倚天屠龙记 Heavenly Sword Dragon Slaying Saber 02




Mount ShaoShi of HeNan province were a set of large stone steps, these steps were constructed under the order of Emperor GaoZong of the Tang dynasty. It looked very impressive as Guo Xiang proceeded up the mountain. Before long she could see the monastery.

1、proceed up 前文也出现过,沿山道缓缓而上 proceeding up the mountain pass

2、monastery /'mɑnəstɛri/ (n.) 修道院;僧侣   Shaolin Monastery: 少林寺


She stared at the roof for a moment and thought: "The ShaoLin Monastery is said to be the origin of martial arts, but why aren't there any ShaoLin experts among the 5 Greats? Is it because the ShaoLin experts knew there weren't a match for the other experts and were afraid to disgrace ShaoLin and refused to go? Or was it because the monks had evolved beyond earthly matters and didn't want to scramble for power and fame.

1、武学——martial arts    武林高手——martial arts experts

2、earthly matters 世俗事务   例:do not allow earthly matters to distract you

3、scramble:to struggle or compete with other people to get or reach something

例:(scramble for)Thousands of people will be scrambling for tickets.


After a while she saw a large stone tablet, half of it was gone and the characters were unclear, Guo Xiang was thinking: "How come characters carved into stone can fade away through time, but my feelings carved in my heart become more and more stronger as time goes by."


This tablet was bestowed by Emperor TaiZong of the Tang dynasty. He praised the ShaoLin monks for helping him suppress the rebellions. The tablet states the military credits of the ShaoLin monks for helping Emperor TaiZong defeat the rebel general Wang ShiChong, of which 13 monks were most famous. Only one monk became a general and the other 12 didn't want to become officials and Emperor TaiZong bestowed 12 purple kasayas. Guo Xiang was thinking: "During the Sui and Tang Dynasty, the ShaoLin Monastery was already very famous for its martial arts, and now after a few hundred years they must be even more formidable."

1、bestow:to give someone something of great value or importance赠与;授予

    例:(bestow something on/upon somebody)   Honours bestowed on him by the Queen.

2、平乱 suppress the rebellions   太平天国运动/太平天国之乱 The Taiping Rebellion or Taiping Civil War 

制暴平乱,防恐打恐  put down riot and crack down on terrorism

3、credit :approval or praise that you give to someone for something they have done赞扬;荣誉;功劳

   例:(credit for)

      ①Credit for this win goes to everybody in the team.

      ②They never give Gene any credit for all the extra work he does.

4、formidable (adj.) 可怕的, 令人畏惧的;令人惊叹[钦佩]的;难以克服[对付]的

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