信号采样基本概念 —— 7.数模转换(DAC & ADC)


  • 数字转模拟(DAC)
    • 一个简单的数字转模拟方案
  • 模拟转数字(ADC)






信号采样基本概念 —— 7.数模转换(DAC & ADC)_第1张图片

信号采样基本概念 —— 7.数模转换(DAC & ADC)_第2张图片


V o u t = b 3 × V r e f × 8 16 + b 2 × V r e f × 4 16 + b 1 × V r e f × 2 16 + b 0 × V r e f × 1 16 V_{out} = b_3 \times V_{ref} \times \frac{8}{16} + b_2 \times V_{ref} \times \frac{4}{16} + b_1 \times V_{ref} \times \frac{2}{16} + b_0 \times V_{ref} \times \frac{1}{16} Vout=b3×Vref×168+b2×Vref×164+b1×Vref×162+b0×Vref×161


def dac_output(binary_input, V_ref):
    Calculate the output of a 4-bit DAC for a given binary input.

    :param binary_input: A string of 4 bits, e.g., "1010".
    :param V_ref: Reference voltage of the DAC.
    :return: Analog output voltage.
    if len(binary_input) != 4 or not set(binary_input).issubset({"0", "1"}):
        raise ValueError("binary_input must be a 4-bit binary string.")

    # Mapping each bit to its weighted value
    weights = [8/16, 4/16, 2/16, 1/16]

    V_out = sum(int(bit) * weight * V_ref for bit, weight in zip(binary_input, weights))
    return V_out

# Example:
binary_input = ["1010", "0101", "1111", "0000"]
V_ref = 5.0  # Let's assume the reference voltage is 5 volts.
for b_input in binary_input:
    output_voltage = dac_output(b_input, V_ref)
    print(f"For binary input {b_input}, the DAC output voltage is: {output_voltage:.2f} V")


For binary input 1010, the DAC output voltage is: 3.12 V
For binary input 0101, the DAC output voltage is: 1.56 V
For binary input 1111, the DAC output voltage is: 4.69 V
For binary input 0000, the DAC output voltage is: 0.00 V



Δ V = V r e f 2 4 \Delta V = \frac{V_{ref}}{2^4} ΔV=24Vref


def adc_output(V_in, V_ref):
    Calculate the output of a 4-bit ADC for a given analog input voltage.

    :param V_in: Input analog voltage.
    :param V_ref: Reference voltage of the ADC.
    :return: 4-bit binary string representation.
    if V_in > V_ref:
        raise ValueError("Input voltage exceeds reference voltage.")
    quantization_levels = 2**4
    delta_V = V_ref / quantization_levels
    digital_value = round(V_in / delta_V)  # Use rounding here
    binary_output = format(digital_value, '04b')  # Convert to 4-bit binary string
    return binary_output

# Example:
V_in = [3.12, 1.56, 4.69, 0.00]
V_ref = 5.0  # Reference voltage, same as before

for v in V_in:
    binary_output = adc_output(v, V_ref)
    print(f"For input voltage {v} V, the ADC output is: {binary_output}")


For input voltage 3.12 V, the ADC output is: 1010
For input voltage 1.56 V, the ADC output is: 0101
For input voltage 4.69 V, the ADC output is: 1111
For input voltage 0.0 V, the ADC output is: 0000
