在postgresql数据库中由于单表默认上限是32TB,遇到较大容量的表就需要使用分区表对主表进行拆分。方便管理,也能大大 提高对数据的检索效率。
范围分区最为常见,也最为灵活,它的分区键可以是数值,时间。并根据其值划分范围进行分区。相当于应用了 between start_vaules and end_vaules and 不等于end_vaules的一个判断。其分区范围规则是左闭右开[start_values,end_values)
继承式分区,通过before insert on 父表name for each row 触发器去触发存储过程,并通过存储过程内部的if 判断分区键的值而插入到不同的子表中去。if判断可以是等值判断,范围判断,也可以是哈希值的等值、范围判断。
在pg10.0版本以前,主流还是使用继承式分区,但是继承式分区其创建环节也及其繁琐,需要创建父表➡子表➡函数➡触发器 环环相扣,由于链路的繁杂,也导致其维护较为复杂,当需要增加子表时,还需要修改存储过程以及检查触发器的涉及内容。
CREATE TABLE public.text_import (
代码 varchar(200) NULL,
名称 varchar(200) NULL,
物料全名 varchar(200) NULL,
规格型号 varchar(200) NULL,
辅助属性类别_fname varchar(200) NULL,
辅助属性类别_fnumber varchar(200) NULL,
物料属性_fname varchar(200) NULL,
默认仓库_fname varchar(200) NULL,
默认仓库_fnumber varchar(200) NULL,
来源_fname varchar(200) NULL,
id bigserial NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE public.text02 (
CONSTRAINT text02_id_check CHECK (( (id <= 100000)))
INHERITS (public.text_import);
CREATE TABLE public.text03 (
CONSTRAINT text03_id_check CHECK (((id >= 100001) AND (id <= 200000)))
INHERITS (public.text_import);
CREATE TABLE public.text04 (
CONSTRAINT text04_id_check CHECK (((id >= 200001) AND (id <= 300000)))
INHERITS (public.text_import);
CREATE TABLE public.text05 (
CONSTRAINT text05_id_check CHECK (((id >= 300001) AND (id <= 400000)))
INHERITS (public.text_import);
CREATE TABLE public.text06 (
CONSTRAINT text06_id_check CHECK (((id >= 400001) AND (id <= 500000)))
INHERITS (public.text_import);
CREATE TABLE public.text07 (
CONSTRAINT text07_id_check CHECK (((id >= 500001) AND (id <= 600000)))
INHERITS (public.text_import);
CREATE TABLE public.text08 (
CONSTRAINT text08_id_check CHECK (((id >= 600001) AND (id <= 700000)))
INHERITS (public.text_import);
CREATE TABLE public.text09 (
CONSTRAINT text09_id_check CHECK (((id >= 700001) AND (id <= 800000)))
INHERITS (public.text_import);
CREATE TABLE public.text10 (
CONSTRAINT text10_id_check CHECK (((id >= 800001) AND (id <= 900000)))
INHERITS (public.text_import);
CREATE TABLE public.text11 (
CONSTRAINT text11_id_check CHECK ((id >= 1000000))
INHERITS (public.text_import);
create or replace function ins_tg() returns trigger as $$
if new.ID <= 100000 then
insert into TEXT02 (
elseif new.ID >= 100001 AND NEW.ID <= 200000 then
insert into TEXT03(
elseif new.ID >= 200001 AND new.ID <= 300000 then
insert into TEXT04(
elseif new.ID >= 300001 AND new.ID <= 400000 then
insert into TEXT05(
elseif new.ID >= 400001 AND new.ID <= 500000 then
insert into TEXT06(
elseif new.ID >= 500001 AND new.ID <= 600000 then
insert into TEXT07(
elseif new.ID >= 600001 AND new.ID <= 700000 then
insert into TEXT08(
elseif new.ID >= 700001 AND new.ID <= 800000 then
insert into TEXT09(
elseif new.ID >= 800001 AND new.ID <= 900000 then
insert into TEXT10(
elseif new.id >= 900001 then
insert into TEXT11(
raise notice '数据未插入:%',new.id ;
end if;
return null;
$$language plpgsql ;
create trigger text_tgr before insert on text_import for each row execute procedure ins_tg();
insert into public.text_import
md5((random()*random())::text ),
md5((random()*random()) ::text),
md5((random()*random())::text ),
md5((random()*random()) ::text),
md5((random()*random()) ::text),
md5((random()*random())::text ),
md5((random()*random())::text ),
md5((random()*random())::text ),
md5((random()*random()) ::text),
md5((random()*random()) ::text),
generate_series(1,3000000) as n;
alter table public.text11 no inherit public.text_import ; --解除继承关系
alter table public.text11 inherit public.text_import ; --绑定继承关系
CREATE TABLE public.text11 (
CONSTRAINT text11_id_check CHECK ((id >= 1000000))
INHERITS (public.text_import);
drop table if exists main.extract_train CASCADE;
create table main.extract_train (
sec_code int not null,
remark varchar(9999) not null,
remark_type varchar(999),
sec_name varchar(100)
) partition by list (remark_type);
-- 创建分区表
CREATE TABLE main.extract_train_bnlz PARTITION OF main.extract_train FOR VALUES IN ('不能履职');
CREATE TABLE main.extract_train_cwzj PARTITION OF main.extract_train FOR VALUES IN ('财务造假');
CREATE TABLE main.extract_train_cpwk PARTITION OF main.extract_train FOR VALUES IN ('产品违规');
CREATE TABLE main.extract_train_ggfm PARTITION OF main.extract_train FOR VALUES IN ('高管负面');
CREATE TABLE main.extract_train_gsyd PARTITION OF main.extract_train FOR VALUES IN ('公司股市异常');
CREATE TABLE main.extract_train_jywg PARTITION OF main.extract_train FOR VALUES IN ('交易违规');
CREATE TABLE main.extract_train_pjtz PARTITION OF main.extract_train FOR VALUES IN ('评级调整');
CREATE TABLE main.extract_train_other PARTITION OF main.extract_train FOR VALUES IN ('其他');
CREATE TABLE main.extract_train_sxcx PARTITION OF main.extract_train FOR VALUES IN ('涉嫌传销');
CREATE TABLE main.extract_train_ffjz PARTITION OF main.extract_train FOR VALUES IN ('涉嫌非法集资');
CREATE TABLE main.extract_train_sxqz PARTITION OF main.extract_train FOR VALUES IN ('涉嫌欺诈');
CREATE TABLE main.extract_train_sxwf PARTITION OF main.extract_train FOR VALUES IN ('涉嫌违法');
CREATE TABLE main.extract_train_slpl PARTITION OF main.extract_train FOR VALUES IN ('失联跑路');
CREATE TABLE main.extract_train_gdbg PARTITION OF main.extract_train FOR VALUES IN ('实控人股东变更');
CREATE TABLE main.extract_train_txkn PARTITION OF main.extract_train FOR VALUES IN ('提现困难');
CREATE TABLE main.extract_train_tswq PARTITION OF main.extract_train FOR VALUES IN ('投诉维权');
CREATE TABLE main.extract_train_xyty PARTITION OF main.extract_train FOR VALUES IN ('歇业停业');
CREATE TABLE main.extract_train_xpwk PARTITION OF main.extract_train FOR VALUES IN ('信批违规');
CREATE TABLE main.extract_train_yjxh PARTITION OF main.extract_train FOR VALUES IN ('业绩下滑');
CREATE TABLE main.extract_train_czsb PARTITION OF main.extract_train FOR VALUES IN ('重组失败');
CREATE TABLE main.extract_train_zcfm PARTITION OF main.extract_train FOR VALUES IN ('资产负面');
CREATE TABLE main.extract_train_zhfx PARTITION OF main.extract_train FOR VALUES IN ('资金账户风险');
CREATE TABLE main.extract_train_default PARTITION OF main.extract_train DEFAULT;
alter table main.extract_train detach partition main.extract_train_default ;
alter table main.extract_train detach partition main.extract_train_zhfx ;
--增加子表 (分区键值为'资金账户风险)
alter table main.extract_train attach partition main.extract_train_zhfx for values in ('资金账户风险') ;
--增加子表 (分区键值为 other)
alter table main.extract_train attach partition main.extract_train_default default ;
alter table main.extract_train detach partition main.extract_train_zhfx ;
drop table if exists main.extract_train_zhfx ;
CREATE TABLE main.extract_train_zhfx PARTITION OF main.extract_train FOR VALUES IN ('资金账户风险');
alter table main.extract_train detach partition main.extract_train_default ;
drop table if exists main.extract_train_default;
create table main.extract_train_default partition of main.extract_train default ;
drop table if exists pg_partition_text cascade;
CREATE TABLE pg_partition_text (
remark varchar(200) not null,
partition_date date,
load_time date default now()
) PARTITION BY RANGE (partition_date);
create table pkslow_person_r0 partition of pg_partition_text for values from ('20200101') to ('20210101');
create table pkslow_person_r1 partition of pg_partition_text for values from ('20210101') to ('20220101') ;
create table pkslow_person_r2 partition of pg_partition_text for values from ('20220101') to('20230101') ;
create table pkslow_person_r3 partition of pg_partition_text for values from ('20230101') to ('20240101') ;
此时创建的分区子表分区键的值范围 是左闭右开的状态 for values from ('20200101') to ('20210101'); 相当于 partition_values >= ('20200101') and partition_values < ('20210101')
insert into pg_partition_text (remark,partition_date) select md5(n::text),n from generate_series(date('20200101'),current_date,interval '1 month') n
alter table pg_partition_text detach partition pkslow_person_r0 ;
--增加子表 (分区键值为'资金账户风险)
alter table pg_partition_text attach partition pkslow_person_r0 for values from ('20200101') to ('20210101');
drop table if exists pkslow_person_r0 ;
create table pkslow_person_r0 partition of pg_partition_text for values from ('20200101') to ('20210101');
相对于继承式分区,声明式分区的使用更为灵活,性能也会更加,但是列值分区,和范围分区其分区键的值在一个固定范围中时 使用就会比较方便,无需增减分区表,修订分区区间范围。如果没有满足这些的条件时,可以使用哈希分区。采用哈希分区,数据库会调用内置的pg_partition_hash函数进行计算其插入数据该字段的哈希值 根据哈希值取余数,由于余数的不同而进入到对应的分区子表中。
-- 创建主表
create table pkslow_person_h (
age int not null,
city varchar not null,
seq bigserial
) partition by hash (city);
-- 创建分区表
create table pkslow_person_h1 partition of pkslow_person_h for values with (modulus 4, remainder 0);
create table pkslow_person_h2 partition of pkslow_person_h for values with (modulus 4, remainder 1);
create table pkslow_person_h3 partition of pkslow_person_h for values with (modulus 4, remainder 2);
create table pkslow_person_h4 partition of pkslow_person_h for values with (modulus 4, remainder 3);
-- 插入测试数据
insert into pkslow_person_h(age, city) VALUES (1, 'GZ');
insert into pkslow_person_h(age, city) VALUES (2, 'SZ');
insert into pkslow_person_h(age, city) VALUES (21, 'SZ');
insert into pkslow_person_h(age, city) VALUES (13, 'BJ');
insert into pkslow_person_h(age, city) VALUES (43, 'SH');
insert into pkslow_person_h(age, city) VALUES (28, 'HK');
alter table pkslow_person_h detach partition pkslow_person_h1;
alter table pkslow_person_h attach partition pkslow_person_h1 for values with (modulus 4, remainder 0);
alter table pkslow_person_h detach partition pkslow_person_h1;
drop table id exist pkslow_person_h1 ;
create table pkslow_person_h1 partition of pkslow_person_h for values with (modulus 4, remainder 0);
这里的分区键是city,其值也是字符类型,postgresql数据库会根据内置的pg_partition_hash函数进行调用,计算其插入数据该字段的哈希值 根据哈希值取余数,由于余数的不同而进入到对应的分区子表中
drop table text_import cascade
cascade关键字危险性极高,虽然它可以一次性删除继承式分区 的子表 触发器和函数 但是在实际生产中极有可能在未知的情况有被挂接的相关表或者object。
drop table 父表名称