用)

十七、TableEnvironment 类

这是table API中的已有的类,该类现在具有对CatalogManager 实例的引用,该引用(CatalogManager实例),将用来添加或者替换 in-memory meta-objects、registered catalogs。

abstract class TableEnvironment(val config: TableConfig) {
  private val catalogManager: CatalogManager;
  // This is an existing class with only argument type change
  def registerCatalog(name: String, catalog: ReadableCatalog): Unit
  // Set the default catalog
  def setDefaultCatalog(catName: String);
  // Set the default database
  Def setDefaultDatabase(catName: String, databaseName: String): unit

TableEnvironment 类当前具有一些特殊的registerTable 方法,例如TableSource ,TableSink 和非公共类(例如Table RelTable 和Table InlineTable) 。这些API将保持不变。但是,为了利用catalog的持久化,可能会更改其实现。详细信息将在本设计系列的第2部分中提供。


以下是Flink中catalog配置的示例。可用的catalog类型有:flink-in-memory, generic-hive-metastore, and hive。每个实现类和相应的工厂类的详细信息将在后续的设计文档中提供。在这里,我们仅关注如何在YAML文件中指定catalog。

-  name: hive1
     type: hive
     is-default: false
     default-db: default
        hive.metastore.uris: “thrift://host1:10000,thrift://host2:10000”
        hive.metastore.username: “flink”
-  name: flink1
     type: generic-hive-metastore
     is-default: true
     Default-db: default
        hive.metastore.uris: “thrift://host1:10000,thrift://host2:10000”
        hive.metastore.username: “flink”
       Hive.metastore.db: flink

十九、TableFactory 接口


interface TableFactory {
  Map requiredContext();
  List supportedProperties();
The following is a utility class providing implementations for conversions between CatallogTable and property map.

public class TableFactoryUtils {
  public static CatalogTable convertToCatalogTable(Map properties) {
    // default implementation
  Public static Map convertToProperties(CatalogTable
    table) {
    // implementation
Interface StreamTableSourceFactory extends TableFactory {
    // this one is existing one, which will be deprecated.
    StreamTableSource createStreamTableSource(Map properties);
    // This one is new with default implementation.
    Default StreamTableSource createStreamTableSource(CatalogTable table) {
      return createStreamTableSource(
        TableFactoryUtils.convertToProperties(table) );
Interface StreamTableSinkFactory extends TableFactory {
    // this one is existing one
    StreamTableSink createStreamSinkSource(Map properties);
    // This one is new.
    Default StreamTableSink createStreamSinkSource(CatalogTable table) {
      return createStreamTableSink(
        TableFactoryUtils.convertToProperties(table) );
Interface BatchTableSourceFactory extends TableFactory {
    // this one is existing one
    BatchTableSource createBatchTableSource(Map properties);
    // This one is new.
    Default BatchTableSource createBatchTableSource(CatalogTable table) {
      return createBatchTableSource(
        TableFactoryUtils.convertToProperties(table) );
Interface BatchTableSinkFactory extends TableFactory {
    // this one is existing one
    BatchTableSink createBatchTableSink(Map properties);
    // This one is new.
    BatchTableSink createBatchTableSink(CatalogTable table) {
      return createBatchTableSink(
        TableFactoryUtils.convertToProperties(table) );

二十、HiveTableFactory 类


Public class HiveTableFactory implements BatchTableSourceFactory, BatchTableSinkFactory {
    Map requiredContext() {
        // return an empty map to indicate that auto discovery is not needed.
        return new HashMap<>().
    List supportedProperties() {
        // Return an empty list to indicate that no check is needed.
        Return new ArrayList<>();
    BatchTableSource createBatchTableSource(Map properties) {
        // convert properties to catalogtable and call the other version of this method.
        // It’s fine not to support this method.
    BatchTableSource createBatchTableSink(Map properties) {
        // convert properties to catalogtable and call the other version of this method.
        // It’s fine not to support this method.
    BatchTableSource createBatchTableSource(CatalogTable table) {
        Assert (table instanceof HiveTable);
           HiveTable hiveTable = (HiveTable)table;
           // create a table source based on HiveTable
           // This is specific implementation for Hive tables.
    BatchTableSource createBatchTableSink(CatalogTable table) {
        Assert (table instanceof HiveTable);
           HiveTable hiveTable = (HiveTable)table;
        // create a table sink based on HiveTable
        // This is specific implementation for Hive tables.

二十一、自动加载Table Factory

如果一个catalog(例如上面的GenericHiveMetastoreCatalog )从其getTableFactory()中返回null ,则框架将利用Java Service Provider interfaces(SPI)自动发现真实的table factory。这是Flink中定义的所有Table的现有机制。



在一个系统具有多个catalog的情况下,必须通过 catalog name, schema/database name, table name来标识表(Table)。因此,表引用需要包括catalog name, schema name, and table name,例如hive1.risk_db.user_events 。如果缺少catalog名称,则假定它表示默认catalog(无论当前默认catalog设置的是哪一个)和默认database。

我们在Flink SQL中引入了默认数据库(default database)概念。这对应于SQL“ use xxx”,其中将schema(database) 设置为当前架构,而没有database/schema前缀的任何表都引用默认架构。由于Flink具有多个catalog,因此语法将为“ use cat1.db1”,其中cat1将是默认目录,而db1将是默认数据库。给定一个表名,目录管理器必须将其解析为全名,以便正确识别该表。




1、创建ReadableCatalog ,ReadableWritableCatalog 和相关接口。弃用现有的ExternalCatalog 和CrudExternalCatalog 接口。
2、调整现有InMemoryExternalCatalog 到GenericInMemoryCatalog 类。
3、在TableEnvironment中创建CatalogManager 来管理注册的(可能是多个)catalog,并封装Calcite schema管理。
4、在SQL客户端YAML文件中定义catalog 入口,并处理这些DDL的创建和注册。
6、实现HiveCatalog 和HiveTableFactory 。
7、将HiveTableFactory 与现有table factory discovery关联起来。
8、实现GenericHiveMetastoreCatalog 。


这里的设计完全基于JAVA,因此实现取决于将当前TableEnvironment 和相关类移植到JAVA 的工作是否完成。[ FLIP-28 ],[ FLINK-11067 ]


2、不鼓励在SQL Client YAML文件中定义表的方式,但是为了向后兼容,仅当catalog中不存在表时才创建它们。


由于更改主要涉及一组大多数未使用的API,因此测试主要是关于:当我们实际实现Hive connector以及Flink中定义的catalog和meta-object(元数据对象),对API有效性进行验证。在此过程中,可能会进一步完善API,以满足这些实现中的特殊要求。
