
①它从橙子大小缩成了橘子大小。我的腿上和周围的树枝上都是掉下来的又薄又软的树叶皮。It shrunk from the size of an orange to that of a mandarin.My lap and the branches below were covered with thin,soft leaf peelings.②确切的说是一颗臼齿。表面被染成了绿色,上面有很多小细孔。A molar,to be exact.The surface stained green and finely pierced with holes.③我没有喊出来。我觉得恐惧只有在电影里才是出声的。我打了个哆嗦,然后走开了。I did not scream.I think only in movies is horror vocal.I simply shuddered and left the tree.
