
【英】刘易斯•卡罗尔 著    董编  译&绘

And here Alice began to get rather sleepy, and went on saying to herself, in a dreamy sort of way,“Do cats eat bats? Do cats eat bats?” and sometimes,“Do bats eat cats?” for, you see, as she couldn't answer either question, it didn’t much matter which way she put it.  She felt that she was dozing off, and had just begun to dream that she was walking hand with Dinah, and saying to her very earnestly,“Now, Dinah, tell me the truth: did you ever eat a bat?” when suddenly, thump! thump! down she came upon a heap of sticks and dry leaves, and the fall was over.

爱丽丝这时感觉到更加困倦了,在朦朦胧胧里,她继续不断自言自语:“猫咪吃不吃蝙蝠呢?”或者有时候说道:“咦?蝙蝠吃猫吗?”喏,你瞧,在她哪个问题都没搞清楚的时候,她都搞不清她现在到底身在何处了。在那一片朦朦胧胧里,她牵着戴娜的小手一起散着步,还对小猫咪非常认真地说:“戴娜,现在你必须向我说实话:’你到底吃没吃过蝙蝠?’ ”猛地一下,匡匡匡的重击,爱丽丝跌落到了一大堆枯柴和干树叶子上,这段梦幻的落啊落啊落啊就这么结束了。

much matter: 到底

dozing off: 打瞌睡

earnestly: 认真地

thump: 重击

heap: 堆
