


 * Physical plan node for scanning data from HadoopFsRelations.
 * @param relation The file-based relation to scan.
 * @param output Output attributes of the scan, including data attributes and partition attributes.
 * @param requiredSchema Required schema of the underlying relation, excluding partition columns.
 * @param partitionFilters Predicates to use for partition pruning.
 * @param dataFilters Filters on non-partition columns.
 * @param metastoreTableIdentifier identifier for the table in the metastore.
case class FileSourceScanExec(
    @transient relation: HadoopFsRelation,
    output: Seq[Attribute],
    requiredSchema: StructType,
    partitionFilters: Seq[Expression],
    dataFilters: Seq[Expression],
    override val metastoreTableIdentifier: Option[TableIdentifier])
  extends DataSourceScanExec with ColumnarBatchScan  {

   * Create an RDD for non-bucketed reads.
   * The bucketed variant of this function is [[createBucketedReadRDD]].
   * @param readFile a function to read each (part of a) file.
   * @param selectedPartitions Hive-style partition that are part of the read.
   * @param fsRelation [[HadoopFsRelation]] associated with the read.
  private def createNonBucketedReadRDD(
      readFile: (PartitionedFile) => Iterator[InternalRow],
      selectedPartitions: Seq[PartitionDirectory],
      fsRelation: HadoopFsRelation): RDD[InternalRow] = {
    val defaultMaxSplitBytes =
    val openCostInBytes = fsRelation.sparkSession.sessionState.conf.filesOpenCostInBytes
    val defaultParallelism = fsRelation.sparkSession.sparkContext.defaultParallelism
    val totalBytes = selectedPartitions.flatMap( + openCostInBytes)).sum
    val bytesPerCore = totalBytes / defaultParallelism

    val maxSplitBytes = Math.min(defaultMaxSplitBytes, Math.max(openCostInBytes, bytesPerCore))
    logInfo(s"Planning scan with bin packing, max size: $maxSplitBytes bytes, " +
      s"open cost is considered as scanning $openCostInBytes bytes.")

    val splitFiles = selectedPartitions.flatMap { partition =>
      partition.files.flatMap { file =>
        val blockLocations = getBlockLocations(file)
        if (fsRelation.fileFormat.isSplitable(
            fsRelation.sparkSession, fsRelation.options, file.getPath)) {
          (0L until file.getLen by maxSplitBytes).map { offset =>
            val remaining = file.getLen - offset
            val size = if (remaining > maxSplitBytes) maxSplitBytes else remaining
            val hosts = getBlockHosts(blockLocations, offset, size)
              partition.values, file.getPath.toUri.toString, offset, size, hosts)
        } else {
          val hosts = getBlockHosts(blockLocations, 0, file.getLen)
            partition.values, file.getPath.toUri.toString, 0, file.getLen, hosts))

    val partitions = new ArrayBuffer[FilePartition]
    val currentFiles = new ArrayBuffer[PartitionedFile]
    var currentSize = 0L

    /** Close the current partition and move to the next. */
    def closePartition(): Unit = {
      if (currentFiles.nonEmpty) {
        val newPartition =
            currentFiles.toArray.toSeq) // Copy to a new Array.
        partitions += newPartition
      currentSize = 0

    // Assign files to partitions using "First Fit Decreasing" (FFD)
    splitFiles.foreach { file =>
      if (currentSize + file.length > maxSplitBytes) {
      // Add the given file to the current partition.
      currentSize += file.length + openCostInBytes
      currentFiles += file

    new FileScanRDD(fsRelation.sparkSession, readFile, partitions)


val bytesPerCore = totalBytes / defaultParallelism

val maxSplitBytes = Math.min(defaultMaxSplitBytes, Math.max(openCostInBytes, bytesPerCore))


比如:bytesPerCore = 100MB / 2 = 50MB

maxSplitBytes = min(128MB,max(4MB,50MB) = 50MB

For distributed shuffle operations like reduceByKey and join, the largest number of partitions in a parent RDD. For operations like parallelize with no parent RDDs, it depends on the cluster manager:

  • Local mode: number of cores on the local machine
  • Mesos fine grained mode: 8
  • Others: total number of cores on all executor nodes or 2, whichever is larger

官方文档:Configuration - Spark 3.5.0 Documentation


class SparkContext(config: SparkConf) extends Logging {

  /** Default level of parallelism to use when not given by user (e.g. parallelize and makeRDD). */
  def defaultParallelism: Int = {
   * Default min number of partitions for Hadoop RDDs when not given by user
   * Notice that we use math.min so the "defaultMinPartitions" cannot be higher than 2.
   * The reasons for this are discussed in
  def defaultMinPartitions: Int = math.min(defaultParallelism, 2)

 * Low-level task scheduler interface, currently implemented exclusively by
 * [[org.apache.spark.scheduler.TaskSchedulerImpl]].
 * This interface allows plugging in different task schedulers. Each TaskScheduler schedules tasks
 * for a single SparkContext. These schedulers get sets of tasks submitted to them from the
 * DAGScheduler for each stage, and are responsible for sending the tasks to the cluster, running
 * them, retrying if there are failures, and mitigating stragglers. They return events to the
 * DAGScheduler.
private[spark] trait TaskScheduler {

  // Get the default level of parallelism to use in the cluster, as a hint for sizing jobs.
  def defaultParallelism(): Int

 * Schedules tasks for multiple types of clusters by acting through a SchedulerBackend.
 * It can also work with a local setup by using a `LocalSchedulerBackend` and setting
 * isLocal to true. It handles common logic, like determining a scheduling order across jobs, waking
 * up to launch speculative tasks, etc.
 * Clients should first call initialize() and start(), then submit task sets through the
 * runTasks method.
 * THREADING: [[SchedulerBackend]]s and task-submitting clients can call this class from multiple
 * threads, so it needs locks in public API methods to maintain its state. In addition, some
 * [[SchedulerBackend]]s synchronize on themselves when they want to send events here, and then
 * acquire a lock on us, so we need to make sure that we don't try to lock the backend while
 * we are holding a lock on ourselves.
private[spark] class TaskSchedulerImpl private[scheduler](
  override def defaultParallelism(): Int = backend.defaultParallelism()

 * A backend interface for scheduling systems that allows plugging in different ones under
 * TaskSchedulerImpl. We assume a Mesos-like model where the application gets resource offers as
 * machines become available and can launch tasks on them.
private[spark] trait SchedulerBackend {
  private val appId = "spark-application-" + System.currentTimeMillis

  def start(): Unit
  def stop(): Unit
  def reviveOffers(): Unit
  def defaultParallelism(): Int

 * Used when running a local version of Spark where the executor, backend, and master all run in
 * the same JVM. It sits behind a [[TaskSchedulerImpl]] and handles launching tasks on a single
 * Executor (created by the [[LocalSchedulerBackend]]) running locally.
private[spark] class LocalSchedulerBackend(
  override def defaultParallelism(): Int =
    scheduler.conf.getInt("spark.default.parallelism", totalCores)


package org.apache.spark.scheduler.cluster

 * A scheduler backend that waits for coarse-grained executors to connect.
 * This backend holds onto each executor for the duration of the Spark job rather than relinquishing
 * executors whenever a task is done and asking the scheduler to launch a new executor for
 * each new task. Executors may be launched in a variety of ways, such as Mesos tasks for the
 * coarse-grained Mesos mode or standalone processes for Spark's standalone deploy mode
 * (spark.deploy.*).
class CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend(scheduler: TaskSchedulerImpl, val rpcEnv: RpcEnv)
  extends ExecutorAllocationClient with SchedulerBackend with Logging
  override def defaultParallelism(): Int = {
    conf.getInt("spark.default.parallelism", math.max(totalCoreCount.get(), 2))




The maximum number of bytes to pack into a single partition when reading files.





The estimated cost to open a file, measured by the number of bytes could be scanned in the same time. This is used when putting multiple files into a partition. It's better to over estimated, then the partitions with small files will be faster than partitions with bigger files (which is scheduled first)



object SQLConf {

val FILES_MAX_PARTITION_BYTES = buildConf("spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes")
    .doc("The maximum number of bytes to pack into a single partition when reading files.")
    .createWithDefault(128 * 1024 * 1024) // parquet.block.size

val FILES_OPEN_COST_IN_BYTES = buildConf("spark.sql.files.openCostInBytes")
  .doc("The estimated cost to open a file, measured by the number of bytes could be scanned in" +
    " the same time. This is used when putting multiple files into a partition. It's better to" +
    " over estimated, then the partitions with small files will be faster than partitions with" +
    " bigger files (which is scheduled first).")
  .createWithDefault(4 * 1024 * 1024)

