r语言调用python_R 调用 python

上一篇说了python使用 rpy2 调用 R,这里介绍R如何调用python。R的强项在于统计方面,尤其是专业的统计分析,统计检验以及作图功能十分强大,但是在通用性方面,就远不如Python了,比如python可以做web,可以开发GUI,可以爬虫,甚至可以开发游戏,这些R其实也不是完全不行,但是在易用性方面实在是难以与Python相匹敌。所以如果要是能将R与Python相结合,充分发挥二者的优势,那么无疑我们会得到一个更加强大的武器。幸运的是,R 为我们提供了这么一个工具,rPython。


How does rPython work?

One of the most daunting tasks in building an interface between two languages is provide mechanisms for exchanging different data structures between them. rPython uses json:

R/Python objects are dumped into json strings using their respective parsers (RJSONIO and simplejson) respectively.

These strings are passed between the two languages using their string exchange mechanisms.
