



Name Type Description Default
value int Default value Slider default minimum
values List isRange = true, values must be passed as a valid value and cannot be empty -
isRange bool whether to use the range false
min int Slider minimum 0
max int Slider maximum 100
isShowLabel bool Show the label on the slider false
label String Label displays data. It is valid only when “isShowlabel” is true. null
isGradientBg bool Whether the background color of the background slider is a gradient. true
onChange SliderChangeCallback A custom callback function that triggers as long as the slider moves null
onChangeEnd SliderChangeCallback A Custom callback function triggered by slider stop movement null
onChangeBegin SliderChangeCallback A Custom callback function triggered by slider start movement null
colors List< Color > Slider background gradient from left to right,When isgradientbg = true, it is the gradient color array. When isgradientbg = false, when it is not set, the main color of the slider is the current theme color of the system, and the auxiliary color is white. When colors is set, the main color is the first in the array and the auxiliary color is the last There are two colors by default, the first app is the main color, and the second is white
labelStyle LabelStyle Custom label style this
sliderStyle SliderStyle slider label style this
thumbStyle ThumbStyle thumb label style this


开发项目时需要一个渐变色背景的滑块,大概找了下没找到合适的,刚好有时间所以就自己写了一个,内容比较冷门想着以后有可能还会用到就练手写了个插件。最后非常感谢 Magic旭 他的 Flutter-如何计算文字宽高 文章对我帮助很大。
